Friday, April 22, 2011

How Much Is Abortion In Ma

International Facades of the Future Manifesto

Are not they cute? They seem the brothers of the girl's Exorcist. Movie, but horror.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Does My Friend Have A Brazilian

An April 14 like today in Madrid, 80 years ago, people broke their desire for freedom and justice and, as in other cities and towns, embodied its sovereign power and proclaimed the Republic.
Republicana de Madrid Coordinator
COORDINATOR OF APRIL 14, 2011 April 14
A like today in Madrid, 80 years ago, people broke their desire for freedom and justice and, as in other cities and towns, embodied its sovereign power and proclaimed the Republic. Eight decades later there are many more similarities that appear between the situation of men and women were then and we live now. also then capitalism had created a serious economic crisis, as now, millions of workers and unemployed workers, especially younger had no future. Now as then entrepreneurs, bankers and landowners with the Bourbon king to the head, in the midst of the crisis are more benefits than ever, with the government which represents them, not let you download on the backs of the working class cut after cutting labor and social rights and public services.
also now a corrupt Church, committed to the core with the most retrograde, fills his coffers with public funds and uses the funding it receives and that comes from our taxes to ensure the most precious treasure: to tame the minds of children and youth.
now too, with a Bourbon Chief of the Armed Forces, the English army acting in the service of the prey of large companies attacking countries whose rulers are not submitted enough. Today
for more ridicule, attack is led by a PSOE government, with the acronym of the left and won election to the cry of "No War." These days, European and U.S. imperialism has decided to intensify the war openly and looting of the Arab peoples. The English state, an integral part of NATO, the armed wing of Western capitalism, is a participant in the genocide that imperialism is carrying out in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine and recently in Libya.
The people of the English State, which received the most beautiful example of international solidarity in defense of his Republic, can not fail to condemn the imperialist aggression and show solidarity with the Libyan people and its sovereignty.

Transition, a move


Thirty-five years after what they called "transitional model" we find that, as in a play of trileros, changed some tabs site to always lose them. Changed something so it does not change anything. We said that on behalf of the working class and people signed Moncloa Pacts that "could not do anything" and the result is that we put a king appointed by Franco as a supporter of the oligarchs most corrupt and backward. Faced with the powerful labor movement and people who fought against the dictatorship, we are now left with almost disappeared and domes of the main trade unions who have forgotten the interests they represent. spoke of "reconciliation" for amnesty for the crimes of the dictatorship, but to date the shameful Law of Historical Memory has been annulled or ruling issued by the courts fascists, even those of September 27, 1975, the Miguel Hernández , Julián Grimau or anarchists and Delgado Granados.
have told us that freedom and today more than ever repressed the labor movement that resists and young students, fascist or independence. The State itself which is condemned by international tribunals for the widespread use of torture seeks to continue to sustain without civil and political rights to hundreds of thousands of Basques with any organization that challenges the established order. how long we will continue with his arms folded watching what happens? Needless to say Enough!

The most serious setback in social and labor rights decided by the PSOE government, and the PP is about to continue, comes as the bosses of banks and big companies share more benefits than ever - 50,000 million euros last year! - Largely from public funds. Political corruption penetrates all levels of government and state apparatus, starting with the Royal Family.
The so-called "social pact" is one of the greatest expressions of political and even moral decay of the constitutional monarchy. The social pact "is institutionalized aggression on the whole people, the alibi for the plundering of the historical rights of workers. The social pact "is ultimately the strategy of submission to the interests of the business oligarchy.
Republican organizations that convened this event we believe that these facts reveal the true character of the regime that emerged from the transition, which left intact the essence of the dictatorship franquistay leaving the working class and people with no respect and no political project.
For over thirty years we have been deceived by saying that the 1978 Constitution protected economic and social rights as the right to work, housing, decent pensions, health and education and quality, and many others, that are - obviously - paper wet. The "democratic rights" following the same path. Are being trampled because repression is the only answer to what concerns them most: the working class and people to organize and fight. That is precisely what we propose. The incorporation do not take more than the progressive weakening of the workers and endless setbacks and workers of their rights against an insatiable capital and a government subject to him.

call to fight for a common agenda "for the Republic" which should include:

· Repeal of the 1978 Constitution and the opening of a constitutional process that starts from the break with the laws and institutions of the regime and its development provides for a referendum to choose freely between Monarchy and Republic. Out of NATO and the dismantling of the bases. Absolute separation of church and state, for a secular state.
· Nationalization of all banks and strategic enterprises such as energy, communications, transportation, basic pharmaceutical industry, etc. All natural resources should be public ownership. Agrarian reform. Progressive tax reform. Education, health and social services exclusively public. No public funding of private enterprise. Public housing and suspension of evictions. Comprehensive social protection for all unemployed. Equality for working women.
• Right of self determination for all oppressed peoples and nations. Freedom of expression, assembly, association, expression and political action. Repeal of the Aliens Act and full rights for all foreign workers.
° against the impunity of the crimes of the dictatorship. Aside the judgments of the courts fascists. Truth, justice and reparation for victims of Franco. Removal of all fascist symbols in public places. • Freedom for all political prisoners fascists, communists, anarchists and independence and broad amnesty for prisoners for reasons that are rooted social inequalities. Repeal of the Political Parties Law. Dissolution of the National Court, military courts and law enforcement bodies and purification of responsibilities of the torturers and those involved in the dirty war. The 80th anniversary of the April 14, 1931 reminds us that the Republic begat the people that she is under democratic as possible and that is what provides the best conditions for the emancipation of the working class and peoples. Should therefore form an essential part of their demands and their struggles.
vindicate not only the memory of those who gave their lives, youth and freedom in the fight against fascism, but their right to see justice done their draft and emancipation that today, we and us, incarnate.
The strength of his memory and the knowledge that only the workers and peoples can generate alternative livelihoods and dignity against the barbarism of capitalism prepares us, teach us to light the only possible way of unity and struggle towards III Republic.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Milena Velba On Megauppload

April 14 Best of Pop Arabic (XXVII)

As every month, despite the delay, is an example of the best Pop Arabic:

"Mastool" by Hamada Hilal (or Helal, can be written both ways).

"The Enab", played by Said El Soghayar (سعد الصغير - العنب).

"Ya Kalbi", beautiful song of Souad Massi.

"Zanbi Ana" by Elissa (اليسا - ذنبي انا). Excellent song.

"El Ayam El Helwa", great song Ihab Tawfik.

"Khallik Behalak" Carole Samaha (كارول سماحة - خليك بحالك).

Enjoy and until the next delivery.