Aminetu activist Haydar participating in the Eleventh Assembly of the Andalusian Federation of Associations of Solidarity with the Sahara.
Kaos. Andalusia
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"What happens in Tunisia and Egypt gives hope to the Saharawi" Sahrawi activist Haydar Aminetu in Malaga said today that "what is happening in Tunisia and Egypt is a great hope for the Saharawi people. " The president of the Collective of Sahrawi Human Rights Defenders (Codesa) has stated that what happened on November 8 in the "camp of the dignity" of Gdeim Izik in Western Sahara has left "a very clear and it is time that the international community to intervene and, because the reaction of the new generation is more violent." According to Haydar, events in Tunisia and Egypt have to carry the international community "to resolve the Western Sahara problem before spending more time."
"What is happening now in these countries as the Sahrawi started last year and this is favorable for the Western Sahara issue, considered a very important factor in the Arab Maghreb Union," he added.
Morocco "muy preocupado" Haydar, que ha participado como invitada en la XI Asamblea de la Federación Andaluza de Asociaciones Solidarias con el Sáhara ( FANDAS) celebrada en la Diputación Provincial de Málaga, ha dicho que Marruecos está "muy preocupado" por lo que está sucediendo en Túnez y Egipto. "Las televisiones no han dado ninguna información y esto demuestra que el Gobierno teme que el pueblo marroquí se levante también y diga basta ya". La activista ha lamentado la actitud del Gobierno español en la gestión del conflicto del Sáhara Occidental: "Está trabajando para Rabat y esto es una vergüenza para los españoles que tienen principios y defienden human rights ".
Fando During the assembly has been projected the documentary "Voices of Gdeim Izik 'with images of violent intervention in Morocco in this camp and the city of Laayoune in November last year, which could not be collected by journalists and international observers banned by the Moroccan government.
Haidar regrets not come to Morocco, which is lived in Tunisia and Egypt
EFE - Saturday, January 29, 2011 - The Saharawi activist said today Haidar what is living in Tunisia and Egypt is the "fruit" of the protest camp Izik Gdeim on the outskirts of Laayoune, and "unfortunately could not come to Morocco."
MÁLAGA. Haidar, who has closed in Malaga Assembly of the Andalusian Federation of Associations of Solidarity with the Sahara (Fandel), said in his speech that "the Moroccan regime continues to violate basic rights, fundamental" of the Saharawi, who maintain a " extraordinary willingness and courage. "
The president of the Collective of Sahrawi Human Rights Defenders (Codesa) has stated that it is untrusted in the Moroccan town where many people have died under torture, but the system "works all you have to continue."
According Haidar, events in Tunisia and Egypt are "the cause" of Western Sahara, but has differentiated from the former, because "it is discrimination and not to change the regime or part of the scheme ".
"We are not fighting, has remarked that the Moroccan regime is republican. That is not our duty, is of the Moroccans, but for freedom, which is" private with the complicity of the community international, "he mentioned.
activist has argued that it is" time "for the international community to provide the" last word "to the Saharawi so that they are" masters of their future. "
has also sent a message to the English, which he defined as "very close" and has offered his "respect, admiration and gratitude" to "intensify efforts" because we need "more concrete actions, and all policies. "
Fando The meeting was noticed on the mobilization of civil society has been developed in the occupied territories of Western Sahara and that it has moved to the Saharawi people must be consulted about their future. to-da-waiting-for-Saharawi-Aminatu- Haidar
President Fando, Francisco Guerrero, has also criticized the behavior of the executive Zapatero, who" continues to favor the interests of Morocco "and said that" the friendly neighbor to the south should be expelled if it were ownership of property because abused, tortured and killed our friends Saharawi ". also has been very critical of the Minister of Environment, Rural and Marine Affairs, Rosa Aguilar" that Saharawi homegirl thought "by urging the signing of the agreement on fisheries between the European Union and Morocco, which" hurts " the Saharawi.
Fando During the assembly has been projected the documentary "Voices of Gdeim Izik 'with images of violent intervention in Morocco in this camp and the city of Laayoune in November last year, which could not be collected by journalists and international observers banned by the Moroccan government.
Haidar regrets not come to Morocco, which is lived in Tunisia and Egypt
EFE - Saturday, January 29, 2011 - The Saharawi activist said today Haidar what is living in Tunisia and Egypt is the "fruit" of the protest camp Izik Gdeim on the outskirts of Laayoune, and "unfortunately could not come to Morocco."
MÁLAGA. Haidar, who has closed in Malaga Assembly of the Andalusian Federation of Associations of Solidarity with the Sahara (Fandel), said in his speech that "the Moroccan regime continues to violate basic rights, fundamental" of the Saharawi, who maintain a " extraordinary willingness and courage. "
The president of the Collective of Sahrawi Human Rights Defenders (Codesa) has stated that it is untrusted in the Moroccan town where many people have died under torture, but the system "works all you have to continue."
According Haidar, events in Tunisia and Egypt are "the cause" of Western Sahara, but has differentiated from the former, because "it is discrimination and not to change the regime or part of the scheme ".
"We are not fighting, has remarked that the Moroccan regime is republican. That is not our duty, is of the Moroccans, but for freedom, which is" private with the complicity of the community international, "he mentioned.
activist has argued that it is" time "for the international community to provide the" last word "to the Saharawi so that they are" masters of their future. "
has also sent a message to the English, which he defined as "very close" and has offered his "respect, admiration and gratitude" to "intensify efforts" because we need "more concrete actions, and all policies. "
Fando The meeting was noticed on the mobilization of civil society has been developed in the occupied territories of Western Sahara and that it has moved to the Saharawi people must be consulted about their future. to-da-waiting-for-Saharawi-Aminatu- Haidar
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