Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Invitation For The 35th Birthday

Libya again: No to war!

hypocrites Is it in Iraq and Afghanistan remain drug trafficking, repression against women, violence, attacks ...? Lluís

cause of peace, winning only where there will always be defeated by reason of unreason each other's acts: the Barbarian wins over barbarism and savagery of the barbaric. "
intellectual precariousness of man continues his historic career, showing more and more intensity in terms of "productivity" technological "arms. What a failure of human celebrities devise those "smart bombs", "laser weapons" or
" geophysical weapon"! Is this the way "democratic" to follow in favor of tolerance, respect and trust between cultures in this century XXI? Unfortunately is still the old and sinister path of human history. But the most outrageous, most indecent insulting, humiliating, broached to human intelligence, is that by which is meant to persuade and convince the citizens that democracy and army are compatible, even the latter is the guarantor. However, there can be no democracy without tolerance or dialogue without respect or education, no freedom without respect for cultural diversity, or brotherhood without observing the sacred expression of identity of peoples, no peace without forgiveness or humanity, or anything without "love life", final cause that should transcend all for the sake of overcoming human conflicts. The fat arms industry is still booming economic benefit, but their weapons only serve to kill, so the world is being driven by criminals who have no love for life.
What happens now in Libya? You can not "impose" western model of democracy under the force of arms.
not we realize that democracies have to be born alone, different, different in every town, every culture ... yet. They emerge from the idiosyncratic. a couple of months ago, Gaddafi was a staunch European ally with which trade agreements were signed and friendship, sold him weapons, he offered tax havens, the state honors offered him wherever he went and had a seat at the European commission of human rights. But, if today, sixty days later, is a draconian, it is thanks to the demonstrations for freedom of the Libyan people (also born in Egypt, Tunisia ...) and not to reports of the "international community" or Western democracies, far from it, have been negotiating with weapons and oil (80% of Libyan oil is consumed in Europe, and Libya it has sold over 800 million in weapons since 2005).
hypocrites Does Iraq and Afghanistan remain drug trafficking, repression against women, violence, attacks ...? So goofy realize the interests of oil and gas from the West! Even the blind see the plot! Why do not resort to dialogue? Why not take other measures to pressure (that is, and many) against the princes? How many countries in the world where people suffer the submission, absolutism, repression, killings by despotic rulers and are ignored by the "Western democracies"? Many! But in them, or there are no commercial interests or their leaders are members of the G-20.
If three quarters of the world lives on less than 2 € per day if more than 1,000 million people go hungry in the world, if each day die of hunger more than 60,000 people, where more than 1,000 million people lack access to drinking water, if people and cultures disappear, if everything is contaminated, if nature is dying, if we are bitter, if everything is modified, exploited, exterminated, not due to the "will" of man, but to the alleged infallibility his pragmatic technocratic and capitalist democracy, to globalization and, above all, the guarantor of all this: the armies. It is the dogma of the system. Why
what man can do what you do not want?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What Does Melatonin Do To Cat

No to War in Libya

Monday, March 21, 2011

Itunes System Not Modified

CleptoCat Ira

looks like a cute Siamese kitten normalito and current, but ... with kleptomaniac tendencies. Circulates through the news media so curious cat steals your neighbors. The residents of a neighborhood in a city in California (U.S.) three years have worried about the mysterious robberies committed by the cat. Research carried out by a television program about animals (in the style of The Dog Whisperer) found that the cause of the mysterious disappearance of property from the neighbors was Dusty, the cat. The number of objects stolen by the Pussycat are around six hundred, and among them you can find lingerie, shoes, socks, stuffed animals, bags ...
Legally, the cat will not have criminal responsibility, but their owners, who are responsible for returning all that Dusty has handle to the neighbors. Here in Spain the same thing happen, absolve the neighbors and return all the stolen animal because animals do not have criminal liability. And in my opinion, I think Dusty is a very spoiled cat (besides being chubby) because some owners will too permissive and let you do what the cat wants. And like the cat is an animal that is very much to his ball, he does what he wants. The cats have to love them fondly, but also teach them discipline. My father did not leave a cloud onto the table in the kitchen so you do not sniff the food of others. So my father, whenever he sees a cloud on the table says, "Get down!". Another mistake I made myself is that my cat too pampered and left to me was eating. I let him lick my plate and when I told my parents, my parents told me that it would consent because what I did was a slut. In addition, as many have given in the form of bar snacks, each time you hit me father and me, always gets meowing like crazy to give him one. Then you appreciate it.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Johnson Brothers Old English China

against the House of Saud

Pepe Escobar Asia Times Online

Rebellion Translated from English by Leyens

The key slogan in Tahrir Square in Egypt was "the people want the fall of the regime." When it comes to Saudi Arabia, is rather "the House of Saud wants the downfall of his people." Which brings us to the question of 36,000 million dollars, can a monarch atribulado (el rey saudí Abdullah) sobornar a sus súbditos con dinero del petróleo (incluido un aumento de última hora de 15% a los empleados públicos, al estilo de Hosni Mubarak) y escapar así a los furiosos vientos de libertad de la gran revuelta árabe de 2011? El mundo podrá contemplar un preestreno este viernes, cuando un “Día de la ira” organizado por
Facebook tenga lugar en la mayor gasolinera del globo.
No esperéis ver gran cosa en
– porque la cobertura no será nada parecido a la que tuvo lugar en Egipto y Libia; lo evitó una visita principesca al emir de Qatar;
está basada en Qatar, while the news channel al-Arabyya
is spokesman for the House of Saud. Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the UAE are all members of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). Obviously none of these kings and emirs of the GCC wants to be swept away by democracy, the revolution is only for "others" such as Tunisia, Egypt and Libya. Anger is permanent It's official: for the House of Saud, anyone who opposes him is an Osama bin Laden, as he said this week a hack working for the Saudi Prince Salman and his son, editor of the newspaper Ash-Sharq al-Awsat (in case perhaps also added to Iran). The juicy part is that the very House of Saud brought to life the original bin Laden, not to mention 15 of the 19 jihadists in the 11-S.
This disqualification of the Saudi opposition as al-Qaida (Zine El-Abidine Ben Ali, Mubarak, Muammar Gaddafi, all did) came after

shura (council) praised a Saudi Wahhabi clerics ruling in favor of medieval the prohibition of all manifestations of religious reasons (although many Saudis stressed on Facebook the country signed an international treaty that recognizes the right of people to appear). No matter
dictate what the Wahhabis, the House of Saud will not get rid of underlying anger that pervades a mass of unemployed young people connected to the world Facebook and Twitter (almost half the population is under 18 years). Not get rid of a demographic boom (from the present 19 million to 30 million in a decade), an overall unemployment rate of 20% compared with 9 million foreign workers, a monoculture dependent on oil, a miserable education system can not train people to do useful work, and the fact that the Saudis know about Bahrain on fire, eager to democracy. King Abdullah seems to be sure that their billions in handouts achieve what is needed. Certainly not listen to Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal bin Abdulaziz al-Saud, probably the West's favorite Arab investor, who told the New York Times
: "Arab governments can no longer afford to underestimate their populations, or assume that remain static subject. " Forgot to note that the House of Saud is absolutely blind to politics, and he does not understand the meaning of dignity or democracy. Claims Day of Wrath are clear: a constitutional monarchy, an end to corruption, the right to elect at least some of their rulers, freedom for women and release thousands of political prisoners. But as in Bahrain, the demands could easily reach "Down with the House of Saud." Heard in the streets of Riyadh in
Facebook and Twitter
and comments in newspapers Saudis are reassuring. Apparently Saudis of all ages and professions are closely following the great Arab revolt of 2011 and wonder if the same could happen "here", blaming the House of Saud unemployment and corruption, in public places, especially in a country where any public meeting is strictly prohibited and punishable by flogging and imprisonment (months to two years). The Saudi media reported two people killed themselves by fire in protest. A horrible repression in the city of Qatif in the past week, including attacks against Shiite-connected women with a demonstration for the release of political prisoners, led to even more people to oppose the monarchy. Last week, after Friday prayers in Riyadh, protesters gathered outside the mosque al-Rajhi and chanted slogans against the government and against corruption. Hunayn revolution
The fact that this revolution is named of Hunayn makes the House of Saud hallucinate even more. Hunayn is a valley near Mecca where the Prophet Mohammed fought against a confederation of Bedouin in the year 630. Prophet's forces were victorious. A reference to the Qur'an, 9:25-26, seems a direct message to the House of Saud: "God gave you victory on many battlefields. Hunayn remember the day when we fantasize about your great number. Thus the earth, with all its vast expanse, and narrowed before you turned and you fled. Then God made his serenity descend upon His Messenger and the believers, and sent troops saw and not punished the unbelievers. " No requires a doctorate in Koranic studies to see the "unbelievers" in this remix Hunayn's revolution in people's King Abdullah and his court. For the Day of Wrath, will be deployed at least 10,000 security goons in the key provinces of northeastern Shiite majority, where the oil, and gather about 10% of the population of the kingdom. There is a risk of serious clashes. In that case, according to organizers, women should go as human shields against the protesters, it may not work, but did not deter the thugs in Qatif.
In an attempt to neutralize tension, and on the basis of the bonanza of 36,000 million dollars in government handouts King Abdullah, the Saudi labor minister, Adel al-Faqih, also seems to have seen the light and promises all kinds of economic plans that he says will end to eliminate unemployment, inflation and poverty. Even promised to end all restrictions on employment of women (but then had to backtrack). Most Saudis believe they have given in a society in which only those with wasta (connections) can get some kind of privilege. addition, it is a society in which "reform" is a sin for many, and the education given to fans by ruling clerics, constructive criticism and intellectual debate is also widely considred as sins. For example, people still vehemently defend the medieval Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice as essential to good governance. Saudi Minister of Religion is always a member of the al-Sheikh (descendants of Ibn Abdul Wahab). Wahhabism is hard as a rock, does not allow interpretation or "idolatry", veneration of statues, or even works of art. Not to mention that not smoke, do not shave beards, and few rights for women. If someone does not SUMMIT, though a Muslim is the enemy. Not surprisingly, the company has produced al-Qaida and the Jihadists, and no science or ideas.
Clearly, despite all its gleaming skyscrapers and investment friendly image, Saudi Arabia and the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council watered secrecy and fear. There are no political parties or unions, or protect the security of workers, and rights of immigrants, or women's groups, and very few legal organizations to ensure a fair and independent judicial process. If anyone is stigmatized as opposed to "al-Qaida" (Or Iranian agent) you can be imprisoned indefinitely without trial, Guantanamo style. Or disappear into the prison after a bizarre process. Torture, of course, is endemic. And foreign workers, especially non-Muslims live in fear constantly.
Washington and European capitals to the bottom shudder at the prospect that these North African winds could produce a storm of freedom in Saudilandia -and the Persian Gulf. So, forget the "democracy" or "human rights." Appears brand new doctrine of "change regimes" of Barack Obama government, in which popular aspirations in the Gulf, from Saudi Arabia to Bahrain and Oman seentierran for "stability" secured by "key allies", the producers of raw materials of the House of Saud and hosts the Fifth Fleet of the al-Khalifa dynasty in Bahrain. In addition, the House of Saud has said the al-Khalifa, if not crush his own uprising of the Shiite majority, the Saudis will. And Washington did not flinch. As if this does not bother Ira Day turns into a bloodbath.
Pepe Escobar is the author of
Globalistan: How the Globalized World is Dissolving Into Liquid War (Nimble Books, 2007) and Red Zone Blues: a snapshot of Baghdad During The comes
. His latest book is
Obama does Globalistan (Nimble Books, 2009). He can be reached at:

(Copyright 2011 Asia Times Online (Holdings) Ltd. All rights reserved.
Source: Middle_East/MC10Ak01.html

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Does Mirena Hurt When Removed

March 8 - International Women's Day Workers: The statistics of inequality

Little to celebrate and a lot to fight. Kaos. Women and Gender
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------
These figures make evident the social and economic discrimination against women, the result of effective partnership between patriarchy and capitalism
: Most of the 1,500 million people living on $ 1 or less per day are women. Worldwide, women earn on average about half of what men earn. low-income women must work from a young age, are the more children they have, earn the least and those later withdrawn from the labor market.
Women occupy the house and children in 82% of households. Between 50 and 80 percent of production, processing and food marketing is done by women (UN)
worldwide, according to the UN, the three-fourths of the time worked is for women who are so 3% of salary paid in the world and are holders of only 1% of the world's property.
Women living in poverty are often denied access to critical resources such as loans, land and inheritance.
1000 million people are illiterate, of which 670 million are women.
70% of women suffer from poverty, while contributing two-thirds of work in the world and just enter 10% of salaries. Between 15% and 50% of women have suffered physical abuse in their family. Each year at least 2 million girls between 5 and 10 are bought and sold in the world as sex slaves.

estimated 5,000 girls were murdered in 2009 in the name of honor. Every two hours, a woman is stabbed, stoned, strangled or burned alive for "save" the family honor. Every 7 minutes or suffer beatings and psychological abuse by their partner.

During armed conflict the attack on the human rights of women (murder, rape, sexual slavery and forced pregnancy) is used as a weapon of war.

Worldwide, 135 million girls and women have undergone genital mutilation. The figure is increased by two million each year (AI).

literacy of young women (between 15 and 24 years) was 60% versus 80% of men (UNDP 2008)

die each year worldwide more than half a million women due to pregnancy and childbirth (UNDP).

In developing countries receive no prenatal care, 35 percent of women, nearly 50 percent give birth without skilled attendants and 70 percent do not receive care within six weeks after birth (UNDP 09)

Worldwide, more women than men infected with AIDS (UNDP 2009). In sub-Saharan Africa, for example, women represent 57 percent of adults infected with HIV (Population Fund United Nations 2009) Diana Cordero

Kaos en la Red Collective

violence against women

In Argentina, the Civil Association La Casa del Encuentro, through their research area, had written three reports on femicide. In 2008, 207 women were killed and girls. In 2009, 231 women and girls. In 2010, 260 women and girls. Making a total of 698 women and girls killed in Argentina, because of machismo. All preventable deaths.

Violence against women takes various forms, and although some countries have laws and agencies dedicated to this problem, the statistics are growing year by year. According to the UN (United Nations) every 18 seconds a woman is some kind of violence.

Some figures in Latin America

Unfortunately these statistics growth, increasing in other Latin American countries. In Honduras, feminist organizations, alleged that 291 women were murdered between January and September 2010. In the period 2002 to 2009 more than a thousand murders of women, most remain unpunished.
El Salvador, is the country where they kill more women and girls. A report of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) on a statistic in 2006, says the femicide rate is 129.46 per million women. Richard Barthe representative from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) reported that in the period 1999 to 2009, violence against women in El Salvador grew by 197%.

Carolina Velasquez, coordinator of Communication and Media Strategies (Cimac) said that according to figures from the organization in 2009 in Guatemala, there were 720 murders of women. In Mexico, Nicaragua 529 and 79. The majority of these incidents have gone unpunished.

Meanwhile in our country, we began to discuss the introduction of the figure of Femicide in the Penal Code. Some countries such as Guatemala, Costa Rica, Chile and El Salvador have the criminal in their codes, with some differences.


causes media usually refer to gender violence and domestic violence, focusing exclusively on the field where it happens. But domestic violence has a social and cultural origin in the patriarchal society in which we live, which is based on the position of inferiority that we assign to women.

This violence is often expressed most strongly in the family, where they develop and perpetuate gender roles learned. This private space, often invisible, asymmetrical power relations. Despite this, gender-based violence is everywhere. No exclusive to one social class or educational level, but cuts across all social relations.
in all its manifestations (femicide, prostitution, rape, ablation, abuse, trafficking, traffic etc.) Are the result of social inequality, political and economic matters between men and women. This system is perpetuated by patriarchal culture, religion, language, education, media. Women are seen as sexual objects to serve the pleasure of men and are perceived as inferior beings without rights.
Rashida Manjoo Counsel UN Rapporteur on violence against women said on the occasion of the beginning of the Ibero-American Conference against femicide: The end of impunity: "... is a global problem, not something that happens only in poor countries or rich, not is an issue that affects white people or black. And not a single country in the world can claim to have succeeded in eradicating violence against women. Not one. They all have that challenge ahead. That no country can claim to have ended with violence against women.

"the abuser to control their victims using many strategies"

A year-end 2010 Femicide Observatory in Argentina Civil Society Marisel Adriana Zambrano, belonging to the Casa del Encuentro, released a new report on the killing of women and girls occurred in the period January to October 30 of that year: 206 women and girls were killed labor partners, ex - partners, boyfriends or former boyfriends. One of the most gruesome is the use of fire by perpetradores.Esta mode, which is not new, the Inquisition was used to punish women for allegedly practicing witchcraft. Although in reality was the way the church controlled the women through terror.
To address these issues interviewed Suzanne Cisneros, a lawyer and feminist, who for more than 10 years spent working in various programs of violence. She teaches at the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences at the University of La Plata (UNLP). Researched and published a report called "The Intimate Femicide in the city of La Plata 1997-2001, working in the Civil Association" Des-Paste Group Links without violence ", and is currently in a domestic violence program.
Indymedia: Do you think the treatment given the media to femicides with fire, you have to do with the increase of these facts?

We see it in their daily work, there are many women who hear from the mouths of his companions, the aggressors, that will burn like Wanda, that they will throw in alcohol. This is a strategy of domination and control that perpetrators usually used with women. As with the case Barreda, where many assailants took this, and they took it and told their victims, as a form of control and all that it generates. The abuser to control their victims using many strategies [...] that is going to take the kids, who are going to stay with the house, he will tell his mother, who is going to kill the mother [... ] according the degree of violence exercised, and one of the elements that incorporate, when they leave these cases in the media is telling them "you'll burn as such," "going to appear scorched," I'm going to throw acid. " [...] This is the most sensitive points of the victim and causes him much
pain, but when viewed by the media are actually displayed some of these deaths and bodies, and are [...] the average this process has taken as a conscience and they are watching from another location.

An important case in our country, and helped to start talking about the violence was the femicide Alicia Muniz. When there is the murder of Alicia Muniz, many women were reflected, to them the same thing could happen to them. Reached the health services to tell them that psychologists in particular [...] the psychologists did not know how to address this issue, there was no talk of violence. They had to all the literature of other countries to address this issue, but the big trigger was the case of Alicia Muniz. The great challenge that will take the media is how it is spread the news: not a "crime of passion" is not body, not counting the bodies, the number of bodies, but that means that there is behind this, because I seems this also serves the victim who is listening. There are many victims who are with this idea that they can be burned, I think that if the media
return a more critical look, more wave of this issue to them also serves. It is an opportunity to deepen the media behind it, what happened, an opportunity to go deeper, because the leverage effect which is going to serve those victims who are listening, they are watching, but also perpetrators they are listening and they are watching. Work on pedagogy, information, training, training, think it is a great challenge, and also to prevention.

Indymedia: What is the responsibility of States and institutions in increasing violence against women?

violence against women in particular opened to separate, on one hand from the regulatory point of view, fortunately we have laws, "laws that protect, protection laws, laws that sanction laws that seek to eradicate or responsibility ... we are with what the international community on these points is also enacting such laws ... rules are as complete, the issue is that there is a divorce, a separation between what the rule says and what different branches of government, the various operators, and yet, the company performs in this regard, according to their different responsibilities. I think the state should address and work to prevent [...] gender stereotypes, rigid roles and that through education. Justice, really make a penalty. This is working hard, but there is still that there are no such issues with a sense of impunity or be punished. Normatively 're a country of advanced, denying what is, also part of a responsibility to have a cropped look at these issues just have to have a look as flexible as possible. It is a complex issue where the links. A multi-sectoral issue, where the psychosocial context is very important. To address and delve into the topic has to be as open as possible, as flexible as possible, because there is much cross cultural, cross the subject of addictions. Addictions have changed much form and is a major factor when assessing risk.
Indymedia: Do you think that the inclusion of the figure of femicide is going to bring any change?

If this becomes a law and incorporated into the Penal Code, judges will have to apply what the law says. Va to be a change in that direction, but when there has been femicide and sanctioning FEMICA or the person who has killed. That is, the change will be purely in the legal field and in particular the application you will have to make the judges. If this can generate a wide social impact, or the social imaginary is a wish. We have laws that are delicious, they are clear laws in this regard. On the issue of violence, different types of violence, how he has to work on prevention, eradication, as they have to address these issues. However, we find that the social imaginary has not taken the full extent of what it means, where a group family, a couple in a relationship is introduced as a form of communication. All
devastating effects and terrible for all those who are directly or indirectly involved in this issue. We still have far to go, so I think it is important to prevention, so it is welcome that there is a criminal offense and that specifically criminalizes the true extent of the sanction. You are welcome, but I think that we still work in cultural awareness, to eradicate, there are no more murders of women and no more violence.

Indymedia: Militancy y denuncias incansables del movimiento de mujeres sirvieron para visibilizar esta problemática?


Los cambios que se van a ir dando va a ser provocados, o motorizados por el grupo de presión que constituyen los grupos de mujeres. Primero tímidamente, como que se van posicionando, y después van dando batalla en este desafió, y van ganando espacios y ya se torna irrefutable. Y estos ejemplos tenemos en la región, sucedió en Guatemala cuando tímidamente y con gran oposición apareció el proyecto de femicidio, de sancionar el femicidio, y después por la presión de los grupos de mujeres, hace unos años que tienen la ley de feminicidios sancionada. Yo creo que esto es product of the women's movement, and I think that is a logical process, because I believe that when women begin to position ourselves at one point, is like a road that can not go back, one [...] going forward.

Indymedia: Do you think I go to parties, social movements and institutions sufficient debate on gender violence?

The causes are varied, a strong cause is unknown. Not knowing something generates fear, generates these misgivings, this distrust, and of course political parties in decision-making should be a debate. It is the same in college, a center formation of what later will be the future operators, either in justice, whether in health ... different actors have to intervene in a situation of violence from a formation where these topics are absent, if not totally absent or there are more academic, but not enough, do not meet all expectations. Should be mandatory in all future training of operators to have training in these issues, I think that maybe part after ignorance. Position against what they say international treaties on these issues in the legislation, which just say they have to work on stereotypes
gender on the patterns, changing cultural patterns. We like what you say breach the rules.

Susan also participates in the fight for justice for Sandra Ayala Gamboa known about:

has come to light, not the entire city should be expected, but part of the city in certain sectors, for the work they have done the various women's movements, students, who were with Nelly. This fact is coupled femicide, trafficking, discrimination, violence, social exclusion, ethnicity. Required to adjust the eye can not see Sandra as a girl who died, who was found dead in a public place. You have to dig deeper and see that Sandra was young, was a migrant, was poor, probably was, until the courts rule on this, "victim of trafficking, the product of exclusion, we must dig deeper. The debt we owe to society is to realize this, talk about rules, talk about enacting provisions are always welcome [...] but the big challenge is to bring about change at the societal level, just to achieve eradication, achieving another way not be linked through

Fire: a mode that grew up in Argentina

After the murder of Wanda Tadei wife of a well-known musician, similar acts are multiplied. In the last 6 months of 2010, 8 women were burned by their partners, boyfriends or ex-partners.

A year after the death of Wanda, her husband, Eduardo Vasquez goes to trial and the public. Tadei family hopes justice is finally done.

macho violence and impunity

Since the case of Wanda to date 15 women were burned. La Casa del Encuentro report a 10% increase in this mode. Fabiana said Tunisia, a national media: "With a general increase in violence against women so far this year we have several victims from incinerators, which has to do with the murderers still enjoy many privileges that give them certain impunity "

His Names

1 - Wanda Taddei ( 29): February 9, 2010, the wife of former drummer of rock band Callejeros, Eduardo Vazquez, was seriously injured after being sprayed with alcohol and set ablaze in his home neighborhood of slaughterhouses and died 12 days later. The musician has always maintained it was an accident but is currently being held for murder.

2 - Alejandra Céspedes (27): On February 22, appeared set ablaze at his home in Paso de la Patria, Corrientes, where he was with her husband, and died on 8 July, although not ruling out the hypothesis of suicide. 3 - Carmen (...): March 27 was burned after being sprayed with alcohol and set ablaze in the city of Rio Gallegos Santa Cruz, and died July 20 at a clinic in Buenos Aires neighborhood of Palermo . Because her husband was arrested.

4 - Sabrina Cennamo (24): On April 2, was found incinerated in his home in El Talar de Pacheco, Buenos Aires district of Tigre. He had also been slaughtered along with their two children.

5 - Lidia Valiente (35): On May 6, his body was found burned in the locality of Valentín Alsina, Lanus match. Then found to have been strangled and was arrested for the crime partner, Nestor Benitez (42), in Corrientes.

6 - Betiana Chavez (20): On May 24, died at a hospital in the city of Neuquén after suffering burns on 85 percent of his body after an argument with his partner, a man of 40 years that he was arrested. 7 - Gladys Pereira (31): On May 23, suffered severe burns to the local mission of the ferns and died 3 August Oberá hospital, Corrientes.

8 - Fatima Guadalupe Catan (24): On August 18, the girl who was pregnant, suffered burns to nearly 90 percent of his body at his home in the locality of Villa Fiorito and died five days later. His family accused the Justice boyfriend but did not order his arrest and that did not establish whether it was an accidental or intentional.

9 - Jorge Lopez (29): On August 21, was burned in Salta where, apparently, was with her lover and died ten days of the event.

10 - Norma Rivas (36): On December 6, died after being doused with gasoline and set ablaze in La Matanza.

11 - Natalia Nieves (28): On December 27, died after be burned after a confusing episode in the town of Punta Alta.

12 - Ivana Correa (23): On January 25, 2011 suffered burns on half his body in his house in the locality of Monte Grande, and died five days later in hospital of the San Martín Plata.

13 - Carolina Ruiz Diaz (32): On January 28, died from burns he suffered in the 70 percent of his body during a fight between him and his partner, Céspedes Leonor Arevalo (30), who was arrested in the neighborhood of Parque Patricio.

14 - Veronica Viviana Medina (32): On February 3, died in a private clinic in Buenos Aires district of Tres de Febrero a result of burns he suffered after being sprayed with alcohol and lit a fire in his house in the town Aires de Wilde, during a fight with her husband, who was imprisoned for the crime.

15 - Analía Cáceres (30) was transferred to the Hospital de Merlo Malvinas Heroes, where she was dying two days before he died, while her husband was arrested with some burns and will be investigated this morning statement by the prosecutor of Moron, Hernan Moyano.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

What Is The White Stuff In My Pores

Well, it's time ... Other publications

... begin a new stage.

I recently signed two contracts, one with Bag of Bones and another SWAT, to publish two collections of stories:
(The monster, right?)

lies behind 'a year of words' , whose old blog you can find it on the side. Some of their stories, reviewed and corrected, will become part of the new collections.

I'll talk to them, as well as other collections in search of editorial I am preparing, and also you can find on the side.

Gradually I will update this page, which I hope from now my reference, and I imagine I'll have to reinforce facebook and stuff.

And to be upgraded!

Welcome back to the world of Nachob