Monday, April 20, 2009

Platypus As A Pet In California

stand or walk shorten the first stage of labor, according to a Special

stand or walk shorten the first stage of labor and remain lying slow its progress, according to a study by the Institute Health of Women and Children's Hospital in Queensland, Townsville (Australia) published in the journal The Cochrane Library '. The researchers found that the first phase of delivery was much shorter for women who were still kneeling, standing, walking or sitting upright than for those who were lying.

The researchers used 21 studies in developed countries since the 60's in which 3,706 women had participated. They found that in the first stage of pregnancy was reduced to an hour in those who remained in upright positions compared with those who were lying. Annemarie explains Lawrence, head of study, "in most developing countries, women remain standing or walk if they wish during the early stages of labor without it the disease. This review demonstrates that there are benefits in staying safe on skin or movement during the first stage of labor. "Lawrence adds that according to these results it is recommended that women be encouraged to use whatever position they deem most convenient, but warn that to avoid the lie. The researchers stress that more information is needed to understand how the positions of labor is associated with pain levels, control and satisfaction among women who are giving birth.

Source: Council General Nursing Associations of Spain. teneis.De

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Milena Velba And Nadine Jansen- Milking

: for girls and boys Forum

Here again I have returned to foro.Según I'm aware of who you have got square by congratulating you go, but today I want to make it bigger, more personoal.
Because you deserve it, because you have achieved your sueño.PARA TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW!.

And do not be that forum and you are reading this with your assigned small square and I also want you perceive the hint, but now I focus on the forum.

I registered exactly one 20.12.2005, shortly after realizing that there was midwifery, which had a profession dedicated to everything I'm passionate about pregnancy, birth and the postpartum .... and I've written exactly 333 posts.
In all this time I have met wonderful people on this forum, you are too many to name them, and I mean, at heart, but I have not gotten plaza, somehow I also feel I've won, just by the mere fact that you own what you have achieved.
I say without any interest, because it seems incredible that through this small screen can empathize as much as you done to yourselves, cibercompañeras of fatigue.! You have done all that the forum is a place where " such a good roll to breathe, a place that unites volver.Nos always a dream, you now you can play with your hands: be matronas.Y why I give my most sincere congratulations.

Congratulations on your place to: Rociito, Ilitia, Laia, Maver, Shai, Curly, Morgana, Eva_84, DUE-Fany, Nohixen, Lau-disease, Zuperlau.Estoy seguríisima that I forget a lot, please , forgive me if I have set, yet know that this is aimed at you!.

Enjoy the best of these two years! You will have many good days and some bad, but I know that every day go out from the day with a Sorisa in the mouth with something new to say on the forum, with lots of emotions .

here I am for what you will, today my tonsillitis, so as not leave today (I've seen my nephew: (), take the opportunity to study.
Well, I desvio.Que very good work so Midwives, ye shall know that, you to fight for delivery humanized and less medicalized, and above all, not to abandon FORUM! lol.

A big hug to todas.Ojalá could be there to daroslo in person.