Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Where Can I Get A Wax Done In Plymouth?

Avanti, Life (s) and work (s) Almafuerte

about a year ago I learned that my documentary project "Avanti, Life (s) and work (s) Almafuerte" was chosen by the Film Institute (INCAA) to represent the Province of Buenos Aires under the National Competition of Telefilm Bicentennial Documentary " The path of heroes 1810-2010 ". It was a great joy but also made my time is turned upside down and could hardly stop by this blog to tell. Here is the link to a press release that came out in La Plata to go internalizing the award.


A bit later in the shooting and some days specified in detail, and pending finish the shoot, I could put together a trailer for a minute to begin spreading the project. Here I give you also the link to pass to him. Please difundanlo.


later write something more telling some details of the shooting. Nicholas

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Homemade Praise Dance Uniforms


By Manuel Morini

My wife was born on 13 June. This was the thirteenth edition of the Premio Clarín de Novela. Channel 13 is the signal multimedia air. Amezaga Torres, I applied pseudonym, has 13 characters. The admission number of the novel was 213. Unfortunately
'm not Pythagorean. I knew these unintended but not reach flowering matches. The fate ended to make way for the decision of three personalities illustrated, lucid and creative. Edgardo Cozarinsky , Rosa Montero and Juan Cruz Ruiz , chose "The other beach" like winning novel. Gustavo
Nielsen, the author is not only an architect, but a seasoned writer with numerous published books and literary competitions veteran runner.
I remember, even when on 97, Nielsen dared to complain to Editorial Planeta Argentina, feeling manipulated by the competition to learn that day that, presumably, the novel that won "Plata Quemada" in Piglia , I was hired and was handed the award to give the accolade. What is relevant is won. I wondered then if Nielsen would not be on the verge of becoming a "cursed" of literary contests. You see no.
The first mention went to Mary Agnes Krimer, winner of Emecé 2009. Another treadmill. To recognize between people imagined it as a guest. You see no.
"Let them come to get me", my novel is a thriller political. Some chronic quite a farce. As a mechanism inherent in this genre, puts the microscope on vices and human contradictions. The actants a farce, as subjects, symbolize his social group to change or be modified by their historical context.
In "I come seeking" something about it. Hopefully, he read it, if anyone ever does, as much as I laugh when I wrote it.
Despite the convoluted numerological coincidence , if there was a spark of magic. Or, rather, synchrony Deepak Chopra type. Was to discover that Néstor Barron, friend for twenty years, was also one of ten finalists to " Jazz." We confess that upon hearing the news, both prefer to silence to avoid raising false expectations. We gain nothing. Moreover, seven of the ten did not win anything. As the lawyer said C oca Cola : followed participate and win .

Monday, April 26, 2010

Doctor Checking Woman

Midwives and gynecologists open a war for attending births

Supongo que muchos ya seréis conocedores de la noticia que salto hace unos días sobre el hospital Materno Infantil de Málaga:

Matronas y ginecólogos abren una guerra por la asistencia a los partos

El Materno Infantil decide que la responsabilidad de los alumbramientos sin complicaciones recaiga en las comadronas.

Ginecólogos y matronas juegan en el mismo equipo, pero no siempre están de acuerdo a la hora de aplicar los criterios que deben prevalecer en un parto. A veces surgen roces y choques de competencias. Esto es lo que ocurre estos días en el Hospital Materno Infantil. La aprobación de una guía para la atención de los partos normal and without complications (eutocic) has triggered a war between specialists in obstetrics and gynecology and midwives. Feelings are running high, as recognized by this newspaper yesterday several sources consulted.
The problem arises because the guide above gives the responsibility of midwives in normal childbirth. That move has angered and upset by gynecologists, who feel that they removed an authority to which they are entitled. The confrontation between the two groups is evident. Thus, in open battle because of the implementation of the document that governs the way in which we must attend natural births, management should intervene Carlos Haya Regional Hospital, which Maternal belongs to try to pacify the situation and find a solution that satisfies both parties.
At present, specialists in obstetrics and gynecology have seen their powers curtailed, and that responsibility rests with an uncomplicated birth midwives directly. Thus, midwives call the doctor just in case during delivery is a complication that requires that labor be manipulated or even have to use her to perform a caesarean section for pregnant women.

discomfort among physicians that the direction of Mother has been given greater powers to the midwives has raised hackles among physicians. Gynecologists argue that the responsibility for normal deliveries must be shared between them and the midwives, but in no way should be taken alone by them. The malaise among physicians is clear, as acknowledged the sources consulted. In that sense, gynecologists have drafted a letter calling for the reconsideration of the situation. Seeking to address the liability is both physicians and midwives. Experts hope the manager and medical director Carlos Haya, Antonio Perez and Jose Antonio Trujillo Rielo, respectively, mediate the conflict and change the Guide has been approved with the approval of the director of the Mother and Child, Peter Garcia Fortea, and the head of obstetrics and gynecology, Alberto Reche. Disagreement with the boss

fact, one of the things that has angered his boss gynecologists has signed the document that gives them responsibility for normal births to midwives. The doctors do not realize that Dr. Reche has given the green light to this action knowing that they were against it, a fact that has created disagreements with his boss to feel unauthorized.
gynecologists see how, with the implementation of that guidance, "the power of midwives at birth without complications is very high", while being aware that midwives can legally assume responsibility in this type of delivery, and who are ready and have specific training for it.
Basically, what underlies it is a confrontation between two sectors that sometimes hold different views at the time of birth attendant. There is a common among midwives committed to achieving a natural birth as possible, avoiding whenever possible the medicalization of it, since they consider what is best for pregnant women.
Gynaecologists trust that takes your request to be stewards of uncomplicated births and that competition is not held only by midwives. Carlos Haya makers face a clash between two groups. To pacify the courage and resolve the problem should negotiate and agree on both positions. Medical sources said the presence of an obstetrician in the delivery room is an element that provides security and reassurance to pregnant women and their families. "What gives a bad image is a full discussion between doctors and midwives childbirth," they said.

good news finally came, at last a little step, but the next day break the following news:

reverses the Maternal and leave normal deliveries gynecologists

amended Hospital the document away to specialists for uncomplicated births.

specialists in obstetrics and gynecology at the Maternal and Child may participate in normal childbirth. Be responsible for such assistance with midwives. Thus, the leadership of Carlos Haya Regional Hospital, which is composed of the Maternal and have intervened to end the malaise among gynecologists after the development of a guide which states that such responsibility rests births in midwifery. The document has caused strong dissatisfaction among the physicians.
Sources consulted by this newspaper said that the Mother has been reversed and left not force the implementation of the guide, which will be reviewed and amended for the purpose of which incorporate the specialists in obstetrics and gynecology are jointly responsible for uncomplicated deliveries. The issue is solved after accounting manager Carlos Haya, Antonio Pérez Rielo, that the above guide can be improved and a meeting held yesterday by the medical director Carlos Haya, José Antonio Trujillo, with gynecologists. Next week there will be another meeting of the working group drafting the document on the support of normal births with the intent to improve it.
Trujillo said after the meeting with the doctors that the hospital's goal is to meet women to calve in the best possible conditions. The medical director Carlos Haya said: "With an interest in integrating the working group that made the guide, in order to make improvements to the document, respect the powers and responsibilities that the law gives each medical professional."
For his part, President of the College of Physicians, Juan José Sánchez Luque, expressed surprise at the fact that gynecologists were kept away from normal births. "It seems unthinkable, because it is a process in which complications and contingencies can arise at any time, so care must be comprehensive. Can not leave gynecologists outside, "he said.
The provincial secretary of the Union of Nursing (SATS), Eugenio Perez, said that 'midwives are trained, and professional competence to be responsible for the eutocic or normal. They are the ones to lead them. "

Ephemeral news, "too good to be true? I do not know ... I do know is that the company is taking away something to the midwives who by law is theirs.
liar I'm not putting my opinion here, because I could go into a lot.

just want support from this insignificant blog to the entire group of midwives, who by the way, I to say they are being well supported by many organizations and people in general.

I have no network to join the network that was created in support, so use this little blog and at least help spread the news.

Please, anyone passing through here, I ask you to put your two cents and enter this address:


Source: Southern Journal .

Friday, April 9, 2010

Rendering Xenon Vs Quad


by Manuel Morini

Sometimes it is difficult to explain the office of one. When someone outside the Communication Sciences asks you what you do and you say that, among other things, you're comic writer, is better than you found it again in your life. As I see you I will strengthen an joyful hand wondering how are your drawings. So that, with patience, you must repeat that you are a writer, not cartoonist, not entirely sure what you have understood.
A new problem arises when I confess that my works are published in Argentina on rare occasions (because so much excitement when it happens). There in your eyes perceive a shadow of doubt, but prefer not comment. His involuntary syllogism is that you're finding a Versero, or worse, a station wagon.
With the work we do in Bureau Screenwriters something similar happens. We discussed a lot about design and web page information to conclude that people should be directed to the media. No matter who gets there by chance understand our services. Mind you, there are other worse.
In an attempt to explain, I go here the news starting with 2010. Two comic book publications Dago in Italy. "The Order of the Golden Dragon", in February and "The hallmark of Orbashá" in March. Go
if I like the new and saves a fitting two in one post.
Still, she published her third album art news. They were published as usual by Eura Editoriale, but by Aurea Editoriale reconfiguration, while maintaining the same schedule of titles and characters. The publisher has changed hands or not. Its new owners are Enzo Marino, chief financial officer, and Sergio Loss, histórtico Managing Editor. People who know.
And as space becomes limited me, I will not review the stories, but if they want to read the review (in Italian) of one of them can do so at:
And not least, the reading public opinion:

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Winchester 30 30 Gold Trigger


already there are only a few days to April 8. Ministry will leave being able to say: "I will ....", R1 real, and then I start counting the days left to joining the residence. With
final position, the list made (though constantly changing), you only have to wait while I turn a thousand things.

I will not say much more. I have the blog
I said I was going to do about the residence with his first entry, from the day of examination until the last day that the blog will continue because as I said is to tell, the good, regular and wrong.

This blog is as informative blog: Next announcements, news, courses ....

Thanks for reading!.

My other blog ----> http://www.deamelinicio.blogspot.com/

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

How To Make Orange Juice With A Blender

by Manuel Morini

Six years ago I was summoned by the editorial Thalos to write a comic book than a hundred page script which existed a series of characters and a vague argument that had to be given dramatically. No title for now. I have looked twenty in two batches. None were accepted even though he knew that the name was among the ten first. Finally fixed in one: Demonikon. He hook. Referred to the Satyricon, the Necronomicon, and some other "cones" rather than lying around there. The product was to be drawn by Ruben Meriggi, merchandising would be made, and the respective modeling clay had some figures that should exist but never seen-and sold worldwide. Receive 16 percent of all gross profits.
I'm more cautious about expectations, but I admit that things looked good. I had to sign a contract, of course. It was a spectacular project.
wrote the first part in two weeks and I delivered. Immediately Ruben got to work. The days passed, weeks, months. But let laburar artists. Year, the Demonikon was drawn only half of what I had given, ie half of the half.
Thalos For the time had begun to edit other things, like Magma magazine, and Ruben, as editor, was doomed to a hard work of calling for artists. There was a lot of money. Nor should do a unique job for them. Which would be edited in personal files, which we have already sold abroad. Demonikon slept the sleep of the in-righteous.
Meanwhile, Ruben had posted a sketch-book quite interesting to raff of the main characters that sold well, raising expectations among the public. If this was the sketch-book, what would be the story. By then, the issue as he had thought-Finnish paper-heavyweight satin was expensive and the numbers were to be given other publications provoked some signs of caution at the top of Thales.
Demonikon was only half drawn and unpublished.
Months passed. Nestor arrived. The economy is clouded. When he was not? Then came Craig and his conflict with the field. The disruption of transport indented the distribution chain and Thalos stopped, as so many others. What reason had to start again with Demonikon?
Anyone following this blog or seen the kiosks, will have noticed the re-publication in Argentina of Crazy Jack by Thales. Not all the series, of course. It lasted a decade. But simply an intermediate and closed series, four episodes in black and white in color instead of its original publication in D'Artagnan. To cut costs. Other publications such as Magma or Pandemonium suffered drastic changes to adapt to the new era of tough times. The
Demonikon, nothing.
in specialized forums, some even doubted their existence. Had finally become a myth.
Finally, this first half of the half drawn has begun to be published in print more modest but still retains its digital color. It's in the stands. No less from an emotional standpoint for an author.
is the story of arrival in the Land of the Antichrist, but from a new perspective. The Good Lord must be associated with his old enemy Lucifer to join forces in preventing the End-of-all-so-known. Apparently, there is still a glimmer of salvation for mortals.
for Demonikon also. Ruben says
be drawing the second part of the first, although I encourage insist on seeing the pages. Were erratic and Thalos publications, Demonikon is no exception. When will we see the rest? I have no idea. When I write the second part? Nor do I have it and know it will not be tomorrow. But what is, is. And it is. And not bad for what you see.
"Do not worry about things that you can not control," says Highsmith's Ripley. Okay, do not worry, I reply. Moreover, I thought it would not be released ever. From the sale abroad? It is premature to talk about it, before it should be complete. "From the merchandising? I have no news. What charge? No way. After all, a madman who intends to devote himself to writing to get rich.
Let's be clear, this is an epic without blame. Maybe we could throw the burden to the fates, but you should not mess with them because of his famous short temper.
insist that both Ruben Meriggi as for me, even for the leadership of Thales, is proud to see the birth of a child. Take this opportunity to warn that, even without end, the story can be read as a unit. The subplots end closing and, as any intelligent, open-ended film, leaves us to imagine the fate of mortals. In addition, the art of Ruben, as expected, is superb. Can be glimpsed in the images that accompany this discussion.
This is not a drama. It is simply the path that suffer countless books written and / or drawn. Most do not get to see daylight. And though I doubted at the time, today confirmed that Demonikon did. Here it is. Good night.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Parts Of A Shoes Diagram


We are with William, one of the shadows behind the scenes responsible for "The Internship", the English telenovela which now gives its sixth season, keep your invoice and quality. His presence triggered a lot of questions. We try to do them, not mislead, not to mention detail. William is just a few days in Buenos Aires and we must seize the time, not to interview him, but-almost-for questioning.
Bill: Well, no big deal. Only in the last three years I am somewhat "responsible." I went into the production as a camera assistant, and from some defections, was replacing the directors.
: three filmmakers work simultaneously. While one does the reading of the script and previous work, another is being recorded and another chapter in post-production stage.

BUREAU: "The Internship" is quality of film. What wheels?
Bill: The recording of the chapter is done with four cameras in indoor and two outdoor locations. HDV recording format. We were one of the first to use in Spain.
BUREAU: Although the technique of simultaneous work on several episodes for years that is customary in the United States with chapters in twenty or forty minutes, in this case, more than an hour last ten. How do they manage to sync them all?
Bill: The special feature is that while we record on the second floor of Globomedia, producers are in the room through closed circuit television have the facilities, they can watch what we recorded and make corrections as they deem necessary.
BUREAU: It is a delicate note behind.
Bill: It is that, once the shooting, the director began to make the first version of the chapter led to a lower quality than that recorded (offline). From there he made a first pre-assembly, which is viewed with producers, making corrections. Once that chapter is adopted is exported to a cut list (EDL) with which it conducts a top quality mount (HDV). Then you go to the post-production sound and composed music to accompany the chapter. Finally, talonaje we make (it is a color correction) in the Da Vinci platform.

BUREAU: Despite not being part of the team from scratch, you must know how he did the project.
Bill: They told me. The creators are fans of "Lost" and when you see "The Internship", you realize that you always try-and fail-to maintain the mystery of several story lines simultaneously.
BUREAU: Laguna Negra seems too far from everything. Where are the locations?
Bill: The house is just one that is close to Madrid, which has never been filmed inside. The magic of cinema, they say. The sets are in Globomedia, and the forest park is Nebrija University. The stone wall surrounding the boarding school was built by the script demands. And reading what you wrote some time on the blog, I can tell you are right. There are an inspiration in contemporary English cinema as well, the stone arch at the entrance, the team called "Pan's Labyrinth."
BUREAU: In recent seasons has been a bus for ten minutes about the characters before the episode. We can think of some reasons for its usefulness. Can you explain yourself?
Bill: I get a shirt of eleven staff, but in the end, I confess I do not need as much as the initial racconto each episode, revivís where recent conflicts of the characters that have a greater role in it. But the producers see it as merchandising. Ten minutes before beginning "The Mysteries of internment." Is, start "something" of "The Internship" that fans will not want to miss although I know, just in case. Something like a puzzle, or a journalist. That earns ten minutes of screen where you can continue billing the second ad, even before starting.
BUREAU: We see that it is the only way to check it, in addition to traditional commercial breaks.
Bill: If you refer to the NTP, admittedly a little abuse. It is the mark of a good milk from time to time, but mail is too often for my taste. I do not know if I explain.

BUREAU: The crews of this type of product tend to be crowded, but the technicians leave their quarrels outside. With stakeholders is another thing. How are they? Are the egocentric?
Bill: For anything. The kids are exceptional. Respond to each of the script and direction indications. You always have to do retakes, of course. Luis Merlo But remember, the actor who plays Hector de la Vega, is the success of "There is no one alive," a television format that Argentina bought less fortunate. There, his character was gay, was completely incorporated into the English imaginary, producers wondered how would the public that face the new face of Hector. You have seen it. He is a man of great experience shooting gallery. Natalia Millan, the interpreter of Elsa, by contrast, is less relaxed. Excellent choice of casting. It almost plays itself. Is very strict. You need to have everything planned. Sometimes it repairs or corrections of things that do not like. But it is part of the thing. In short, short, not subtraction.
The meeting with Guillermo bounded leaves us little flavor. His return to Argentina is short. He has work to do in "The Internship". And this requires their presence for several days before starting shooting. Years ago he went to Spain in search of better opportunities. We hope that his country will recognize her talent and allows the future to develop their own projects, sure, are many. A hug to William, from the Bureau.
PHOTO 1: Left to right: Manuel Morini, Guillermo "Goyo" Vecchio, Adolfo "Fito" Martinez Mendoza and Nicolas "Nico" Alessandro
PHOTO 2: Guillermo Vecchio
PHOTO 3: Guillermo and Manuel
PHOTO 4 From left to right: Christian Busquets, Guillermo, Nico and Fito.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Grandfather And Granddaughter Songs


Against all odds. Finally
I can say, finally makes sense to continue with this blog.
No more years of hopelessness, or expected. This here in my hands, and yet I still can not believe it, I'm still in a cloud yesterday, still seems the story of another person and I finally learned that I am the protagonist.

When I was all lost, when he had months without study, locked, unable to open a book, giving everything to lose, just at the last moment, someone opened my eyes, a complete stranger told me "do not want to repent of it would have been, I've seen things much more difficult to achieve. "
I remember, and still escapes me a little smile when I do, thinking to myself "has been crazy."
was exactly the day December 23, 2009 when I started a fight against myself and against the books. The last attempt.
One month after the examination started from scratch. I chose the subjects they would study and was not going to look, considering what most had wondered in recent years.
400 pages in 30 days, with 3 laps to the agenda. Seems impossible? It is not. This past month
not leave the house for nothing, absolutely useless. Instead what happens locked in "my stash" 12 hours a day, with a lot of paper with notes taped to the walls.
gave me time to 1 page every half hour on the 1 st lap in the 2 nd to 7 minutes per page, the latest, most important thing to remember, and at the end of each day to all of the test could pregutas.

And here I am with the place that I expected in my hands.
What would have happened if I had not done anything? Best not to think about, right?.

Yesterday was one of the best days of my life. I cried all morning, because everything bad I've spent so far has paid off, has culminated here. Now
day worth crying coming from work, days that I thought was good for nothing, the days I could not sleep thinking that the next day had to go to a job he hated, thinking that no my site was worth the anxiety, the urge to void eating, everything, what would happen (and it is not easy for me) just to get to where I am demonstrating that I can, I was a fool to think that there worth, thinking that this could never test.

Yesterday was the perfect day. I do not think hardly anyone failed to congratulate me, and every greeting llorera, mine and some "partners."
I'm so glad to have given this joy to my mother, my boyfriend, my brothers .... So many people! My boyfriend

owe everything. I have endured tears, fights, endless silences, and has always had gestures and words of encouragement for me has been busy for a month of home, work, to keep up with a girlfriend near defeat. The square with my name and yours.

And of course I was not going to forget all of you, Anahit, lulumbela, Erika, Onnytxu, Bea-nursing, berec, Alba-rod, Albaefi, Raton, Shai, Estiblanca, Marta1988, Aran85, Myri86, Mery27, Juliet Kaperu ...

Without your support this would have been even more difficult.
you have encouraged me in times of downturn, you have laughed with me, you have shared my nerves, my hopes and joys.
has been essential to meet you, know I'm not the only crazy help you? Hehehe.

I am extremely keen to meet you in Madrid, making faces.

that I can only congratulate you on your piece of posts, which you have justly earned the.

It emits a "FUTURE R1"


Pd: There have been changes in the blog, but not the only, well soon you will have to swallow another blog, the blog of my residence, BECAUSE IT IS TO TELL! no?

How Bugatti Engine Works

My little corner of peace

"I was covered up to their eyeballs with blankets to keep out even a drop of cold, I was still happier than for weeks, feeling like I had to feel no responsibility to be up there lost in the middle Snow and the peaceful warmth of the blankets they had made that was very relaxed. It had been eleven days since he had come to my place of peace and as if he was there forever, not because he was tired, but everything Instead, he had gone for a reason, find peace and quiet and had achieved and was more comfortable than a partridge lost there, far from civilization and embraced those who wanted more. Era a little hut, wooden kitchen and white color according to how much snow there was, two bedrooms, a bathroom and a small cozy dining room that was furnished with two small two-seater sofas, a television, an old chestnut table its 5 seats also brown and planted a huge fireplace to heat the entire house. I was in the southernmost region of Finland, North Karelia and even being a little spring into the entrance of the cabin on Lake Anna was covered with snow every morning, afternoon and evening, luckily someone had happened to the wonderful idea of \u200b\u200ba small garage in the back, at least for a car ...
The closest store was a 20 minute drive was a small village, aisque yeah, I was quite far from what civilization can be seen, my only company was Avery, the nearest neighbor, who lived at 5 minutes from the cabin, the only difference is that the step did not like me, he lived there all year. I knew from shortly after I turned eleven, which was the first time I went to the cabin with Anna and Tanya, his eldest daughter. Avery was a lovely lady, who liked it did visits whenever unguarded about to sit around the fireplace and tell horror stories, that when I was small if I was afraid, now although it would not scare my children and I enjoyed listening anyway. That day after making a purchase, I and my company would eat with him.
Being in that cabin surrounded by snow and I felt like Rebecka Martinsson when Kiruna tube again because of the death of Viktor Strandgård in Aurora Borealis, when years ago had run the place, more or less I had done, run away, break everything that previously had in my life.

When Hugo, my doctor, I recommended that catch me I did not do a holiday event, took almost two weeks doing nothing, no producer would work or had no shooting yet, but I was so tired that this was his advice, I asked why and defense was not needed physical rest but mental, that I was not able to leave almost nothing to chance or could not bear not to try to help someone in my family or friends with the slightest problem, although that was only a broken fingernail. And he was right, could not bear to see someone I like would have gone hard for something and tried in every way possible to help them, came to make my own problems, as if he had enough with mine, which caused my a state of permanent anxiety. So when Hugo managed to convince me knew this was the perfect place to be quiet. He had come alone, without David, and children, no friendship, knowing that I lose any sleep, because I hated to meet alone. Everyone knew that he had decided to take the advice of Hugo, but no one knew who had been the choice of my fate, only Anna's Aunt Matilda, and that was his cabin. After all was not so bad alone in this place away from everything.

Still, I knew I had done "traps", as my solitude was interrupted by that Anna is escaped before his nephew where where I was was at home, which gave Matias assumed I knew where I was and I keep pressing it until he got to know, did not take much for that, and really appreciate it, jijij . That dismissal of Anna Matias tube would result in coming to see me and check on her. What at first was a simple visit turned into a night with your sweet company.
There had been no kissing, no touching or anything sexual between us not to need it for love, we had only to look at ourselves to make love with each other, when her eyes looked into mine was as if I penetrated to the depths of me, to my being, my virtue, my soul ...
had been a perfect night, in which there were knowing glances, laughter and reading, which we both loved. I liked to lie down on his chest that read over my shoulder, however he liked me to read aloud, said it was the best person to read the world and to hear the words of my mouth to see each landscape as if it were even more real. Do not know if I was living was real or was it just a dream of mine, another of the many I had, but if I knew that was my peace, the board of Hugo was perfect.

- Honi asked me to marry us.
I almost dropped to the ground when the world heard him say that, I was lucky that I did not see his face, that he was leaning on his chest, then, a great sadness ran through my eyes, I made to reconstruct .
- Oh yeah? Oops ... I do not imagine you walk facing the altar ... - I said almost laughing. I knew that he was so against marriage as I was .- And what will you tell? What if?
"That I will say no, I told ya - the soft voice said" It takes several months to the topic, but I do not want to, you know I do not think it takes to sign a paper to love someone. - He gave a long sigh I've already said several times but always leaves me with that story that is the dream of every woman, be dressed in white, walking hand in hand with his father to the altar Give me a break! I think every time I say that and I want to answer it not, that not all women dream about that, at least not smart. I just want to say that at least you do not think so, that you do not need to get all dressed up in front of a man dressed as a priest to sign anything with no God ...

I could not help, I got a laugh that echoed throughout the cabin, I think a decibel more in my laughter and I would have utterly broken ....

"Do not laugh small, no longer do and the problem as I have. - Matias told me with a smile escaping between the teeth.
"Yeah, so I laugh, because the problem is yours! - Could not stop laughing.
did not want to even imagine Honi's face when she compared it to me, I imagined a vase flying and dodging Matias.

That morning we woke up early, I was dressing in the bathroom when he came in thinking it was empty and came out quickly, closing the door and apologizing, saying he was going to the bathroom was outside. I told him not to do the fool who did not need to freeze your ass out to the cold forest, which we had already seen naked a thousand times. He came in and while I washed my teeth is facing the mirror reflection of his torso, was not overly branded with the typical chocolate bar for athletes, but was well tornado, had some broad shoulders, strong neck, a hard pecs and abdomen followed by a firm that made you want to surround with arms, a strong back and harder than he could endure much. I let out a little snort and said

- Maybe not a bad idea to accept the proposal of your girlfriend and walk to the altar ...
looked at me in disbelief that I, I just had said that, he put his hand on his forehead and said,
- Are you okay little girl?
- Yes, perfectly. But maybe that's the perfect excuse to finally cut your hair ... You can not imagine having the desire to catch you by the hair Nair those you've left and cortártelas .- I said as I kept staring at his naked torso in the mirror's reflection.
-jajajajajajajajajaj So many want it? I was told a couple of times, but I will not cut hair, I've never had long and I'm comfortable with that. What happens? What I'm cute? - Asked while raising his eyebrows up and down, up and down.
- A couple of times? Feel like? Do not be surprised if one of these days you wake up with the mane to zero, because its intention is to go into your room and cortártelas while you sleep, so you'll see me ...- while containing her laughter And if you already know that These handsome anyway.
I planted a kiss on my shoulder before finally getting the shirt.
Yes, that was my peace. "

Friday, February 12, 2010

Honda Civic Number Plate

Calma White

".... I was lost in the anger and unrest, he wanted to give up and throw that damn TV cable to the ground, broke to mourn, if only I knew it, a hand went through my arm to give me consolation, the same hand that hours later I grab mine in front of a dozen cameras, a warm hug made me compose myself and try again with the damn cable, finally worked, I felt better, but not relieved.

feared that instant configuration needs to get into the dreaded carpet and all eyes will be on me, as felt that it was the wrong hand that held me, David was the hand which clung to mine when I wished fervently that was another that would make the threads that held me to the reality would not break. I went back and explain to Katie that she was ready, I was going to take a shower and could begin to fix that would fix everything as out of the shower. I watched as Gabi agradicimiento threw a smile, the truth, I was not friendly and not always easy to put things and she did everything he did for me ...
Gabi was my shadow, was the person who followed me everywhere, she cared about me, you'd say, wear this dress, these shoes are more beautiful, get away this necklace as charged, was the leading from hand and left me in front of the watchful eyes of the cameras, which gave me peace of mind at the time, he owed much, you ought it was her and not somebody else that happened to me all that, to me, not separate. ..

let me be under the running for a while, I was warm and it made me feel at ease, reminding me that feeling when small end up sleeping in the arms of my father and later in his, especially his, always so warm to cold despite their origins. I knew if I did not come out in less than half a minute both Gabi and Katia would enter for my thinking that I would have fainted in the shower so I left there feeling good in the shower and I got wrapped in the towel, I sat a bit against the radiadior to dry, and I hate it with the towel and stopped to look at my long legs, certainly not all the world he loved, a woman of six feet and three centimeters, but I was very proud of them, never a complex of big boy tube or boom, as they used to call me small, upload up to view my thin gut, was getting thinner and that if I did not like, made me feel bad, I began to feel the hips, look at me with resignation a small scar on his shoulder, not because I liked it, but because it was the scar I remember him, pass the yolk my fingers for her knowing that he would not return to play it, like not going to be the one who sosteneria my hands for the cameras and my vision blurred with that thought, the carpet in Berlin ... until a couple of taps on the door made me return to the site, put my mind in order, I have to wear ...

watched with joy the face of Katia, I was glad to have her there, as to almost 5 months since the saw does not look anything like Nair but not to failure, each completing the other, dark-blonde, high-low, quiet-talkative, which I thought a smiley face on my face I realized that it was when Katia told me to remove a frown, because my makeup so it was difficult and I was going to be ugly for a wrinkle when he was older, which made me laugh with a force not think it was such ...

A touch on the arm followed by a little voice made me realize that I was ready, "mami que guapa these" hear say my son Ayrton, look down with cunning face and winked at him and asking if he really believed it, I said of course, the most beautiful mummy in the world, believed it, but he was not impartial. I saw and from the other corner of the room my daughter winked at me sign that his brother was right and my other son, Matti, and my hand was blushing with pleasure at seeing me, would have to believe it and think that was true, was really pretty. It opened the door to another room, which David came out and looked at me with incredulous face was reflected in his face like a neon sign, GOD YOU ARE PRETTY, radiate beauty and light, I definitely believed it, although none of them was fair again ....

was time, I was on the carpet and all the lights were focused on me, thousands of flashbulbs blinded me, David took me by the waist in a gesture that no really blinded me and I would fall headlong into the ground between the tail of the dress, Louboutin high heels fucking and rare flashes would not happen to me, but I stayed there, clinging to him. I did not feel comfortable with everyone watching me, so back to my happy moment in the shower with hot water, so I calm down, calm and made me able to continue with a slight smile on my face was all they needed for their photos that were before me, were happy with my smile, but surely would have been more if I had finally gone headlong into the ground and would have photographed it, sure.

My life at that time was white, I was happy, or at least all that could be, not everything was black as I had passed two years ago, when I was not even sure he was alive, nor was pink, like when everything in my life was Matias perfect when I was at my side, before everything was going to take wind because of pride ..

I thought again he grabbed my hand, David, always by my side, what I wanted, was the person I wanted to want to spend my whole life, but not always that's what you want and in my case wanted different things than they really had ...."

Thursday, February 4, 2010

5 Litre Beer Kegs Home Brew

Where are the 10 cents of John? I

John, an economics student, is heading up one morning to buy bread as usual and finds two friends can not see for months, so they decide to go to have something to celebrate and chat. His friends were drinking coffee and he takes a drink.

After talking for over an hour and a half Juan tells the waiter to pay, to which his two friends contend that it is not fair that he pay everything and finally agree to pay each his own. The waiter tells them they are 3 €, as the coffee and soft drinks cost the same, 1 €.

So each one gets € 1 from his pocket and handed the waiter the 3 €. When the waiter goes to the bank to be the owner of the bar said that one of them is your friend and not being charged the 3 € 2.50 € but only so the waiter back to where our players were with the 50 cents of return.

quatity As was impossible to divide the waiter decided to stick with 20 cents and they split the other 30 cents (10 for each). The three friends collected their respective back and leave the bar, say goodbye at the door and everyone goes home.

On the way home John stops and remains thoughtful ... If we paid a euro and have returned 10 cents, each of us has been 90 cents ... in total is € 2.70 plus 20 cents that the waiter has been added € 2.90.

So ...

Where are the other 10 cents?

If you think you have the answer, leave your comment .. .

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Dresses For Older People


start is announced the comic script workshop, led by Manuel Morini, school white cassock, Caseros 493, 1 º A, Buenos Aires. Classes are held on Tuesdays from 17 to 19 hours. and begin on 2 March. Must confirm before February 26 by any means. Duties include: an annual tuition of $ 100 plus a monthly fee of $ 120.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Mic Wiring For Stag 357 Cb Radio

.... Dulce

I want to be one of those people who have self-control, such that when someone breaks the egg is able to say very calmly "nothing happens ... I'll fix it" someone who does not explode in anger when someone in front of you does no more than three hundred times repeating the same question when you already have answered the three hundred and one ...

do not know how I manage, but I always end up losing her temper with such situations and as I've learned not to yell at the person, the solution were isolated and tears of rage ...

someone when you hear me speak? Do you value someone my words? Do I ask both to claim a bit, just a bit of idle thanks? Does anyone remember that I exist? Have I suddenly become invisible to everyone?

Sunday, January 17, 2010

How Do You Find The Golden Vase In Poptropica

"... did not spend the hours when lying penetrate my eyes with yours, when you spend your fingertips thin the edge of my lips when you travel with your own lips all over my body as if it were a map, the map that the same picture with all the kisses ...

... the immense pleasure that creates the feeling in the depths of my being, when I feel your breath as the smell sweeter ever remembered, the same that nail my nails down your back, when I feel like nothing more that we are one and nothing can ever separate the time when my soul is yours.

My heart beats out over the speed limit by just thinking of you I feel as frightened and bolted it on the edge just feel you breathe on my neck sweet when that voice with strong, deep, passionate whispers in my ear how beautiful it is to cling to my body and my soul, centuries and centuries more
would happen depending on my hands.

This time, only this time when the heat hits my chest against your crazy lips makes it all makes sense for a moment, the one where you spend your arm over my body to protect him from any fear that torments my soul do I find my true peace, as if just by your presence, nothing else matters, no you're not worth nothing that is not steeped in you serve, no matter if you do not exist, two pieces that fit perfectly into each other ...

Two souls condemned to wander for eternity being found again and again, life after life ....