Corruption has boosted the fortunes of the Egyptian president, who would have most of their assets in banks outside of Egypt, and countries such as the United Kingdom and Switzerland.
Forbes considers exaggerated estimates Mubarak that place as the world's richest
Some sources suggest that Mubarak's fortune comes to the 51,000 million dollars, including property and funds abroad
The media quote from other Amaney Jamal expert, professor of political science at Princeton University, who estimates between 40,000 and 70,000 million euros (29,000 and 51,000 million euros) the wealth of Mubarak, who has 30 years in power and whose regime is the target of massive protests two weeks ago, not his fortune but for presiding over a government that systematically cuts liberties. If Mubarak bestow wealth among the 83 million Egyptians would play about 843 euros. At least 3% of the Egyptian population lives on less than that amount per year. Research Forbes plans to conduct research to estimate the richness of Egyptian president. If successful these speculations, Mubarak would be the richest man in the world, above the Mexican businessman Carlos Slim, who heads the list of the wealthiest in the world with 53,500 million dollars, according to recent calculations
Forbes. The magazine, in March next update its classification known, said today the heritage of Mexican tycoon could be around 63,000 million dollars. On the other hand, the magazine estimated that the royal families, the wealthiest in the world is the King of Thailand Bhumibol Adulyadej, with a total of 30,000 million dollars, well below the heritage that has come to award to Mubarak family. Government and army
also why Forbes says that the calculations of these experts are mere "assumptions." Wednesday passed the U.S. television channel ABC News quoted a professor at Princeton University Amaney Jamal, who said that "service in the army and the government have amassed personal fortunes" of Hosni Mubarak.
Jamal said in that environment corruption has raised the fortunes of the Egyptian president, who would have most of their assets in banks outside of Egypt, and in countries like the United Kingdom and Switzerland. This half also cited the book's author Last Pharaoh: Mubarak and the uncertain future of Egypt in the Age of Obama , Aladdin Elaasar, who says Egyptian president's fortune is between 50,000 and 70,000 million dollars thanks in part to the many properties his family owns in Egypt.
For its part, the newspaper The Guardian
cites Professor of Middle Eastern politics at the University of Durham, Christopher Davidson, who points out that businesses with foreign companies Mubarak family belonged to his fortune. Davidson told the newspaper that the state is Egypt with 20% ownership of foreign companies that settle in the country, a bite
in Gulf rises 51% - which helps politicians and their allies receive great benefits.
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