"I was covered up to their eyeballs with blankets to keep out even a drop of cold, I was still happier than for weeks, feeling like I had to feel no responsibility to be up there lost in the middle Snow and the peaceful warmth of the blankets they had made that was very relaxed. It had been eleven days since he had come to my place of peace and as if he was there forever, not because he was tired, but everything Instead, he had gone for a reason, find peace and quiet and had achieved and was more comfortable than a partridge lost there, far from civilization and embraced those who wanted more. Era a little hut, wooden kitchen and white color according to how much snow there was, two bedrooms, a bathroom and a small cozy dining room that was furnished with two small two-seater sofas, a television, an old chestnut table its 5 seats also brown and planted a huge fireplace to heat the entire house. I was in the southernmost region of Finland, North Karelia and even being a little spring into the entrance of the cabin on Lake Anna was covered with snow every morning, afternoon and evening, luckily someone had happened to the wonderful idea of \u200b\u200ba small garage in the back, at least for a car ...
The closest store was a 20 minute drive was a small village, aisque yeah, I was quite far from what civilization can be seen, my only company was Avery, the nearest neighbor, who lived at 5 minutes from the cabin, the only difference is that the step did not like me, he lived there all year. I knew from shortly after I turned eleven, which was the first time I went to the cabin with Anna and Tanya, his eldest daughter. Avery was a lovely lady, who liked it did visits whenever unguarded about to sit around the fireplace and tell horror stories, that when I was small if I was afraid, now although it would not scare my children and I enjoyed listening anyway. That day after making a purchase, I and my company would eat with him.
Being in that cabin surrounded by snow and I felt like Rebecka Martinsson when Kiruna tube again because of the death of Viktor Strandgård in Aurora Borealis, when years ago had run the place, more or less I had done, run away, break everything that previously had in my life.
When Hugo, my doctor, I recommended that catch me I did not do a holiday event, took almost two weeks doing nothing, no producer would work or had no shooting yet, but I was so tired that this was his advice, I asked why and defense was not needed physical rest but mental, that I was not able to leave almost nothing to chance or could not bear not to try to help someone in my family or friends with the slightest problem, although that was only a broken fingernail. And he was right, could not bear to see someone I like would have gone hard for something and tried in every way possible to help them, came to make my own problems, as if he had enough with mine, which caused my a state of permanent anxiety. So when Hugo managed to convince me knew this was the perfect place to be quiet. He had come alone, without David, and children, no friendship, knowing that I lose any sleep, because I hated to meet alone. Everyone knew that he had decided to take the advice of Hugo, but no one knew who had been the choice of my fate, only Anna's Aunt Matilda, and that was his cabin. After all was not so bad alone in this place away from everything.
Still, I knew I had done "traps", as my solitude was interrupted by that Anna is escaped before his nephew where where I was was at home, which gave Matias assumed I knew where I was and I keep pressing it until he got to know, did not take much for that, and really appreciate it, jijij . That dismissal of Anna Matias tube would result in coming to see me and check on her. What at first was a simple visit turned into a night with your sweet company.
There had been no kissing, no touching or anything sexual between us not to need it for love, we had only to look at ourselves to make love with each other, when her eyes looked into mine was as if I penetrated to the depths of me, to my being, my virtue, my soul ...
had been a perfect night, in which there were knowing glances, laughter and reading, which we both loved. I liked to lie down on his chest that read over my shoulder, however he liked me to read aloud, said it was the best person to read the world and to hear the words of my mouth to see each landscape as if it were even more real. Do not know if I was living was real or was it just a dream of mine, another of the many I had, but if I knew that was my peace, the board of Hugo was perfect.
- Honi asked me to marry us.
I almost dropped to the ground when the world heard him say that, I was lucky that I did not see his face, that he was leaning on his chest, then, a great sadness ran through my eyes, I made to reconstruct .
- Oh yeah? Oops ... I do not imagine you walk facing the altar ... - I said almost laughing. I knew that he was so against marriage as I was .- And what will you tell? What if?
"That I will say no, I told ya - the soft voice said" It takes several months to the topic, but I do not want to, you know I do not think it takes to sign a paper to love someone. - He gave a long sigh I've already said several times but always leaves me with that story that is the dream of every woman, be dressed in white, walking hand in hand with his father to the altar Give me a break! I think every time I say that and I want to answer it not, that not all women dream about that, at least not smart. I just want to say that at least you do not think so, that you do not need to get all dressed up in front of a man dressed as a priest to sign anything with no God ...
I could not help, I got a laugh that echoed throughout the cabin, I think a decibel more in my laughter and I would have utterly broken ....
"Do not laugh small, no longer do and the problem as I have. - Matias told me with a smile escaping between the teeth.
"Yeah, so I laugh, because the problem is yours! - Could not stop laughing.
did not want to even imagine Honi's face when she compared it to me, I imagined a vase flying and dodging Matias.
That morning we woke up early, I was dressing in the bathroom when he came in thinking it was empty and came out quickly, closing the door and apologizing, saying he was going to the bathroom was outside. I told him not to do the fool who did not need to freeze your ass out to the cold forest, which we had already seen naked a thousand times. He came in and while I washed my teeth is facing the mirror reflection of his torso, was not overly branded with the typical chocolate bar for athletes, but was well tornado, had some broad shoulders, strong neck, a hard pecs and abdomen followed by a firm that made you want to surround with arms, a strong back and harder than he could endure much. I let out a little snort and said
- Maybe not a bad idea to accept the proposal of your girlfriend and walk to the altar ...
looked at me in disbelief that I, I just had said that, he put his hand on his forehead and said,
- Are you okay little girl?
- Yes, perfectly. But maybe that's the perfect excuse to finally cut your hair ... You can not imagine having the desire to catch you by the hair Nair those you've left and cortártelas .- I said as I kept staring at his naked torso in the mirror's reflection.
-jajajajajajajajajaj So many want it? I was told a couple of times, but I will not cut hair, I've never had long and I'm comfortable with that. What happens? What I'm cute? - Asked while raising his eyebrows up and down, up and down.
- A couple of times? Feel like? Do not be surprised if one of these days you wake up with the mane to zero, because its intention is to go into your room and cortártelas while you sleep, so you'll see me ...- while containing her laughter And if you already know that These handsome anyway.
I planted a kiss on my shoulder before finally getting the shirt.
Yes, that was my peace. "
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