Sunday, August 10, 2008

Cat Has Creamy Like Substance Near Pee

a midwife

Hello!. I leave an interview Trinidad Ramos, a matron of Maternal and Child Hospital of Malaga.

I left it because the vast majority of the questions, I feel that answer is exactly what I think and siento.Lo only thing we differ on is that she says she began nursing vocation, and he later matrona.Sin wine vocation but I started my nursing career without calling for this, but for pure vocation as a midwife.

Well, I leave the chase and I leave the interesting interview.

TRINI RAMOS, HOSPITAL MATRON'S MOTHER "The birth takes time, like making a good pot"

has seen the birth of hundreds of Malaga / is in favor of more natural births / Enjoy your job as the first day / Cree that the best women in labor are gilts / claims to be the biggest fan of Harrison Fordun INTERVIEW AMANDA SALAZAR.

"The birth takes time, like making a good pot"

How long have you bringing children into the world?

22 years. I started as a midwife at the hospital de Getafe, Madrid, and six years ago I was sent to hospital Materno Infantil de Málaga.

Does the account of the children who have been born?

At first yes, but at one point it was impossible to keep track. Have been hundreds of children. Each day I can go three or four deliveries.

What do you feel when a baby is born?

I love. My profession is my life and despite all the years that have passed enjoy every delivery as if it were the first. What pleased me most in the world is helping a mother to bring life to your baby.

Remember how it was the first?

Yes, I was in nursing practice and I touched the brim of obstetrics at a hospital in Madrid. Since then I knew that I wanted to this.

So he discovered his vocation a bit late ....

Since childhood I had a vocation to become a nurse because I wanted to help my grandmother, who had a leg ulcer. I wanted to learn to heal. The midwife came somewhat later, but it is vocational. Attending birth is like I feel more fulfilled. In fact, I have some time as a supervisor, which means stepping away from the delivery room, and do more paperwork, and I have 'mono' to re-enter at birth.

Until 50 years ago, midwives were our own neighbors who attended births at home. Has it changed much?

has changed tremendously. Midwives were before they did everything and had no study, only the wisdom that women spent a few others. Then, deliveries went to the hospital and everything changed radically, the process was mechanized and midwives were relegated to the background. Even a profession was frowned upon. Fortunately, this has changed and now the figure of the midwife living with physicians in hospitals and has regained its prestige.

Is in favor of more natural births?

Yes, I believe that labor is too machining due to lack of time. We do not give mother sufficient margin so that it can expand only because it is a process that can take over 12 hours and not enough beds. And the delivery takes time, like a good stew, otherwise then out watery. Therefore, we advocate birth midwives more humanized and doctors remain on the lookout and act only when clearly needed.

In the delivery rooms of all pregnant women will spend Mother's origins. Is it very different way of approaching the delivery depending on its origin?

around here spend many immigrants and many differences. Asians, for example, just make noise. It seems that they were not even giving birth. Moroccan women express their pain but more with much wailing and shaking his whole body. They also react and many Latin American countries, although it depends on the country, because the Argentinian for example are very similar to English.

Do gilts are the worst?

course are those that come with more fear because everything is unknown and only have references to what other women have told them or what they have read. But normally, due to their inexperience, are guided and do not give too much war. Worst are those who have already had some games and have had bad experiences, because they know what question you do not want and everything else.

"Pain is inevitable?

Well, delivery is always painful. But the pain is very subjective, there are women who hold up better and other that the least shrinkage and you are asking for an epidural. But pain is worth. It's amazing how mothers are completely forget what you have gone in to see your baby.

Do childbirth preparation classes really help?

help maintain calm and you can control some of the pain.

What is the first thing they ask when the baby is born?

comes enterito and ask if you are being asked to count the fingers and toes, also are being asked to ensure the sex, because even now made Ultrasound is always a doubt until the final.

midwife to be necessary to have a bit of psychology, right?

have to talk much to the parents, calling them by name, and ask them what name they put the baby to trust you and feel good, because ultimately this is having a good experience and enjoy the birth of her baby. There are many moms who are nervous or put something heavy, but we must be patient and understand that this is something that changes your life.

Do you think it is important that the child is with the mother from the time it arises as requested by some groups?

Yes, it is important to continue listening to the beating of her mother to stomach over the world will be less traumatic. In the Mother we are trying all the evidence we have to do the newborn are always carried out with the birth madre.Después to help the children of other

how was your experience?

I had two daughters and the truth is that my work I have been privileged. He knew what he wanted and was very confident because I knew everything that would make me. Of course it hurt me hurt me too. But it is vital that trust parturients in who will assist you.

Do children come with a loaf under his arm?

Well, now with the little money given by the Government. No, children are always a gift and a joy, but changes everything in the life of the couple. I always tell them how easy it is delivery, the difficulty comes later.

What deliveries remember more?

Of the relatives or friends. While you are sadly recorded that go wrong. These days you have to maintain the strength to encourage parents and do not throw you to mourn with them.

What are your hobbies outside the delivery room?

I like reading and cinema. But the movie theater with popcorn and everything. I am also the fan of fan of Harrison Ford. I love it, even though it has made me old man. I am also studying anthropology at a distance. The more I study I like, and helps me understand people more.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Milena Velba Freeones Bullent

Interview News intolerable. Positions

In one of my searches on news related to the field of midwifery (do not know if there really is such a word, but to understand it ...), I have come across this news.


"We are overwhelmed," says one of the midwives of the Birthing Unit of Virgen de las Nieves, where since mid-July, Hospital management has let the service is attended only by three midwives per shift, when the minimum are required 4. "That does not protest to the management has made residents making substitutions, but this is illegal," said one of those affected who prefers not to give nombre.El July 16 sent a letter to the address of the Maternal and Child to hire a more midwives, because most have been formed in the center garbage contracts rejected that offer and have not yet received a reply. "When we have to attend a birthing woman in the room should be at least two midwives, but staff have expansion room so we left unattended," they explain. Monitors records require personalized attention almost fetal movement and can not be performed by a person sola.El delivery volume does not decrease during the summer, as workers of the Virgen de las Nieves in August there is an average of 15 or 16 deliveries per day, so I do not understand this collective plantilla.El reduction of Midwives is not charging overtime, they take away breaks, are forced to work nights without being consulted beforehand and did not appreciate the days complementarias.Para tomorrow night shifts is a minimum. "There will be neither the resident," they say. So if any woman who is about to give birth to go to the Virgen de las Nieves can not possibly be addressed properly. "An epidural anesthesia does not otherwise have the help of a midwife, but being under minimum there shall be none to attend, comentan.Si this situation continues, the group of midwives of the Virgen de las Nieves has announced it is ready to go Judiciary and give a part of the precarious situation in the are because they also consider that the lack of staff leads to "a risk to patients very high."


lamentable.Desde I think a situation a few years there have been warnings of a lack of midwives, and more on these dates you deserve a break, but instead ... to put jobless trash surrogate, are required twice to which I have been working años.No it not logical or normal.
I put this news to support them because they are in their derecho.Y above all, it is no longer just for them, if not for the women who because of this will be met (or rather ill-atendidias) under minimum with the consequences that entails.
Unfortunately not a fact that put YA aislado.Espero solutions to this situation.

Changing the subject: I feel not update often, but lately work with its corresponding fatigue absorbs me, besides I've been two days without internet.
not study for months, but expects to be back soon and do as best they can.
Be happy and fight for what you want.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

How To Disable Veriface On Lenovo


Sitting on the ball (for expansion): vertical position in the first stage of labor is defined as any position to avoid being tumbada.Para be be seated use specific balls for parto.La available evidence suggests that if the woman is upright in the first stage of labor have less pain, is less need for epidural analgesia and less disruption in the pattern of fetal heart rate, and shortens the time of the first stage of labor. In addition, the verticality and movement encourage the baby to have as much space as possible in the pelvis.

lateral decubitus (for expansion): The lateral decubitus position is best if the woman has strong contractions and wants to rest.

fours position (for expansion) position fours or four legs is useful when referred pain to the lumbar area. Massage, heat and relieve back lot. Very useful to try to rotate the later presentations.

Continued support
: continuous support during childbirth is associated with:
-Reduced use of pharmacological analgesia
- Reduction of instrumental deliveries and cesarean sections and spontaneous vaginal deliveries increased.

- Women are more satisfied with their birth

water use dilation: The use of hot water dilation induces women to relax, reduce anxiety by stimulating the production of endorphins, improves uterine perfusion, shortens the period of expansion and increases the sensation of pain control and satisfaction.

Massage: The massage involves manipulation of soft tissues of the body and used to relax tense muscles and soothe and calm the mother. The use of massage during labor enhances relaxation and reduces pain by increasing blood flow in the area and oxygenation of tissues.

Vertical Stand (for the ejected):
In the third stage, this position has the following advantages: Decreases

instrumental deliveries decreases the likelihood of episiotomy pain

Decreases Has less abnormal FHR patterns
Increases freedom of movement
help of gravity is
contractions are more intense.
The drawbacks presents:
Source: Federation of Midwives. Increased
perineal tears bleeding