Hundreds of Thousands of Egyptians called for in the streets across the country, the fall of the dictatorship. In Cairo, hundreds of thousands of people marched in protest to the presidential palace ...
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Usb Fan How Much Electricity
[Egypt] About two million people call in Cairo the overthrow of the dictatorship
Hundreds of Thousands of Egyptians called for in the streets across the country, the fall of the dictatorship. In Cairo, hundreds of thousands of people marched in protest to the presidential palace ... Kaos. International New shots Mubarak loyalists left at least five people
Hundreds of Thousands of Egyptians called for in the streets across the country, the fall of the dictatorship. In Cairo, hundreds of thousands of people marched in protest to the presidential palace ...
According to the television, the four new victims, anti-Mubarak protesters could have died from gun shot, heard regularly for an hour in the vicinity of the plaza.
Several ambulances have been moved to the scene to rescue the wounded, whose number now exceeds 1,500, according to Al Jazeera, although this figure has not been officially confirmed.enfrentamientosEl The square of the Health Minister, Ahmed Sameh Farid said, at last count that provided the Egyptian public television, that three people were killed and 639 wounded. The first victim was a soldier who fell a bridge near Tahrir, while the other two protesters were killed by blows to the head suffered, though Farid did not specify the origin of the wounds. The Tahrir Square has been throughout the day scene of heavy fighting with sticks, stones and Molotov cocktails between opponents and supporters of Mubarak, whom the opposition has denounced as agents of law enforcement.
Wednesday, 2 February(Follow
clashes between pro-Mubarakand opposition activists have harshly resumed tonight in Tahrir Square and surrounding streets. Security sources have indicated to Reuters that "shocks
have spread to nearby streets Tahrir, especially to neighboring Riad Square Abdelmenem and Qasr el Nil Bridge".
20.52. New attacks on journalists posted to Cairo. The special envoys
of TV3,
, special envoy of the Catalan Radio and collaborator RAC1 The Sixth World
, has also been attacked while connecting the phone with the evening program of the station. Gemma Saura , convened by a score of social organizations, have focused on the Puerta del Sol Madrid to show their solidarity
with protests in Egypt and Tunisia. The participants chanted slogans against President Egypt as Mubarak killing and the world watching "or" learns Mubarak people do not sell "and others as" Long live the struggle of the Egyptian people "or" From Cairo arrives and, come the revolt and general strike. " 20.15.
From the buildings surrounding the plaza Tahrir are throwing bombs, as recorded by Al Jazeera . A large part of the anti-Mubarak protesters remain in the square and are afraid to leave the crowd.
Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez be "peaceful and sovereign."
"If the Egyptian government has instigated any violence
" stressed Robert Gibbs.
Gibbs says U.S. is "deeply concerned"
for attacks on the media and peaceful demonstrators and "deplores and condemns the violence The White House spokesman, Robert Gibbs
responds to reporters at a press conference on the crisis in Egypt. Asked if President Obama sees Mubarak a dictator, Gibbs replied: "The Administration believes that President Mubarak has
opportunity to show the world that he is in favor of starting the transition that their people need so urgently. "
A senior U.S. official said the agency
A senior U.S. official said the agency
19.14. sound is heard several shots
in Tahrir Square, the epicenter of the massive protests in the capital of Egypt, according to Al Jazeera
19.10. reporter Gregg Carlstrom
Al Jazeera tweeting: "Ambulances can not reach the wounded from the Tahrir Square, where hundreds of injured people ." 19.00.
The Army urges protesters to meet the curfewand return to their homes, as published by the British broadcaster's Web
Several leaders of the U.S. Congress have suggested a
suspension of aid to Egypt to push for a democratic transition
, despite the commitment of the Egyptian president to relinquish power in September. 18.35. The Egyptian Health Ministry says that the riots have left a dead , which could be a policeman or a soldier, and 350 wounded, Reuters reported.
Egyptian State television urged to leave the square Thar with a threatening message: "You must immediately evacuate the Tahrir Square. We have confirmed that violent groups are directed toward it with bombs
gasoline and intend to burn the area, "according to published
Al Jazeera. 18.23. Despite there are still hundreds of demonstrators in Tahrir Square, many have already retired to their homes
to protect their families from possible looting
that can happen overnight.
continuing attacks on journalists in Cairo. The last to be attacked is CNN correspondent Anderson Cooper , who managed to upload a video recounting how they have been beaten. 18.05. The center of the plaza Thar seems to be calming now riots are in the vicinity of the Egyptian Museum. Hundreds of injuries requiring medical attention.
17.45. Journalists are not welcome. As reported by a producer of Al Jazeera, at the Hilton Hotel staff is recording all the rooms for television cameras. members safety equipment are responsible for requisition. 17.38. The fire in the Egyptian Museum seems to affect gardens only for now. 17.35. AFP confirmed the figure of 500 wounded Thar in the square on the facts of medical assistance. 17.34. pro-Mubarak Protesters are the are throwing petrol bombs and petrol bombs , according to a CNN correspondent. 17.23. Egyptian Finance Minister, Samir Radwan, the opposition has asked that
sit down and negotiate with the government. "They afraid to talk because they seem to have any economic program or foreign policy prepared, "he said in an interview with a string Arbe." But we should sit together and talk to avoid chaos, "he reiterated. 17.17. Army strives to extinguish the flames stretching caused by Tahrir Square, apparently, for several gas pumps, according to AFP.
17.13. According to initial estimates of the means Communication in the fray between the two sides have registered about five hundred wounded.
17.11. The Egyptian Foreign Ministry described as "regrettable" the fact that other states discuss the situation in Egypt and asked them "handle their own affairs" , referring to the European Union, the United Kingdom, France and Turkey. 17.09. A group of protesters have thrown molotov cocktails against the Egyptian Museum. Of the damage was not immediately known.
16.40. Army Egyptian will not shoot against any demonstrators, whether supporters or opponents of President Mubarak, according to Defense Minister assured.
16.36. Tunisian Foreign Minister, Ahmed Abderraouf Ouna, said that his country can not give lessons in democracy to "Africa's oldest state, Egypt. "We are not exporting policy lessons, we importers of modern human and economic development," said the minister at a press conference in Brussels after meeting with the head of the diplomacy of the European Union (EU), Catherine Ashton. 16.32. Start
evening in Cairo, Tahrir Square still locked, no one can enter or exit. The people inside of it has raised some barricades to protect themselves. 16.16. ElBaradei, the chief opponent of the regime, the army asking
intervene to avoid this battle and protect the Egyptians, according to Al Jazeera. "What is happening in Egypt at present is a crime," he said. 16.12. New Government sources point to as the instigator of the pro-Mubarak protesters
. The Pulitzer Prize and the New York Times journalist, Nick Kristof says that has seen him come in buses, with machetes and guns of all kinds. 16.07. Ban Ki-Moon, UN secretary general: "The situation is unacceptable . Any attack on a peaceful demonstration is intolerable and condemanos vigorously."
16.03. The attackers are members of the police, according to the correspondent of The Guardian . " I have no doubt that they are the same faces I saw last week
among the police." 16.01. protests around Tahrir Square s
and flare up. The protesters are being discouraged with gas canisters. 15.59 . In Alexandria spirits are very also tense. Demonstrators supporting the Mubarak regime took to the streets in protest, and there have been serious clashes.
15.45. At least 10 people injured in clashes between supporters and opponents of Mubarak in Cairo, witnesses said Reuters.
15.44. television image Al Jazeera takes minutes to set on a Cairo street, where a barricade separating the two trucks sides and from a nearby rooftop, a soldier contemplates impassive course of events. 15.32. The outdoor shots were presumably made by the military to try to stop the battle lasts longer than 2 hours in downtown Cairo. 15.20.
A witness at the square, Al Jazeera correspondent , informed voice fried in Tahrir Square say they are besieged by supporters of Mubarak and can not leave the square and enter itampoco in it. 15. 18.
Dima Khatib, Al Jazeera correspondent said on Twitter Anderson Cooper, CNN correspondent, has been attacked by pro-Mubarak protesters. It is "good" says . 15. 14.
In a street where there are clashes, three trucks cutting the road. On either side there are mobs throwing stones and objects. 15. 10.
In a neighborhood of Cairo, Mohandesin, thousands of protesters Mubarak supporters have joined in front of Mustafa Mahmoud mosque and have caused the blocking of the neighborhood. The protesters chanted "No to the event, not destruction" , "Down with the agents" and "Mubarak, the pilot, do not let it turn on the fire." 15. 07. Clashes between protesters and activists anti Mubarak Mubarak is happening continuously for 2 hours. The chaos has been installed in the square and surrounding streets. According to an Al Jazeera correspondent
Is heard shots any area. It is possible, according to sources who have been dead. Wounded too, but without confirming the number. The accusations about who is behind the pro-Mubarak protesters point to the party in power, but nothing is certain at this time. 14.55.
Clashes between protesters and activists anti Mubarak Mubarak is happening continuously for 2 hours. The chaos has been installed in the square and surrounding streets. According to an Al Jazeera correspondent , shots were heard in some area. It is possible, fonts you dead. Wounded too, but without confirming the number. The accusations about who is behind the pro-Mubarak protesters point to the party in power, but nothing is certain at this time. 14.55.
Interior Minister denied on public television that the government is behind the strategy of pro-Mubarak protesters and security forces there in the square. 14.50. in power Protesters accuse the party of Government, NDP, of arming the gangs that have penetrated the Tahrir Square
to deal with them. 14.47. Fuerntes unconfirmed talk of the first casualties in the plaza because of the fighting. Also injured, though not confirmed a specific figure. 14.42. Mubarak's pro entered the plaza equipped with bats, sticks and knives, attacked and injured demonstrators. One of the correspondents
Al Jazeera is saying that the Army is limited to observing the facts but not to speak in favor, although threatened to do so by following the attacks. 14.40.
Army warns pro-Mubarak protesters to cease all attacks on peaceful demonstrators, who are still in Tahrir Square, or intervene in defense of the latter. 14.39. rule Europe again. The head of EU foreign policy, Catherine Ashton
calls on Mubarak to respond "to the will of its people" and act "as soon as possible" to initiate changes in the country. 14.25. Protesters teach cameras Al Jazeera present in the streets
card Police have seized from those of Mubarak supporters who stormed the area. 14.21. While in Tahrir Square area and surrounding streets fighting continues in other protesters have begun to pray.
14.16. journalist Edurne Arbeloa said on Twitter that Angels Barceló and Mikel Ayestarán , journalists and Telecinco Cadena Ser, respectively, have been attacked
in Tahrir Square. the opposition leader, Mohamed ElBaradei, has reported to Reuters guerrilla tactics the Mubarak government is dividing the country . This morning he had warned that if he did not power could unleash violence in Egypt.
14.00. men, possibly police the special security service Mubarak come on horseback and on camels in Tahrir Square. The scrum is cast on them. The return of the clashes between the two groups, supporters and opponents of Mubarak. There stampedes. People complain about the passivity of the army. However, had already warned that they would not match.
13.53. Two Egyptian Army tanks cut
Street to prevent more protesters step of Mubarak supporters to enter in Tahrir Square, Al Jazeera reported in . The military, stationed above the tanks, waving the Egyptian flag and try to calm the masses. "Enough, enough," he shouted. The clashes are falling after it has been able to expel Mubarak supporters of the square.
13.47. The Al Jazeera reporter in Tahrir Square says that from where she is a refugee is to spend a lot of people crying, screaming and some are
bloody. Ensures that the scene is chaotic and tense, there is an organization that groups of detractors and supporters of Mubarak are mixed. 13.41. The battle between opponents and supporters of Hosni Mubarak has caused several injuries, according to Al Jazeera a. The Army had decided not to intervene, or position in any of the two sides.
13.27. The pro-Mubarak protesters, about 500, come to Tahrir Square, and begin the first clashes violence between the two groups, according to witnesses. In Al Jazeera is seen to throw stones at each other. Meanwhile, some opponents try to calm the mind that protests should be peaceful. Some protesters have thrown smoke canisters. 13.19. Broadcasters estimated at 10,000 pro-Mubarak protesters which are now at the center of Cairo.
12.54. The Egyptian Parliament on Wednesday decided to adjourn until will review complaints of alleged irregularities in recent elections held in November and December.
12.21. The committee of representatives of opposition parties have been asked to continue the protests until Hsoni Mubarak leaves office and has appealed to a huge demonstration on Friday.
12.11. The tension grows in the center of Cairo . Thousands of people demonstrated in favor of Hosni Mubarak is only a half mile from Tahrir Square, where the opposition the regime. The Army tries to avoid both groups are to avoid violent situations. The journalist Dima Khatib says that the march Twitter pro-Mubarak "is organized by the president's party, which incites the specter of insecurity among his followers. Amr
beleidy an Egyptian twitterers " The country may split in two , and two blocks in my own family."
11.49. A Muslim Brotherhood leader has told Al Jazeera that they continue protests until the president resigns Mubarak and they will not talk with Vice President Suleiman until Mubarak leaves. 11.34.
The Army announced the reduction of the curfew in Egypt. The curfew will begin this Wednesday at 17.00 local time and end at 7.00, while in recent days was in effect from 15.00 am to 8.00 pm local time. 11.17. A Turkish journalist has been kidnapped in Cairo while covering mass protests against President Hosni Mubarak. Sedat Bozkurt, responsible Fox TC Ankara, Turkish subsidiary of Fox News, told Efe
that is Erol Candabakoglu kidnapped reporter, correspondent in Cairo, where he works with a local chamber. 11.05. Egypt on Wednesday recovered the Internet
, blocked since last Friday after five days of disruption. "What joy to have friends with us twitterers Egyptian # Jan25" say on Twitter .
11.03. French President Nicolas Sarkozy called on Wednesday to launch "a process of transition concrete without delay." 10.53. The Egyptian Army
asks demonstrators
go home.
Egyptian Armed Forces on Wednesday asked the protesters to go home to recover the country's stability after a week of protests whose claims have been heard, they said. "You can live a normal life is possible for the grandchildren of the Pharaohs and the Pyramids builders overcome difficulties and achieve security," said military spokesman in a statement read on television. 10.52. Egypt's military
could issue a statement soon, as announced on Twitter .
10.23. Although messaging services SMS remains patchy, the messages were reaching mass circulation. One sent on Wednesday said: "
armed forces are concerned for their safety and welfare and not use force against this great nation." 10.19. The crowd, about 1,500 people, will once again gathering in Tahrir Square
with a clear message: "We will not go , we will not leave."
09.50. Egyptian Finance Minister, Samir Radwan, told the BBC that the government is "open to debate with all factions of the opposition."
09.38. Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood insisted on Wednesday in calling for the resignation of
country's president, Hosni Mubarak, saying that his announcement that he will not seek re-election in next September's elections late . 09.30. few hundred supporters of Hosni Mubarak has agreed to Tahrir Square. The have faced opponents with them. A man lay on the ground being beaten, according to an Al Jazeera reporter
. 09.21. Increases the street presence of Hosni Mubarak supporters
. In Twitter Egyptians say the president practices "divide and conquer." 09.15.
Experts economists have told Al Jazeera that Egypt take six months to recover economic losses a week of popular revolts. 09.12. President announced that Yemen will not expand its mandate or transmit the position to his son. Yemeni opposition had called a day of struggle against the regime Ali Abdullah Saleh President on Thursday.
09.06. El Baradei believes that if Mubarak will not be peaceful protests could turn violent . In fact, the first confrontations yesterday lived in Alexandria between groups for and against the president. 08.48. The Army tanks
keep watch Tahrir Square, the epicenter of the demonstrations that gathered yesterday to a million people in Cairo. Sunrise in Cairo preparations for new protests on the ninth day of unrest against the regime of Mubarak. Does not serve the opposition's commitment Hosni Mubarak not resubmitted to elections and reforms for an election in September. El Baradei, the one chosen by the Egyptian opposition movements as their spokesman, has said it is a trick
Mubarak to stay in power. The same day the million men march
in Cairo, Obama has called for democratic transition to be "peaceful and immediate."
Agencies. Already been done at night in Egypt, but no one is removed. Al Jazeera just showed stunning images of Alexandria. A crowd (hundreds of thousands of people, according to the channel), sings the national anthem in the streets of Egypt's second city
Public Journal: Al Jazeera says the goal of a million people has been fulfilled. El Baradei again ask Mubarak to go if you want to avoid a bath blood. minute tracking of
23.25. Riots in Alexandria in various clashes between protesters anti-Mubarak and the defenders of the president. In the fighting can be heard several shots, according to Al Jazeera
22.23. The protesters demand the immediate withdrawal the power of his still President, the cry of "Go, go."
22.10. After brief words of Mubarak, the joy erupts between the crowd gathered in Tahrir Square in Cairo.
22.05. The Egyptian leader ensures that there will be presented to the next election. Although warns he will not resign. 22.02. Mubarak said that the protests have been "manipulated by political forces" .
22.00. Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak , addresses the nation in a television appearance. 21.55.
The tension extends to Morocco. Two teachers were injured after burning to bonzo front of the Ministry of Education in Rabat to protest their working conditions. 21.34. The riots that Egypt and its impact lives in the Middle East have led to a day plus an increase in the price of oil. A barrel of Brent closed Tuesday with a rise of 0.72% in the London futures market.
21.14. The contagion effect of the 'Day of Wrath' is extended to Yemen, where on Thursday is called a demonstration for this theme.
20.32. Egyptian state television announced a message from Mubarak shortly. According to Hala Gorani of CNN's speech will be about nine (ten in Egypt) .20.32. Egyptian state television announced a message from Mubarak shortly.
20.32. According New York Times, Obama Mubarak has asked not to submit to the election. 20.26.
The Socialist International, the worldwide organization of social democratic parties, socialist and labor, has evicted the National Democratic Party of President Hosni Mubarak, sources have confirmed the PSOE. 20.05. The Egyptian Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq, say again "ready to talk with the opposition"
. 20.01. According to Reuters, quoting Al Arabiya Mubarak in his speech will tell you not to stand for election.
19.24. pressure on Mubarak, which Al Arabiya said it could re-appear "soon" comes from both within and outside the country. The U.S. Democratic Senator John Kerry
said Tuesday that the best thing to do is still president "resign." 19.24. pressure on Mubarak, which Al Arabiya said it could re-appear "soon" comes from both within and outside the country. The U.S. Democratic Senator John Kerry
said Tuesday that the best thing to do is still president "resign." 19.13. in Cairo is already dark. Protesters still flood the Tahrir Square, defying again the curfew, screaming that will not go away until you do Mubarak in the country.
19.00. ElBaradei to speak again. "Mubarak has to go before Friday" , said the Nobel Peace Prize.
18.42. one of Europe's voice still heard clearly. By contrast, some European countries, in Great Britain, are pronounced with greater force. On Tuesday, British Minister of Foreign Affairs, William Hague,
called "disappointing" the new Egyptian cabinet, arguing that representative government is not asking the citizens of the country. 18.21.
The coalition of groups within the opposition have made it known that only the present government would start talks with the military on a transition to democracy once Mubarak has left the presidency, according to Al Jazeera. 16.48. In line with what happens in Egypt, Hamas has banned
Tuesday in its territory demonstrations in support of popular rebellion against Mubarak. 16.29. The number of protesters in the Sinai is 250,000, according to Al Jazeera. In addition, under the same channel, the hospitals in Alexandria are colpasados \u200b\u200bproduced by the wounded in the riots.
16.02. According to Al arabeyes
, the U.S. ambassador and Egypt now meets with the opposition to the regime and Nobel Peace Prize, ElBaradei.
While increasing popular pressure in Egypt, Iran
begins to be celebrated by the age of 32 annals of the Islamic revolution that overthrew the Shah of Persia.
15.44. in Egypt begins to speak of a new
'Friday Wrath', as the correspondent for Al Jazeera Dima Khatib . 15.32. Without
possibility of dialogue between opposition and government. The spokesperson Muslim Brotherhood, Gamal Nassar, said: "The people and the Muslim Brotherhood rejected any talks with Mubarak, with his vice president or the government and the main demand for all is to overthrow the regime"
15.26. count of deaths in Alexandria. The number of people killed in protests over the past week amounted to 100, according to Al Jazeera. 14.58. Protesters in Cairo make a human chain
around military checkpoints to protect, as Nic Robertson, CNN correspondent.
14.43. Around two million people focus on Tahrir Square Area. The demonstration called for Tuesday, part of the square and end at the presidential palace, which far
approximately 2 km. As can be seen in the images offered by Al Jazeera, the mass of chanting demonstrators shouted against Mubarak in Tahrir Square seems not to move. 14.28.
As already made Monday with the army, protesters ultimatum Launch a # Mubarak, or resigns before Friday, or otherwise be routed to the presidential palace, reports Al Jazeera. 14.27.
Iran hopes that the protests in Egypt
lead to a Middle East "Islamic and powerful" which can resist its enemies, Israel and the United States, as stated by the Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast, and includes Reuters 14.24. "There conflicts with police in Alexandria, Mansoura, Damnahour ...", says Al Jazeera Dima Khatib on Twitter. 14.20. Protesters have stopped a car full of weapons attempting to enter Tahrir Square, reports Al Jazeera on Twitter. 14.13. Dima Khatib reported in Twitter: "It is estimated that there are already 2 million people in Tahrir Square in Cairo and surrounding areas. True Egyptian human tide!". Al Jazeera says the same number of protesters.
According to Mahmud Ghazali, following the appointment as president of Faruk Sultan form a national salvation government with members accepted by the people.
The Muslim Brotherhood propose to the President of the Supreme Constitutional Court, Faruk Sultan as substitute
Hosni Mubarak, whom he considered a president "illegitimate," Mahmud told Efe Ghazali, head of the main opposition force in Egypt. 13.57. Military police installed wire barriers around the residence of #
Mubarak, reports by Dima Twitter Khatib from Cairo. 13.52. Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan,
postponed a planned visit to Cairo 8 and 9 February until Egypt back to normal, according to Reuters. On Tuesday, Erdogan gave a speech calling on Mubarak to listen to people's demands. 13.46. According account Dima Khatib, demonstrations of recent weeks Jordan asked the Government to resign .
13.43. King Abdullah
dismisses the Government of Jordan
, led by Samir Al Rifai. Maarouf Al Bakhit will form a new government, reported the Al Jazeera and Dima Khatibdesde Twitter. 13.34.
The Socialist International
Tuesday expelled from her bosom National Democratic Party, the political force led by Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, saying that it violates the values \u200b\u200b
defending social democracy. 13.14. The Azerbaijani opposition demanded on Tuesday remove the statue of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak , erected in 2007 in the city of Jirdalán near of the capital Baku in a show of solidarity with the people of Egypt. 13.01.
The Egyptian opposition Mohamed ElBaradei is convinced that the country's president, Hosni Mubarak, will end up leaving
"for his life" and believes that "the Egyptian army will from the people. " 12.54. Phones phones no longer work around the Place de la Liberation are blocked as the Internet, your Twitter account of Al Jazeera journalist Dima Khatib. 12.48. Arab TV networks are reporting "hundreds of thousands" of demonstrators in Tahrir Square in downtown Cairo, but as Al Jazeera says it already has become "more a million "people, Al Arabiya has a more conservative figure and speaks of" about 200,000. " 12.41. Police Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, de facto ruling the Gaza Strip on Tuesday
has suppressed a demonstration in solidarity with the Egyptian people struggling to overthrow the regime of President Hosni Mubarak, witnesses said.
Arab League: "We that countries have more democracy , the population demands it," he told Hassim
Bouzid, Ambassador Head of Mission League of Arab States Madrid. 12.23. Prime Minister of Japan, Naoto Kan, hoped to form a democratic government in Egypt in a peaceful manner and through a process of dialogue with the population, reported
local agency Kyodo. The Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan urged Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, that meets the demands of the protesters in his country because "no government remains in place "if he heard the people. 11.58. UNESCO made on Tuesday called for protects the cultural heritage in Egypt
to the looting in recent days and asked "All parties to the conflict" to respect freedom of expression also in the country 11.15.
High UN Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, is "deeply alarmed" about the situation in Egypt. "unconfirmed information suggest that 300 people may have died . 10.37.
Estimates of Al Jazeera: "over 100,000" people in Tahrir Square. Estimates of CNN: "70,000 people ." In groups of hundreds around those who are talking, discussing or making songs, "says a reporter.
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