Sunday, July 27, 2008

Polaris Sportman Accessories

More places for 2009 Another day

Yes, as you read, searching the Internet I've found this noticia.De moment I want to make me (or make) many illusions because there is nothing official, but apparently there is.
The story starts with an increase in places MIR ("Health intends to offer over 7,000 seats for call MIR 2008-2009, 3.7% more than last year"), later referred to nursing specialties, commenting following:

"As regards the nursing specialties are offered in 385 places the call for Obstetric-Gynecologic Nurse (Matron) and 149 for Mental Health Nursing, which represents an increase of 9.4 percent.
In fact, the Technical Delegate has also studied the evolution of these specialties as defined in the RD 450/2005, and with respect to the Midwives, the national specialty has virtually completed its proposed training program.
In As Mental Health Nursing, is working on a new program that defines the powers of the specialist, while for Occupational Health Nursing and family and community nursing, the respective national commissions have presented a first draft for its training programs.
For Geriatric Nursing, Pediatric Nursing and Nursing Care Medical-Surgical, are expected to deliver its proposals before the fall program. In this scenario, the Scientific Officer of Human Resources has decided to create a working group to analyze the adequacy of the competency profiles given by the various national commissions to models and welfare needs of the various health services to the regions. "

Madrid, July 16, Europa Press.

that encourage you to continue studying my anima.Sé me at least that many cities that have so far not been for internal spaces from next year will have, or at least is in the process plazas.De they open when I'm working on the list, when you have put it.

A Saludo.Sed happy, and fight for your dreams.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Steel Seal Gasket Canada

In only 2 ½ hours to enter trabajar.Parece that long pass does not get used, I DO NOT LIKE EMERGENCY!, But still, I have to go through with, there is no other, I have to work .

Yesterday I went out at night, had what is called the wheel template (the same day you will address nursing and there tell you the plant that you have to go in strengthening plan). I came thinking I would play internal medicine, ICU, or a plant of that type.

- Hello
- Hey, did you want?
- Tonight, I have template wheel, tell me where I have to go?
(For a brief moment looking at your sheet flyer templates)
- I do not have anything assigned
(I dressed as a nurse and my boyfriend had just left the car and my house about 5 km from the hospital. .. my anger rose ...)
- Well, go on maternity leave, and if you are a total of 4 nurses, low and tell me because there is an odd, yes?
(MATERNIDAD!! MATERNITY! Could not be mejorooor!, grinning from ear to ear)
"Okay, is the first no?
"Yes, in the first

" Thank you "Nothing.

And there I went, so happy, feeling that at last was a fluke.
I climb (it took a bit to find it because the hospital here is a little weird), I enter the office, introduce myself, tell them I'm driving workforce in that plant.
Suddenly a hand touched my shoulder.
I turn ...
"But you doing here??
checked ... I was watching the world is great, and I agree on a mini island with a companion of the race.
talked for a while, I was explained how the planta.Me asked if it was matron, so with great regret that I had to say goodbye and went no.Se.

Needless to say that I have been in my salsa.Me was great that night, I contenta.Que crazy if bottles, if calm babies, occasional C-section cure, medication, catheterization, some way, analytical, to understand all the paperwork!. The auxiliary nurses and I was super majasas.Una of them, I explained what was a vaginal delivery and postpartum which meant the inside .... and I thought, "I I know everything, do not worry ", but neither wanted to give me the Sabiondo, so let me explain everything he wanted.
I think that I have never felt better in a plant like this night is over does not failed anything, vias or analytical or anything ... which in emergencies .... looks like something you predisposition to be more competent RICE.
And now I am taking you back to the ER, reluctantly, with the nerves always be enough of a hindrance than a nurse over .... I do not like, and fills me, and me I still realiza.Y two months, hoping to pass! hehe.

Above is something I fastidia.Si say that you work in the emergency room, everyone is surprised, it's like you go up the range automatically for you tell them you work in plant or midwife ... pss ... is not wrong.
hay.Encima But what if you say you do not like emergency think you're a weirdo ...
Anyway, that's what happens when you study something that only serves as a bridge to what you really want to get, when you study something that has nothing to do with what you want, but it is essential to achieving this.

Have a nice day, be happy, and fight for what they want.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

My Body Brownie Try It

New Survey Emergency Childbirth

do you see I posted a new poll about whether you believe whether or not midwives are neglected by nursing schools ... in general nursing.
Many nursing journals is much you try (and get) to advance in nursing, but it seems that the field is quite olvidado.Estancadas midwives always in the same point, with few who actually listen ... That's at least my opinion, based on what I see around me.

I will not lie, I'm a nurse by vocation, let menos.Yo did nursing for midwifery, nursing job, but neither full nor me makes me ... (I hope nobody feels offended) because it is not I really want.
Now I see that although midwives are also nurses, are not heard or apoyadas.Sí, from time to time about his work, current news ... but still in one second (if not 3 °) plane.

is logical that it wants to advance in nursing, it is logical that deal primarily in the field, but we must not forget this collective, we must not forget that they and they also want progress, also want to change things, they also want their voices heard.

The previous survey was whether the specialty should be an independent career, and although I initially had my doubts, I am increasingly confident that yes, they should be.

The survey is raised, now just need to fellowship, to hear opinions, to know the truth (especially if it happens here a midwife, or a resident, lol).

accept and respect all kinds of opinions. Greetings to

tod @ s .

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Runescape Prepaid Mastercards


I'm working in the ER, I happened to search the Internet for what should be done in case of running into the street or anywhere else other than the hospital with a birth lately I inesperado.Además listening to a lot of news about people in the street or police who exercise for a few minutes improvisadas.Así midwives, midwives and future, the question arises "what to do if you meet an impending birth?, what is the priority?.
Well, here you have something interesting I found:

signs that announce the birth
delivery is defined to the expulsion of a mature fetus between 37 and 42 completed weeks, from the uterine cavity to the outside. This is what is meant by the term delivery. Those births that occur before 37 weeks are considered preterm deliveries and those produced after the 42 weeks are called post-term deliveries.

contractions, weak and infrequent at first, later strong, painful and frequent.
Breaking the "bag of water" feeling
decrease the child's head Elimination of mucus plug

What should I do?
1 º During contractions
- Reassure the mother.
- Install a comfortable place and clean. Place in a bed or on the floor covered with sheets and blankets.
- should be put on your back, knees bent, legs apart and placed under the buttocks a blanket or towel.
2 º For the child out
- Do not pull or push the child's mother's abdomen.
- When the head is placed a hand on the child's face, bringing a little child's chin. The most frequent position of the child is usually looking down.
- When it's all head out it's time to feel the neck and see if the cord is tied, if I cut it very tense and very tense if not try to slide it over your head the child.
- They put their hands on the sides of the child's head, push down slightly to first remove the top shoulder. Then push up to pull the shoulder down.
- The child goes out without any help after releasing both shoulders.
3 º After the child left
- To keep your child warm'll put on the mother's body, covering it over him.
- If the mouth is blocked, clean it with a finger covered with a clean cloth.
- If not breathing, clean the mouth and artificial ventilation practice mouth to mouth and nose, his lips around the child's mouth and nose and blow gently.
- Umbilical cord: Wait
stop beating and pinched in two areas about 10 cm from the navel of the child.
- Make sure it is securely clamped. No cutting the cord at the time.
- Never pull the cord to produce no tears or detachment of the placenta.
- The placenta is expelled spontaneously about 30 minutes of birth. If not, you should not do anything but let it come to the hospital and the obstetrician in charge. If the ejected check to see if it is entirely and should be saved and taken to the hospital for review.
- Once we will expel uterine massage to promote the contraction of the uterus and stops bleeding.
- It is important to assess the amount of blood that the mother has lost and whether there has been any tearing during childbirth. These are data that must be taken on arrival at hospital.

Well, that is all there is to be taken into account when atenderlo.Yo've always thought what he would do if the time came, but I impose respect, the truth is that I would like some days can be helpful, lol. And nothing más.Rociito

, thanks for your comentario.Poco to just getting the hang I'm going to the emergency room jejeje.Lo I like is when a woman is pregnant with contractions, jejeje.Me very carefully read the medical report and I pay a lot of atención.Aunque many times what they are are abortions spontaneous, and am sorry, but we must bear in mind that as midwives, is something we have to face, because as we all have some good and some fixed malas.Me ultrasound .... and you like it or not learning little by little, hehe. And nothing más.Muchisimas

thanks for your ánimos.Espero that ye study hard, or at least all that I've podais permitir.Yo dropped, but since I'm doing what I will return to work soon, and I have dedicated in October.

todas.Espero A kiss that is an article you might help.
Indeed, in a few days I will make a survey, participate please! well known a lot de opiniones!.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Ules For Cards Frustration

Ya he vuelto de nuevo.Con las pilas cargadas???sí,pero no.Es algo dificil de explicar,pero ya habría que entrar en terreno personal y no es plan.
Eso sí,mi sobrina está preciosa.Me tiene embobada,pero la echo tanto de menos.Es dificil estar lejos de ella...ya estoy entrando en terreno personal!!!.
Ah!Se me olvidaba.Gracias Estibaliz y Cécil por pasaros por mi blog y tomaros la molestia de dejar un comentario.
Me encanta conocer gente que comparte mi mismo deseo: ser matrona,porque nos entendemos muy bien,y podemos intercambiar experiencias,sentimientos al respecto.Dentro de mis compañeras de carrera no conozco a nadie que quiera ser matrona porque really like, so this blog comes in handy for me to meet you vosotr @ s, people like me who strives for a dream (because for me a dream.) So thank you.

Cécil, this is Spain, to be a midwife, you must first make a career in nursing, which is 3 years (soon 4). Once you finish the race, if you want to be a midwife, you have to pass a test called the EIR ( Domestic Nurse Resident) where you can ask anything you've studied in the carrera.Si surpass the test scores enough to take place (there were about 6000 people each year for 300-odd seats), choose the place suits you of which are offered for residence and the residence of midwives start, lasting a total of two internal years.During performed theoretical and practical lessons. So there you
residence. Questions
powers has España.Bueno midwife here, as a midwife can work in a primary care setting, this leads to follow up the pregnancy of the pregnant woman, to nine months, but unlike your country although women will consult the midwife must also be followed by a gynecologist, whether or not a pregnancy normal.La primary care midwife is also responsible for women in the postpartum period, controlling all is well.
In delivery room dealing with normal deliveries, if one adds to what makes the gynecologist.
My advice is if you want to come to Spain to these practices in three weeks, see, certainly not arrepientes.Además you each time we advance a little longer to get a natural birth, without much medicalization innecesaria.Casi all residents and midwives Recent want this (natural childbirth) and sure to be well acogida.Yo animo.Son you three weeks, and if you do not, then you get, but I'm sure you will gustar.Si have any doubt, ask me , okay I'll be happy to respond.
By the way, quiet with the faults, you write better than many English (including myself, that I put every kick in the dictionary that fabric ...)
And, tell you not to get bogged down with the simulations, initially leaving fatal, in fact if I could put negative score that would secure , jeje.No obsess, do more test, and you go taking the tranquillo.Estudia not burden you, slowly but surely.
I'm glad to share the same desire to be midwives.
I hope everything will be cool that next year you have your place of residence, corazón.Mucho encouragement to all!.
I no longer able to study up octubre.Tengo a contract until September 30 and it is impossible, not for anything, but because I have had in the emergency room without any experience, because had never worked as a nurse, and I do not sleep at night, not as ... a level of stress is beyond me ... but I have to endure, cañón.Además walk, if I pass this, then the nerves the early days of the residence I will do just tickled ... Anyway, wish me luck at work, because I feel I actually necesitar.De useless, but that again is personal.
A kiss to all of you who read me s

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

How To Solve Exiting Tally

Back Away for a week

So that, for a week I go to my hometown, so I do not have much time to update the blog, because I take to be with my people and especially with my brand new niece, I left with a month already has three ... will remember me??? hehe.
not leave me (the few who read me) I promise I'm back, with news, new survey, more than my own paranoia, more info ....

further study, not decaigais, which this year is ours! Or yours (

I leave you with a video on the WHO recommendations for delivery, teaching and also beautiful.

A Greeting for tod @ s

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Which Is Best Lic Or Ppf

Results of the survey.

wondering about a month ago in the survey of this blog if you think best midwife is an independent career in nursing, ie ceases to be a nursing specialty. 45 people have participated
(which ilu! Lol), and the results were these:
- Yes should be an independent career, voted by 25 people, 55% of voters.
- There should be an independent career, voted by 17 people, 37% of voters
- There is clear: vote for 3 people, 6% of voters.

As distinct advantage gained by the option to be an independent career.
If I tell the truth, I did not expect this resultado.La most of my classmates wanted was not an independent career.
If you remember, I said that was not clear, but it has occurred something at this time that I have not started aclarado.Yo nursing vocation, if not to be matrona.Digamos has been a means to reach a fin.He started working and I realized that it is not my thing , which does not fill me, so I opted for midwife is an independent career in nursing, because I guess there will be many more people in my place, your goal is to be midwife and no nurse.
Eye! Nurses who reads this not what you tomeis wrong, because I really admire people who have a vocation nurse is hard work, and I admit, is nice and grateful, but it's not mine ... I do not I can work on something that makes me, yes for a while, but not for a lifetime.

Well, changing the subject, yesterday I read in the digital version of the newspaper in my city that midwives were missing despite the specialized new students had arrived.
only say one thing ... ME WAIT! Lol. Greetings to todos.Yo
still sick: (. Nostrils do not know when will happen to me, but on Thursday I have to catch a plane and it's not like I plan to follow.
I said, have fun.