Mubarak! Great victory of the revolution in Egypt!
Against driven transition by the bourgeoisie and imperialism, to continue the demonstrations! Sunday, February 13, 2011
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Against the transition driven by the bourgeoisie and imperialism, to continue the demonstrations!
The Glorious Revolution gave a historical example to all peoples of the world and a new and decisive step in the expansion of the Arab revolution . Mubarak - the hated dictator and most important agent of imperialism and Israel in the region - went out the determined action of the masses for 18 consecutive days. The overthrow of the dictator is, therefore, a huge victory Egyptian and Arab masses.
Revolution placed the regime against the wall
The core of this gigantic process was in Tahrir Square (or Release) in the center of the capital, Cairo, which became the center of protests that swept across the country. Millions of Egyptians demanded: Out Mubarak and the regime. The occupation of the Plaza became the expression of people power mobilized, as opposed to a system and its institutions that failed to achieve rule. The Government ordered to end the occupation of the square and no one obeyed; ordered curfew, but the masses did not listen. The process galvanized the entire country, and we saw the massive demonstrations in major cities such as Alexandria, Suez, Port Said and extending to all corners of the country. With the country paralyzed, the government orchestrated an attempted counter-revolutionary onslaught against the demonstrators, aiming to defeat them and drained the Tahrir Square. Despite the army's passivity and cowardice an attack by armed gangs against unarmed demonstrators, the occupants of the Tahrir Square were not intimidated and bravely drove the bands of the system, composed of police and mercenaries. While this attack perpetrated against the revolutionary movement, the government called for dialogue with opposition forces tolerated and with the participation of the followers of El Baradei and of the Muslim Brotherhood. Although these forces do not reach agreement with the regime, participation actually meant standing in an attempt to transition negotiated. The result was only announced "constitutional reforms" to the September elections and promises for "concessions" empty.
The masses did not believe in these games and continued to demand the immediate departure of Mubarak, keeping the occupation of the Plaza in Cairo and major cities. Already
The Glorious Revolution gave a historical example to all peoples of the world and a new and decisive step in the expansion of the Arab revolution . Mubarak - the hated dictator and most important agent of imperialism and Israel in the region - went out the determined action of the masses for 18 consecutive days. The overthrow of the dictator is, therefore, a huge victory Egyptian and Arab masses.
Revolution placed the regime against the wall
The core of this gigantic process was in Tahrir Square (or Release) in the center of the capital, Cairo, which became the center of protests that swept across the country. Millions of Egyptians demanded: Out Mubarak and the regime. The occupation of the Plaza became the expression of people power mobilized, as opposed to a system and its institutions that failed to achieve rule. The Government ordered to end the occupation of the square and no one obeyed; ordered curfew, but the masses did not listen. The process galvanized the entire country, and we saw the massive demonstrations in major cities such as Alexandria, Suez, Port Said and extending to all corners of the country. With the country paralyzed, the government orchestrated an attempted counter-revolutionary onslaught against the demonstrators, aiming to defeat them and drained the Tahrir Square. Despite the army's passivity and cowardice an attack by armed gangs against unarmed demonstrators, the occupants of the Tahrir Square were not intimidated and bravely drove the bands of the system, composed of police and mercenaries. While this attack perpetrated against the revolutionary movement, the government called for dialogue with opposition forces tolerated and with the participation of the followers of El Baradei and of the Muslim Brotherhood. Although these forces do not reach agreement with the regime, participation actually meant standing in an attempt to transition negotiated. The result was only announced "constitutional reforms" to the September elections and promises for "concessions" empty.
The masses did not believe in these games and continued to demand the immediate departure of Mubarak, keeping the occupation of the Plaza in Cairo and major cities. Already
recent days the working class and the workers began to intervene decisively with his powerful weapon: strike. Expression that was the stage entrance of the Suez Canal workers, worker health and transport in Cairo, as well as telecommunications workers. Even workers in media organizations such as Al Ahram decided to stop the regime. This wave of strikes that gathered demands for better living conditions with the requirement of the output of Mubarak, was paralyzed in an increasingly compromising the interests of the national bourgeoisie and internaiconal the Egyptian economy. The workers were demonstrating in while Mubarak was in power they would go all the way to get what they wanted.
Mubarak was forced to resign Against all this, the army was unable to directly suppress the demonstrations and kept watching the mass marches and the occupation of the Plaza. The constant contact soldiers and officers with the demonstrators down the elements of crisis deepened in the army, which was becoming increasingly dangerous one possible order of the military leadership of massive repression, which could result in the division of the army immediately against the force revolutionize the Egyptian people.
maintaining unsustainable Mubarak, imperialism began to look to articulate a "safe passage", which would ensure a "fair government" whose task out "stabilize" the country, maintaining the central institutions of the regime, democratic concessions. Imperialism bet on the leadership of the army to carry out this task, given its organic connection to imperialism, its importance as a fundamental pillar of the regime and repressive force, and also the prestige ciertoto still remained among the masses.
After several announcements that pointed in the direction of the resignation on the night of February 10, Mubarak frustrated the expectation of the nation with a speech that instead announcing his retirement, he announced his maintenance in power with the transmission of some powers to Suleiman.The furious reaction of the population in Tahrir Square in Cairo and around the country pointed to a radicalization of the protests even greater than expected for 11. At night, the downtown areas as protestors surrounded the presidential palace and the state television station, which were protected with a great display by the army. This situation was becoming increasingly alarming, particularly for the dome of the army, then put the real possibility of clashes of protesters with the security agencies. Taking into account the important elements in the military crisis, there was no guarantee that an attempt to take these people off buildings hampered by the military. With the massive expansion of the protest and the final loss of control by the regime, Suleiman was forced to go on television to announce the resignation of Mubarak telegraph and delivery of country's leadership to the Army Central Command. Mubarak's departure was a huge achievement, imposed by mobilization of the masses and therefore with great joy and heartfelt emotion. Center is a stabilization agreement through the Army bourgeois
huge and just share the joy that goes to the Egyptian masses and around the world to be rid of a murderer and corrupt dictator. But we want to make a warning: the Egyptian Army Command took over, appearing as a course change from the leadership of Mubarak, has always been the backbone of the Egyptian dictatorship.
Indeed, Army high command owns several companies in different sectors of the economy (controlling about 30 to 40% of the country's economy), having enriched the shadow of dictatorship, at the expense of hunger and misery of the people.
addition, the army is the central pillar of the Mubarak regime and plays a key role as a strategic ally of the U.S. and Israel in the region, which expressed directly in military aid of about 2 billion U.S. dollars annually to this institution. Could be the role of the armed forces when hordes gave coverage to pro-Mubarak, allowing them to enter the square to crush the demonstrators on 2 and 3 February. With the crisis over the course of the revolution, the army leadership is now trying to assume directly the process, getting rid of the awkward figure of Mubarak to maintain their privileges and no significant change in the country. The greatest expression of that is an indication of Tantawi, Minister of Defense last 20 years of Mubarak, to head the new government until the next election.
the imperialist policy in conjunction with the army to impose on those who were mobilized for 18 days to remove Mubarak and end the dictatorship, is accepting a controlled democratic opening, in which the main pillars of the repressive regime are maintained and to ensure compliance with the political arrangements, economic and military imperialism, in particular with Israel. In the process of controlled liberalization, the sectors of the bourgeois opposition are preparing to play a central role. In this regard, the sector headed by ElBaradei and the Muslim Brotherhood and gave statements favorable to compose with the military a national unity government that allows a negotiated transition to the next elections and accept the agreements are maintained with imperialism and Israel .
Only the independent mobilization of the masses can carry out the Egyptian revolution!
The great victory achieved by the Egyptian revolution to overthrow Mubarak is only the beginning and not the end of the fight against oppression of the Egyptian people. Imperialism and the Egyptian bourgeoisie are trying to prevent the people reach a greater victory than that already achieved by preventing the breakdown with former spread. The higher expression that's what the proposed new government is headed by a man closely connected to Mubarak, who was his Minister of Defense for 20 years, and is fully confident of American imperialism. The army leadership, committed all those years of dictatorship, not going to want to punish these crimes, to prosecute and turn on the oppressors and torturers, and that hurt the economic interests of groups that flourished in the shadow of Mubarak. Not going to want freedom so they can denounce the crimes of the dictatorship and for freedom of association and workers have the right to strike would threaten the great achievements of these groups to which they are linked. A government composed of men of Mubarak is an obstacle to the revolution!
dictatorship killed and tortured thousands of opponents. During the 18 days of mobilization, 300 were dead to overthrow Mubarak. To break at once with Mubarak era must dissolve the repressive apparatus that maintained by terror 30 years of dictatorship and punish those responsible for prisons, torture and deaths of those who fought for their rights. For the dissolution of all the repressive! Punishing those responsible for torture and death!
must also continue to mobilize to ensure immediate release of all political prisoners and total freedom of association, nonpartisan organization press.
know that there is a class division in the ranks of the army. Fraternization and the inability of the average soldiers and officers are expressions suppress demonstrations thereof. It is necessary for soldiers and officers have the broadest half democratic freedoms to organize themselves independently of their superiors, and together with the claims and aspirations of the Egyptian working class are not those of imperialism and those of general Mubarak .
For immediate dissolution of Parliament fraudulent! To end the Mubarak regime is not sufficient to com partial reforms in the Constitution, as they are proposing the new government and the bourgeois opposition. The convening of a Constituent Assembly with full sovereign powers without anyone being the bodies of the Mubarak regime! Constituent Assembly to break the agreements with imperialism, to expropriate the property of Mubarak and the whole of the old regime, and build a socialist Egypt to serve the workers and the people!
The oppression of the Egyptian people is not limited to the dictatorship and is rooted in exploitation and unemployment condemned to hunger and misery to the majority of the population. The revolution will not only puts into question the current system, but affects directly to the dominant imperialism, being objectively a workers' socialist revolution.
background for a break with the old regime is, therefore, essential to break the political and military pacts with imperialism and Israel. Imperialism Out of Egypt For the immediate and full opening of the border with the Gaza Strip!For an immediate increase in overall wages and appropriate to the cost of the basket! For an emergency economic plan and the immediate reduction of working hours without loss of pay so as to guarantee work for everyone! For the expropriation of large national and multinational companies and the financial system!
The prerequisite for fulfilling the desire of the masses to build a new Egypt, is that independent of the mass demonstrations continue. It was the mobilization of the masses and not the army that toppled Mubarak. Why call the Egyptian masses not to place the fate of the revolution, in the hands of army and to trust in her own strength to continue. The youth, who played an extraordinary role in the vanguard of that movement and showed great heroism by remaining on the place all these days despite the repression, organized and should continue to enforce their just demands. The working class, besides being in the center of the fight against Mubarak, and showed that the country can stop.
Since the victory of those who occupied and maintained the Tahir Plaza is located the need to promote the mobilization and independent organization of workers and youth, to call an urgent meeting of workers and people to discuss a program serving the masses as opposed to the military leadership and the bourgeois opposition and to take power in their hands to carry it out.
must develop the Arab revolution!
After Tunisia, the Arab revolt was a great win with the demolition of Mubarak. We will extend to the entire region! On the overthrow of dictatorships and other reactionary monarchies in the Arab world and Middle East! Mubarak was a pillar of the order imposed by imperialism in the region, whose center is the state of Israel. The Arab revolution will not be successful as long as the Palestinian people are under the boot of Israel. All support the Palestinian people! For the destruction of Israel! This revolutionary process is also a challenge to confront the theocratic dictatorial regimes, like Iran, who suppressed the protests against electoral fraud two years ago and maintains the operation of his people, despite clashes possible with imperialism. Arab revolution placed on the agenda of recovering the unity of the Arab nation with a view to build a great federation of the Arab Socialist Republics! São Paulo, February 11 , 2011
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