Juan Carlos I, is still there in the palace that gave the satrap Francisco Franco, looking away, whistling a soft tune Bourbon, without assuming of course! liability.
Kaos. Remembrance
democracy against the coup. The anniversary ritual renews and repeats the story of good and bad turned into unquestionable. The transition towards water, wrecked the economy, the evil terrorism and the insatiable nationalism "peripheral" endangering the unity of Spain and a few nostalgic for Franco decided to liquidate the fledgling democracy, but failed because Juan Carlos de Borbon met them and won respect for the rule of law.
already said the letter
the "Tanguillo the coup": "What we nochecita the English, what a funny! / If not remedied Bourbon, / take away our democracy, / unions and strikes to the Constitution. " As pointed out by Salmon storytelling analyst with these repeats rituals, beyond telling a story, is intended to guide flows of emotions, creating and feeding a collective myth. Because that is what we are talking about the myth of a model transition and, more precisely, myth busted regressive hit by Bourbon.
A regime that emerged from the transformation "of the law with the law" since the Franco dictatorship as founding myths need to disguise their original sin and found in the events of February 1981 a reef. The official version of those events becomes a champion of democracy to Bourbon hand-picked by Franco to lead the post-Franco, the Bourbon, who proclaimed himself to be named successor to his adherence to the principles of the coup of 1936 and repeated the compliments to the "Caudillo" after his death. Prodigious miracle recreated every year at this time thanks to the reissue of a shock caused by the appearance of a band of armed civil guards in the building of the Madrid Congress.
absence of a genuine break with the Franco regime, 23-F is presented as a spectacular simulation, in which the integrity of the English monarch and his firmness shine against the darkness of the regressive. Bourbon reborn and purified, cleansed of all stain, broken the umbilical cord once and for all with its promoter, the cruel dictator Francisco Franco rose to power with the help of Hitler and Mussolini and a bloodbath colossal .
Images Tejero, which have been seen around the world and have created a "shared memory", invite you to take the picture for good television hit, when the truth is that the true nature of the events of 23 F has been deliberately concealed from public opinion. The more you repeat the same images, more locks are closed on (auto) in fortunes gave the post-Franco state reform.
Beyond the myth, a reform of the reform. Recently, "El Pais published a text on" the coup attempt of 23-F which disrupted the King "in stating that" the facts have been almost entirely cleared up. " It is true that the facts have been revealed and now anyone interested can access the testimony, documents and studies that give an exact idea of \u200b\u200bwhat actually happened. worth remembering that the English army had not been hauled to the reform, but that was one of his players while gendarme. Franco, who first designed the post-Franco key stage, was responsible to ensure the support of the English armed forces to his successor and no one seriously questioned that endorsement. In 1981, the Army did not want to go back and in any case, neither the economic power and international sponsors had been allowed. What was on the table was the use of threat of shock to put limits on the transition and, as happened after 23F redirect.
There was a civil-military operation, to use terminology intelligence documents from those times to evict Smith from the leadership of government and set a new agenda that will provide the course correction of the reform. Not that the leader of the UCD was a dangerous rupture, although as this was to be presented, but his time was up and it was necessary to adjust the pace of transition, paving the way for a new era of economic restructuring cuts and new energy autonomy process in the enforcement action and dirty war. A new era that would later be led by the Socialist Party of Felipe Gonzalez and Alfonso Guerra, a party that, unlike UCD, could not be considered an extension of the Franco regime.
Suárez's resignation, far from curbing the operation, it would eventually burst. Tejero, entangled in those frames though possibly unaware of the full extent, would create the shock phase explosive blow, to use terms of a leading agent of the English secret services. Then came the saving action that would lead to a new state pact reached by consensus between parties and the army, supported by other authorities and social partners and that would mark the beginning of a new political time. But it is not the same as writing a script to implement it. Tejero castling, refused to facilitate the transition to the solution set and with this unexpected turn the project was ruined. The plan was to reinterpret. No government would have to concentrate and otherwise manage the shock, but this would only be may sacrifice some parts to avoid the implication of certain powers of state and monarch. Thus, Tejero, Navy, and others like Milans San Martin, the man of intelligence Carrero Blanco, would become the leaders of a coup regressive happily aborted by the Bourbon king. Some of them may have been the champions of the new democratic era after the catharsis, but finally judged by sponsoring a coup. 30 years later, the obstinacy of the public hide the reality of those facts is very disturbing, because it demonstrates the will to continue to use the myth to manipulate. And what is worse, each years remind us strength to face a real break with the Franco regime.
23-F: The bullets that preceded theories Public
The darkness has fueled three decades of stories about the attempted coup. Several experts are facing a critical thesis on the traditional and the beneficiaries of the military coup The trail of bullets in the ceiling from the floor and walls of the media platform remains intact, unmoved, as a proof of what happened in the Congress of Deputies on February 23, 1981. The group attempted military coup headed by Lieutenant Colonel de la Guardia Civil Antonio Tejero, left other traces that have actually been permeable to the passage of time. They have built a multitude of stories that have attempted to shed light on some facts for which even today, 30 years later, seem likely to emerge a single truth to end three decades of theories made of light and shadow. A common thread weaves assumptions advocated by some political scientists critical of the idea that institutions like the monarchy and political parties was reinforced its legitimacy in the face of public opinion following the military coup. "That the king is presented as the defender of democracy part of the narrative of events, leading to biased interpretations, "says political science professor at UCM, Pablo Iglesias Turrión. reading has been done on strengthening the democracy through the effect of 23-F is also called into question by some analysts as the Professor of Public Policy at the Pompeu Fabra, Vicenç Navarro. "The military coup did not enhance the English democracy, the opposite. The gesture of disagreement by the monarch to the elected president-Suárez, was an expression undemocratic, "he says. "In a democracy the king can not disagree or support anti-democratic behavior among his advisers," says Navarro to remember that King was outspoken President Suárez was also aware of the visits and meetings of its partners, with which "gave rise to a series of conspiracies which led to the coup attempt."
Ariel Jerez Novara Political analyst also takes the view that the 23-F does not strengthened the current political system and adds another element that affects the existence of a previous context invigorating the democratic dynamics: large popular demonstrations in the late 70's. "The turmoil that led the forces of the left, as the neighborhood movement, the student, etc, is the basis of everything and it was what led to the elite Franco to democracy was developed without the use of force," explains .
One of the effects of 23-F was the one who helped foster fears. Navarro said that Spain "has not resolved the constant fear in the institutions towards the structures and institutions inherited from the previous regime, including from the armed forces to the courts." Professor of Political Públicas evidencia la resistencia a juzgar los crímenes de la dictadura como ejemplo del miedo.
Miedo constante
Por otro lado, la intención de volver a un régimen militar no parecía que estuviese entre los objetivos que buscaba el golpe, según algunos autores. "Observando la postura de la banca y del capitalismo español, que tendían a la integración europea, parece difícil pensar que los sectores más conservadores pretendieran volver a una dictadura militar", indica Iglesias, quien sí admite la existencia certain sectors who wanted to limit the country's democratic progress: "One thing that got it and that is checked on a shortage of persons prosecuted for the attempted coup and the little time they spent in prison."
Navarro, however, does not return to these theories because it considers that the CIA is an agency quite impotent and ineffective "and considers the possibility that distant stimulate the coup. "The Department of State United States knew of the possibility of a military coup was widely known as the existence of groups very disaffected with democracy in the Army. "
current hits
The confluence of many blows in one is another story about that other realities are built around 23-F. theories, however, difficult to trace the "secrecy" with which it operated. A Jerez Novara darkness that is the result of "lack of institutional culture" that Spain had at that time.
For its part, says Pablo Iglesias contrary to the view defended by the convergence of many blows into one that "we vaccinated" other, "what yes there was a state of opinion in sectors linked to the oligarchies of the Franco regime that had to do with the Church, with the military or economic sectors that may fear a loss of their privileges. "Crucible of coups affected in First the king, as the story of Grimaldos, an idea that also includes the journalist Jesus Palacios in King and his secret (2010). All could have been about the king and this could be the explanation of the time it took Juan Carlos I to launch the televised message ending the tense wait. To Grimaldos, the confluence of hits made by inertial movement to consolidate the military under the command of Tejero. "The king did not know what he was facing current coup, if one was going against him or was on their side," he says.
Associate coup attempt in a state of opinion is deductible, in the opinion of Professor Political Science, from subsequent events that happened as the fear many people from the leftist organizations. "Many people burned paper or broken cards, proof that the right in this country could still return to teaching teeth at any moment." As the echo
the 37 shots that pierced the hall of the Congress, stories built around the 23-F will continue to resonate as a result of the secrecy with which the events were handled. As Vicenç Navarro recalls, "in a democratic society had created a Parliamentary Committee to investigate those facts," something that never happened.
The palace coup in
Coronel Martínez English / Insurgent
Yes, folks, it's been thirty years since that amazing afternoon / evening of February 23, 1981 in which the "Commander Zero" English, the ineffable Lieutenant Colonel Tejero, head of three hundred policemen, was introduced by military in the Congress Chamber of Deputies and abduction of the legislature and the executive of this country as a whole. Have passed, yeah, no less than three decades but the head of quirky event, the supreme authority that endorsed, authorized, encouraged, facilitated, recommended and finally took the betrayed and sent to the galleys for thirty years its main direct perpetrators and their collaborators (Navy generals and Milans), or Juan Carlos I, is still there in the palace at the time gave the satrap D. Francisco Franco Bahamonde, looking away, whistling a soft tune Bourbon, inaccessible to despondency, without assuming of course! liability. While his subjects, his loving subjects (lead, that yes, the horde of journalists courtiers in the latter day soon after the thirtieth anniversary of the botched anniversaries have become by the dictates of official truth) continue to get the stupid, uninformed the gullible with blind faith to the surface for accepting another theory at this point, the real, which sooner or later contain the history of this country, still living the false hero feat of war created by power and knowing what is already known about the serious and effective participation of the English monarch in the starring peliculero órdago Tejero, could endanger the sacred and the tottering English democracy sombrajo raised by political accommodating the "model" English transition.
Miedo constante
Por otro lado, la intención de volver a un régimen militar no parecía que estuviese entre los objetivos que buscaba el golpe, según algunos autores. "Observando la postura de la banca y del capitalismo español, que tendían a la integración europea, parece difícil pensar que los sectores más conservadores pretendieran volver a una dictadura militar", indica Iglesias, quien sí admite la existencia certain sectors who wanted to limit the country's democratic progress: "One thing that got it and that is checked on a shortage of persons prosecuted for the attempted coup and the little time they spent in prison."
Another proof of this thesis is that Navarro evidence to identify some of the decisions taken later, such as "emphasize the centrality of the state", something that had influenced the fear that democratic institutions on the attitude of the forces military.
Reagan's shadow By the masterminds of the coup attempt Grimaldos Alfredo says the journalist in a trial on the role played by the CIA in league with the CESID (current CNI) in 23-F.
The author of The CIA in Spain (2006), argues that U.S. intelligence services were aware of the intentions of the military but did not care to make a move toward the Democrats. "Adolfo Suárez had become an annoying character for the Reagan administration, but warned the commander José Luis Cortina, the CESID, on the U.S. intention to remain neutral." The facts, however, as narrated Grimaldos, were contradictory. "In the hour-long occupation of the Congress by the military, the U.S. disposed of its military equipment from the bases of Rota and Moron on alert and moved the Sixth Fleet off the beaches of Valencia in the mission of 'surveillance Mediterranean.' "The reasons for these maneuvers were never ever explaining. Navarro, however, does not return to these theories because it considers that the CIA is an agency quite impotent and ineffective "and considers the possibility that distant stimulate the coup. "The Department of State United States knew of the possibility of a military coup was widely known as the existence of groups very disaffected with democracy in the Army. "
current hits
The confluence of many blows in one is another story about that other realities are built around 23-F. theories, however, difficult to trace the "secrecy" with which it operated. A Jerez Novara darkness that is the result of "lack of institutional culture" that Spain had at that time.
For its part, says Pablo Iglesias contrary to the view defended by the convergence of many blows into one that "we vaccinated" other, "what yes there was a state of opinion in sectors linked to the oligarchies of the Franco regime that had to do with the Church, with the military or economic sectors that may fear a loss of their privileges. "Crucible of coups affected in First the king, as the story of Grimaldos, an idea that also includes the journalist Jesus Palacios in King and his secret (2010). All could have been about the king and this could be the explanation of the time it took Juan Carlos I to launch the televised message ending the tense wait. To Grimaldos, the confluence of hits made by inertial movement to consolidate the military under the command of Tejero. "The king did not know what he was facing current coup, if one was going against him or was on their side," he says.
Associate coup attempt in a state of opinion is deductible, in the opinion of Professor Political Science, from subsequent events that happened as the fear many people from the leftist organizations. "Many people burned paper or broken cards, proof that the right in this country could still return to teaching teeth at any moment." As the echo
the 37 shots that pierced the hall of the Congress, stories built around the 23-F will continue to resonate as a result of the secrecy with which the events were handled. As Vicenç Navarro recalls, "in a democratic society had created a Parliamentary Committee to investigate those facts," something that never happened.
The palace coup in
Coronel Martínez English / Insurgent
But as time passes not in vain and less for someone who, like the rich, exiled and ailing Ben Ali Mubarak Tunisian or Egyptian tyrant, has over thirty years by sticking the high life, reigning, ruling (yes, I have to govern themselves, in letters), sending and enriching handful in this country, our "democratic" head of State by order Franco, Mr. Bourbon, appears in this 30 anniversary of his famous maneuver Bourbon 23-F (a historical borboneo inspired by the star in a few decades ago his grandfather Alfonso XIII with General Primo de Rivera's first actor) declined significantly more than then, fewer golfers, less flirty, less embezzler of public funds, unless porn movie videographer at the expense of the reserved funds to pay all the English, less conspiratorial with the military in their environment, unless of state terrorism (ETA for short cuts not already macabre type GAL), less arrogant, less dictator (in shadow), less drunken bear hunter (now hunting native species in Santa Cruz de Mudela, yes, sitting), less of the English king (who already know the morals of their monarch Salvador) significantly less lung capacity on account of the module (benign) that left last year in the "public health" from Barcelona ... and also, how could it be otherwise, much older then, more Fondón more susceptible ( end up crying as well follow the pedestrian monologue for next Christmas), more arthritic, more unstable, more awkward when walking, more ridiculous wearing the uniform of captain general (each passing day more like the classic Caribbean broadsword), more depressed, more boring, more over ... But the truth is that, despite the revolutionary rush these days walking free Streets and squares of the old tourist Africa, which some gossip of the palace, it seems it is particularly affecting as it is well aware of the deficit of democratic legitimacy that drag, there is our beloved monarch holding the type in your palatial retreat La Zarzuela, "while the body holds" (as he snapped on a day to one of its journalists camera) to leave in a "business" to his heir, Prince Felipe and forties, which makes twenty-five years (to us the past few days have reminded ad nauseum all media) swore " model "English Constitution of 78, conceived, planned, written and presented to the English people of the time for downright Franco (military and civilian) and, among other niceties taken from the popular story of milk (like that of every Spaniard in a foot comes into this world with a decent home under his arm), contains the absurd reimplantation in Spain, fully shielded for the future yes, the insane and evil saga of inept Bourbon kings for centuries led this country into poverty, backwardness, slavery, war, military coups and social inequalities. And sure, my friends, then consider staying a few more years on his golden nirvana de la Zarzuela, the now depreciated and Johnny (as he called the butcher gallego de El Pardo) in our recent history, unless course, the young scrum Hispanic Internet (which is very large) out soon from their slumber, leave the bottle of "weekend" and sex in the car piece and dad, as he has done recently, the Tunisian, Egyptian and now continues to the tibia, the Yemeni, Algerian or Moroccan, I sent directly to the famous resort of Sharm el Sheikh, or the Maldives, or Kuwait, or Saudi Arabia, where it seems be a substantial part of the little fortune that say you have. After forcing, yes, to open to the media and the Bank of Spain, the cave of Ali Baba (instead of Ben Ali) he probably is operative in the basement of La Zarzuela. More than anything, to save the English again, not Tejero but the selfish and regressive international markets.
But I, my friend reader, I had this time at my computer screen, so heavy it is and how bad it feels to look at, not to frighten the English personnel (a conglomerate civic at the moment seems anesthetized, asleep, dazed, lost in their domestic problems and that only moves a little soccer, the freezing of pensions, the bottle and the law of snuff) with the new popular revolutions engendered in the Arab world and, in my particular geopolitical criteria have not made just begun and that once players settle their scores with their dictators arremeterán undoubtedly against the infidel West, colonizer and thief but to write for the umpteenth time the pseudo military coup of 23-F, the famous attempt involution that satisfies these days its thirtieth anniversary. But the truth is I'm up to the cap (and that for more than twenty years without using it publicly, only in the privacy and Aznar) to speak and, above all, write the 23-F. I've been doing for more than seventeen years since that in 1994 I published my first book on the subject (The transition monitored) after thoroughly investigating other eleven between high-level military involved in its preparation and execution. And snatched a very extensive documentation drawn from official and unofficial files military.
I'm tired of publicizing the truth by active and passive, I have published over two decades, no fewer than four books that I've had chapter and verse all my research on the grotesque event, and I even turned black white envelope on the last one, with all the operational details of a Military Staff, the military coup Franco prepared for the May 2, 1981y, which was the real cause of the king authorized his generals to trust (Navy and Milans) to ride the dangerous and illegal preemptive move (no coup, a coup that was never involute) that the abortion: 23-F.
Also, for six years, since September 2005 in I sent the first report of my research on the 23-F to the President of the Congress of Deputies, Mr. Marin, I have been making available to the English Parliament, the Prime Minister of the nation and the highest authorities of the State all my papers on the subject, asking three times the creation of a Commission of Inquiry could once acknowledge the truth and refine the political responsibilities which they could have incurred some senior leaders of this country who participated in such a sloppy event of our recent history, starting of course with the first of all, King Juan Carlos I.
But so far, nothing at all, in Spain we always deep but now peppered with a little essence of AVE. The English people in general, institutions, politicians, journalists ... and probably fear not! political interests of the two major parties alternate in power who fear losing their special status "democratic" and cushy, still in destitution, making fools and ignorant. Continue year after year with the rattle of the 23-F, there are still many gaps and many facts not known. And there is no god that PASA ... No, friends, fellow citizens, frightened compatriots! On the 23-F, after thirty years and although this time is not too historically speaking, it knows everything, absolutely everything
: what happened, how it happened, why it happened and who gave the orders for happen.
Another thing is that fear of the consequences of knowing all that power, the media and people in general do not want to hear about it, truth, and continue to take refuge in doubt methodical and ignorance!
For my part, friends with this little work on the anniversary of 23-F, and had not planned to write it as Enough of talking years and years to deaf who will not listen, and I closed both my research on the subject as my spoken and written slogans on it. The current president of the Congress of Deputies, Mr. Bono, for more than a year that was to acknowledge receipt of my last complaint, telling me that I spent my report to the Committee on Petitions of the Chamber for consideration and processing. Take it easy no doubt these brainy representatives of the sovereign people, but anyway I am aware that the lifetime of the royal coup de La Zarzuela none of them (not batch policy now or any future) will say a peep So the matter is this country, what can we do? A country that to me as a military historian I have always been fascinated by their defeats, their disasters, their weaknesses, their fears, their lack of solidarity, his ferocity at times, his cowardice, his heroism point, his improvisation ... but above all, the fact that with such political baggage, human and social his back for centuries, still exists to this day, still show a global and independent nation. Could it be because nobody in this world, including Napoleon who became known very well, pragmatic Amadeo I of Savoy and more recently to the "failed" Merkel wants to have us under his rule? Signed: English
Amadeo Martínez Coronel. Writer. Historian.
The story of 23-F: the gullible, the unbelievers and the noises of swords
Rafael Pessini / Kaosenlared
Thirty years after that show uniformed February 23 in Madrid and Valencia, I think appropriate to reproduce an article-interview with former army colonel English, English Amadeo Martínez and comment briefly on part of a conversation with the feathery Caceres Javier Cercas
published For three days in the newspaper that appears on the left but not so in reality. start with the rebel soldier who I greatly admire. The statements of his that I chose is from 2001 and beyond to explain the fraud of the "coup", but I stuck to the party offering the unofficial version of what happened three decades ago. Extract the material collected by one of many alternative sites that can be found on the Web This is what I transcribe:
"25 years after the death of Francisco Franco, King Juan Carlos is considered by the English society the guarantor of the institutions and the defender of democracy. Therefore, has become almost untouchable. His prestige as a monarch Democrat grew considerably after February 23, 1981, when Lt. Col. Antonio Tejero Civil Guard and Milans del Bosch and General Alfonso Armada attempted a coup, partly failed when Juan Carlos said their rejection of the attempt.
However, just 20 years after the coup attempt, there have been doubts about who's really behind the coup. Colonel Amadeo Martínez Inglés, the author of 23-F. The coup that never was (Editorial Foca), now argues the following thesis: It was a political-military operation Bourbon directed by King Juan Carlos, who was aware that a right-wing military group prepared a movement to overthrow him.
Pact of Silence
Colonel Martinez was Professor of Military History and Strategy at the School of Staff and witness to the intricacies of the Army during the period of transition as head of Mobilisation of Staff and Chief of the Infantry Brigade Zaragoza. For 17 years, began his investigations into the coup attempt. about six years ago, he published the book The transition monitored, but was withdrawn a fortnight. In 1990 he was arrested for five months in military prison of Alcala de Henares to defend the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating professional armed forces, and he withdrew from active duty before he can be promoted to general.
In an interview he says that 20 years ago there was no a military coup: "The military coups since the first time directed against the dome of the State, in this case against the king, however, the February 23, 1981 the monarch did not bother." states: "The civil guards who entered the House of Representatives under Lieutenant-Colonel Tejero sórdenes were not against the king, were precisely in its name, even cheering the king, as seen on TV" .
emphasizes:" The king, seeing what was coming, decided to take a decision to strike, or pseudo-hit, or a ploy to save his crown. The king left the constitutional framework and the end can never justify the means. " - However, the king appears as the man who saved Spain from the coup as a guarantor of democracy ... - The English Crown has become profitable over the years that event and the king has become a democratic myth. That's a lie, it was King Juan Carlos who authorized the Navy to assemble the general 23-F.
- So the king played two roles, because while Tejeda was in Congress he went on television to reject the insurgency?
- Yes. It is said that the Queen found the king crying for General Armada - his tutor as a child and a trusted since he was a prince - had betrayed him. I do not think so. The operation failed because the attitude of Tejero to enter the Congress of the way he did, gun drawn, firing at the ceiling. The king could not take that action.
"King was alerted by his aides and recommended that he stay out of the maneuver. Then the Army general tried to go to Zarzuela Palace to tell the king what had happened and promise that it would solve everything, but King told him to stay at the headquarters of the General Staff under the command of General Gabeiras. And after he was arrested. "
says that as a soldier, has been linked to many soldiers who acted that day in the General Staff of Valencia in the Army and the military leadership: "I spoke with each other and is the official version is not real. The Army general sent to the king 11 times in a month and a half before the coup. "
You highlighted the fact that General Milans del Bosch had removed the tanks in Valencia, "but the tanks came in plan parade, without ammunition, respecting traffic lights. A coup is not fitted well. In a real blow to Madrid has left and gone to the palace, not in Valencia. "
English Colonel Martinez agreed during the six months he was in the prison of Alcala de Henares with General Milans del Bosch, who was then 75 years and had been nine years in prison.
talked on several occasions and Martínez English includes in his book the only Milans del Bosch statements about those events. The colonel promised not to disclose them until after his death and fulfilled doing it now after four years of his death.
Milans del Bosch said: "The king wanted to give an institutional change in direction, straightening the process is out of hand and, on this occasion, with the danger that hung over his crown and the fear of everything going up in flames, I am authorized to act in accordance with the sinstrucciones to receive the Navy. "
general claims that after the Navy continued to have great friendship with the king, who made a covenant of silence." He did not accuse his master, he stopped and was only five years in prison, then pardoned him. However, the general Milans, a Navy man, completely different, not a palace but a man of pure military was deceived and abandoned, he remained in jail for nine years. "
transcribed Nothing has inspired for the writers of the television channels, especially private, that have produced these nones miniseries that was just praising the royal figure and the triumph of English democracy against this "threat" and others that may come. Although the citizenship over the years, has continued to challenge the media propaganda and the alleged exemplary institutional, not even missing characters that lend themselves to beating around the bush with small grants aimed at an alleged public since to swallow any chickweed. These stomachs started system personajetes love of political correctness, which we quoted at the beginning of this article, Don Javier
fences, in the role of fly cojonera clinging to straws. This gentleman, author of a work between the novel and essay,
"Anatomy of a moment" (Mondadori, 2009), winner of the National Fiction Award 2010, held in its award-winning snafu that there the enigma llamdo 23-F. Under the wise guy in the pen or keyboard "the king made mistakes, frivolity, as made the whole world"
. Above is the guy convinced that "the failure of the coup was essential to consolidate democracy, and a vaccine" . Vaccine, he says. Will not prevent stupidity acute or chronic.
From Rana Paquito's death, or the swamps, to date remembered today in the English State, the progress of the legal community, questioning the market economy and expressed some dissatisfaction with the established order nationalisms (rather, imposed) caused fear among the English gentry and the custodian of the false transition, or the U.S. Government. Had to organize a number that generalize the fear of society to openly fascist return to the past to strengthen the image of the monarchy as a guarantor of peace, stability and freedom in the country anomalous red and yellow flag. Ronald Reagan spent a few days in Madrid at that time, and took too much time on Bourbon to face with his subjects. La Movida, heroin, cocaine among the lower classes, the telebazofia, consumerism, income to the bottom of Spain in the Atlantic Alliance, the plutocracy European, progressive cuts (that is about all that progressive) workers' rights, opposition to territorial federalism, the not infrequent police impunity, state terrorism, political and administrative corruption, declining cultural level, ela scenso a victorious right that continues to humiliate a defeated left and only reconstituted, etc, etc., marked our recent history of capitalism drenched bluff and strengthened our desire to effectively exercise our power, popular.
not live democratically, for many magazines you have with women teaching the Sunday or because we can talk about sex without being throw Tabasco sauce on the tongue. The scientific and technological innovation does not accompany the necessary changes in attitudes. This is a system of government "representative" post-Franco-reformist. Little else. Objectively, we should be ready for the barricades, but subjectively it is still a minority who is willing to walk into a revolution (Not a "revolution"). 23 February no fear we are healed. Quite the contrary. We were taught to trust the fox guarding the henhouse.
When there is a democratic break with the abhorrent regime born of a tremendous blow (this itself) almost seventy-five years, begin to reshape the state and multinational multipopular from the sovereign voice of those who have no crowns on our heads, but ideas and hopes to release urgent hunger.
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