Friday, February 11, 2011

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protests grow in Egypt. Ambiguity of the Army to continue announced by Mubarak [Monitoring]

Egyptian Government sources confirm that its output is being discussed and that "probably" will address the nation tonight. The Army reiterated its support for "the legitimate demands of people."
Monitoring Journal-minute Public

Live image from the Tahir Plaza

International press shows that Mubarak resignation and leaves the power in the military.

At 17 hs. it gives the message of the President of the hand of Vice President Suleiman: Mubarak leaves the presidency and power delivery to the military.

known here, the population turns to the streets en masse and now Tahrir Square is a mass of people shouting, moving flags and jumps. There is nobody else there.

Official sources have reported that Mubarak and his family has left Cairo with his family to spend a few days in one of his residences. Eas same sources denied that his trip has to do with an eventual abandonment of the post. Moreover, the government will in moments a statement.
Other sources have reported that the army would support Mubarak for what is anticipated an increase in political tensions and street protests. In fact, there have been attacks on a police station to free prisoners. It was confirmed that about 1,000 Egyptians have attacked a police station
city in northern Sinai El-Arish to try to free the prisoners.

The Government will give a statement while Mubarak leaves Cairo

was incensed protests in Egypt before Mubarak's decision to stay in power
In Egypt, protests inflame the immediate resignation of the president of the Arab nation, Hosni Mubarak, as this Friday is called to manifest some 20 million people in a demonstration to reject the speech Thursday night gave the president, in which he announced that he will not depart power. The reiteration of Mubarak
that will remain in the presidency of Egypt until next September, when it is scheduled to hold elections, caused outrage among opponents that since last January 25 remain on the streets demanding his resignation.

"He goes, we do not go" and "army and people, together we are one," are the slogans, hundreds of expressions, will dominate the proof of this eighteenth day of protest, to be converted in a march to the presidential palace in Heliopolis.
sacred days this Friday the Muslim community, Tahrir Square, Cairo, the Egyptian capital, has more public presence of protesters, so it is expected that the planned mobilization across the country have a mass character.
Given this scenario, the military presence on the streets of Cairo has intensified as international agencies present in Egypt, showing glimpses of several contingents of tanks in the vicinity of Tahrir Square, but without taking enforcement actions, at least until now.
However, the Supreme Council of Egyptian armed forces announced in a statement Friday that will end the emergency law in force in the country since 1981, immediately after is completed the current situation. Following a meeting, the Council chaired by the Egyptian Defense Minister Mohamed Hussein Tantaui, also promised the armed forces not to pursue the "honorable people who rejected corruption and called for reforms." For the organizers of the mobilization on Friday, raises many questions in order to reach the venue from which governs Mubarak, taking into account the distance of nearly 20 miles from downtown Tahrir Square in Cairo that has become the core of the opposition movement street.
; addition distance, branching streets and barriers (barricades, detours, blockages with tanks and other armored Army) portend a difficult travel to the area northeast of the capital, other heavily protected by armed troops.
While Mubarak urged to resume the dialogue between political forces for reform to the Constitution and promote the transition to the September election, Vice President Suleiman urged his opponents to return to home.
Since last January 25, thousands of people took to the streets Cairo (capital) and other major cities such as Alexandria and Suez, to demand reforms in the political system, and the output of Mubarak.

Hosni Mubarak assumed the presidency in 1981 and since then has been a U.S. ally in the region, which openly supported him until a few weeks ago.

After Israel, the government of Cairo is the one who receives the greatest amount of economic aid from the U.S. Treasury coffers, a thousand 500 million dollars. Press

number two of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces

(From Público) "According to the current situation in determining the fate of the country, within the framework of continuous monitoring of internal and external events, which was decided with the delegation of powers to the vice, and believing in our national responsibility for preserving, maintaining stability and peace in the country, the Council has decided to ensure compliance with the following measures: 1A .-
Ending State of Emergency in the current situation ends.
1B .- Making a decision on electoral disputes and carry out action.
1C .- Implement the necessary legislative reforms.
1D .- Conduct transparent and free elections in the light of what has been decided with regard to constitutional amendments.
2 .- The Armed Forces are committed to carrying out the legitimate demands of people and try to get them through the monitoring of the implementation of these measures at certain times with accuracy and decision until the power is transferred peacefully to reach free democratic community to which people aspire.
3 .- The Armed Forces say they will not pursue the honorable (Citizens) who rejected corruption and called for reform and caution on the destabilization of security and integrity of the homeland and citizens, and confirm the need for regular work in state institutions and the return to normal to protect the interests and properties of our great people.
May God protect the homeland and citizens. "
A CIA commits gaffe of Obama's position The director of the agency predicted the resignation of Mubarak
CIA was the one who first announced in Washington that Hosni Mubarak would resign. Its director, Leon Panetta, warned in testimony before the intelligence committee of the House of Representatives. It was the first time, throughout this crisis, the U.S. seemed to anticipate events rather than follow them back safe distance and timid. Panetta But the error could have seriously complicated Washington's efforts to maintain neutrality calculated. "There is a great likelihood" that the Egyptian president leaves office, said the head of the CIA to Congress, hours before the Egyptian leader's speech. Shortly after he was forced to qualify their purposes to ensure that it had "received reports" but had no record or "specific claims" that Mubarak was actually resign. "I imagine that would give more powers to Suleiman so you can run the country," noted the official said. Meanwhile, the White House went on with his usual prudence. Barack Obama, visiting Michigan, reiterated its call for an orderly change without violence, the official line that Washington has maintained in recent weeks.
U.S. President said that Egypt was experiencing "a moment of transformation" and reiterated his call for a transition "genuine and orderly." But he would not go further. "We have to wait and see," he said. A somewhat more cautious statements of ten days ago when it gave notice to Cairo to initiate change "now."
Since the beginning of the crisis the U.S. has followed the events from the fence line trying to keep a Democrat without appearing to interfere or undermine the foundations of its main ally in the area, and without losing sight of their interests. Egyptian leader's speech caught Obama in Marquette, to the icy shores of Lake Superior. The first reaction of his team was cautious. "We're seeing what you guys are seeing," said White House spokesman, Robert Gibbs told reporters covering the trip. "It's very fluid. We want what the president has already said a few days ago, an orderly transition and free and fair elections. "The Egyptian people, Gibbs said," wants to see an irreversible change "a reprise of what Obama had said over the weekend." What know that Egypt will never be what it was. " Despite his official travel, Obama followed the events" very closely "as he himself admitted. The president said Gibbs, received a report on the status of your advisor Homeland Security, Tom Donilon, immediately before their departure, and was scheduled to meet with your team to analyze the situation.
Mubarak refuses to leave office in anger erupts as Egypt Columns people travel from Tahrir Square to the headquarters of state television shouting "out, out, out"
Chavez, who accuses the international community to interfere in the protest, announced constitutional reforms and delegating some powers to Vice President Suleiman                            

Gemma Saura. Special Envoy                                                  

                                      Cairo                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   The continuity

Mubarak has made the Tahrir Square

outrage. Tens of thousands of demonstrators marching públicasede now toward the television, which they accuse of being a propaganda organ of the regime, shouting "Out, out, out" to require that Mubarak step down.
image contrasts with the previous euphoria , when it was believed that the departure of president was a foregone conclusion. Only minutes before, the Rais had announced on public television that no waiver

to presidency of Egypt. The president
says it will not take orders from other countries and brought forward to be carried out constitutional reforms and delegating some pooderes to Vice President Suleiman - "I have considered delegate to the Vice President's powers and prerogatives under the Constitution "- but that not leave his post. The reforms involve changing five articles of the Constitution and remove a sixth, 179, to facilitate the "alternation of power" and open the door to the Emergency Law, in force since 1981 .
Mubarak has said he is committed to the holding of "free and fair elections" in September, for which he has initiated a "national dialogue, we must follow that path." The Rais said "I'll hold on to protect the Constitution and the interests of the people until it hands over power and responsibility to those who choose the electors." Suleiman: "Transfer peaceful"

Just minutes later, Vice President Omar Suleiman

appeared on public television to announce their engagement "with a peaceful transfer of power" and ask the demonstrators "to return to their jobs. We can not carried away by the chaos. "
Egyptian Vice President described the situation in the Arab country "defining moment" and said "the door is open to more dialogue." The vice president also called for unity and called on citizens to "work together to make a bright future."

condolences to the victims

Previamente, Mubarak, que se ha comprometido a un "
traspaso pacífico
" de poderes,  ofreció su pésame a las víctimas de las protestas populares que estallaron el 25 de enero.  El mandatario dijo estar "convencido" de las buenas intenciones de los jóvenes que han protagonizado las protestas y  ha insistido en que no se presentará a las elecciones presidenciales de septiembre,
algo que ya había anunciado el pasado 1 de febrero


Hosni Mubarak transfiere el poder de Egipto

        Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak announced on Thursday the transfer of power after 30 years of practice, under pressure from the massive protests that were held for two weeks on the streets of Cairo and in major cities of that nation.
"I've seen that actually requires that we delegate powers to the vice president under the Constitution, I am aware that Egypt's out of this situation," he said in a televised address. The president, who emphasized that no leave the country, said he "felt proud to be the symbol of change in Egypt."
"I am proud to be the symbol of a new generation of Egypt that calls for a change and looking for a bright future. I tell you one thing, I confirm that I will not rest until we see that those who are responsible for deaths and crimes against our youth, "he said.

It also confirmed its willingness to amend Articles 66, 77, 88, 93 and 189, and will void the 179 of the Constitution, noting that these amendments "are the priority for candidates seeking to simplify for the Presidency "and in turn" ensure fair elections. "

"The priority is to restore confidence between all Egyptians, confident that the change and transformation can never be reversed" said.
added that "Egypt is going through very difficult facts" explaining that "the economy has suffered loss and damage." He said his mission is "to continue to protect society" to prevent all ending in "a situation where the youth, who are calling for changes, are the first victims."

"This has nothing to do with me, has to (...) do with Egypt are all in the same place and I tell you, what you want is to find stability for our citizens and restore normal life in the streets of Egypt, "he said.
The president's announcement came shortly after declarations of the armed forces of Egypt said they are taking "necessary measures to protect the nation and support the legitimate demands of the people" .
Egypt, the main U.S. ally in that region of Africa, live from Jan. 25 an unprecedented popular uprising demanding the resignation of Mubarak. The Egyptian president had refused to relinquish power before the presidential election next September.
Until last week, clashes between police and protesters left at least 300 deaths, according to an unconfirmed United Nations Organization (UNO), and thousands of wounded, According to official and medical sources in the country. TeleSUR-kg-lp-MM/YR Agencies

media have disseminated the information
the CIA director, Leon Panetta, said that if Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak's resignation, probably hand over power to his deputy, Omar Suleiman.

"I do not know the details of how it would happen, but I presume it would give more power to Suleiman, so you can run the country and the reforms that we hope will take place," Panetta said in a hearing before the intelligence committee of the House of Representatives .

Omar Suleiman for 20 years headed the Egyptian secret services and is regarded as the man who led major foreign policy issues such as the role of Cairo in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
was named vice president of Egypt during the early days of demonstrations against Mubarak, in power since 1981.
questioned at the same hearing on the media announcement of Hosni Mubarak to step down on Thursday night, Panetta said, "I received the same information that you, that there is a strong likelihood that Mubarak quit tonight."
But a senior U.S. intelligence service, questioned by AFP, said shortly after the agency's director was referring to reports in the press, and not to information collected by the CIA.
After 17 days of endless protests Egypt against 30 years of Hosni Mubarak regime, it appears that the raisescuchará the voice of the people and will leave his post today. This has been given to understand both members of the government as military officers. Mubarak is expected to address the nation on a new speech this afternoon. 17.53. According to Al Arabiya, the Muslim Brotherhood would accept the transfer of power to Omar Suleiman. We have to wait how things develop, but the vice president's statements in recent days are not too hopeful about the changes that may come. "The alternative to dialogue is to have a stroke, which can lead to a lot of hasty measures, which include many irrationalities. We do not want to get to that point to protect Egypt " 17.48. There has been a flurry of rumors about where Mubarak is at this time. Some said he had already left the country, Al Arabiya claimed this afternoon that the president had abandoned the presidential palace and was in Sharm el Sheik. However, Al Jazeera has just confirmed that Mubarak is still in Cairo and has not moved from his official residence. 17.31. Surprising to Tahrir Square recent movements. Tens of thousands of people remain in the so-called Liberation Square in an atmosphere of euphoria. Protesters have 17 days making sure that pressure will not leave until the resignation will be effective Mubarak. The possible solution that Mubarak succeeds Suleiman not convince them. Informa Oscar Abou-Kassem.
17.25. The CIA also points to the abandonment Mubarak today. The CIA director, Leon Panetta, said today that "there is a high probability" that the Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak leaves office tonight. Panetta was speaking at a hearing before the Intelligence Committee of the House of Representatives.
17. 15. The Egyptian Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq, asegrua ue "everything is in the hands of President Hosni Mubarak and has not taken any decision so far." Shafiq was speaking to state television shortly after the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces announced his support for "the legitimate demands of people." 17.00.
The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces of Egypt today announced its support for "the legitimate demands of the people" and said he is "studying" as to salvagurdar the country's interests. The commitment was made in the statement number 1, read by a military council in the public television cameras. The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces said they will remain in permanent session.
The statement reads: "Given the responsibility and commitment of the Armed Forces to protect the people and sponsor their interests and safety, and taking interest in the integrity of the nation, citizens and the achievements of the great Egyptian people and their properties, and to reiterate and support the legitimate demands of the people, the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces today held a meeting Thursday, February 10, 2011, to study the developments to date, so the Council decided to keep in permanent session to consider what steps can be taken to preserve the nation, the achievements and ambitions of the great Egyptian people 16.30 Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak may leave office today, as indicated by statements from several government members and the Army. According to the ruling party's general secretary was quoted by the BBC, Mubarak could leave the power to Vice President, Omar Suleiman. The Supreme Council of the Army has pointed in the same direction by stating that the demands of the demonstrators " be addressed, " Hossan Badrawi, general secretary of National Democratic Party, told the network Mubarak British public that "probably" address the nation tonight. His comments came after Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq told the Arabic service of the BBC that it is considering the possibility that Mubarak give up power.


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