".... I was lost in the anger and unrest, he wanted to give up and throw that damn TV cable to the ground, broke to mourn, if only I knew it, a hand went through my arm to give me consolation, the same hand that hours later I grab mine in front of a dozen cameras, a warm hug made me compose myself and try again with the damn cable, finally worked, I felt better, but not relieved.
feared that instant configuration needs to get into the dreaded carpet and all eyes will be on me, as felt that it was the wrong hand that held me, David was the hand which clung to mine when I wished fervently that was another that would make the threads that held me to the reality would not break. I went back and explain to Katie that she was ready, I was going to take a shower and could begin to fix that would fix everything as out of the shower. I watched as Gabi agradicimiento threw a smile, the truth, I was not friendly and not always easy to put things and she did everything he did for me ...
Gabi was my shadow, was the person who followed me everywhere, she cared about me, you'd say, wear this dress, these shoes are more beautiful, get away this necklace as charged, was the leading from hand and left me in front of the watchful eyes of the cameras, which gave me peace of mind at the time, he owed much, you ought it was her and not somebody else that happened to me all that, to me, not separate. ..
let me be under the running for a while, I was warm and it made me feel at ease, reminding me that feeling when small end up sleeping in the arms of my father and later in his, especially his, always so warm to cold despite their origins. I knew if I did not come out in less than half a minute both Gabi and Katia would enter for my thinking that I would have fainted in the shower so I left there feeling good in the shower and I got wrapped in the towel, I sat a bit against the radiadior to dry, and I hate it with the towel and stopped to look at my long legs, certainly not all the world he loved, a woman of six feet and three centimeters, but I was very proud of them, never a complex of big boy tube or boom, as they used to call me small, upload up to view my thin gut, was getting thinner and that if I did not like, made me feel bad, I began to feel the hips, look at me with resignation a small scar on his shoulder, not because I liked it, but because it was the scar I remember him, pass the yolk my fingers for her knowing that he would not return to play it, like not going to be the one who sosteneria my hands for the cameras and my vision blurred with that thought, the carpet in Berlin ... until a couple of taps on the door made me return to the site, put my mind in order, I have to wear ...
watched with joy the face of Katia, I was glad to have her there, as to almost 5 months since the saw does not look anything like Nair but not to failure, each completing the other, dark-blonde, high-low, quiet-talkative, which I thought a smiley face on my face I realized that it was when Katia told me to remove a frown, because my makeup so it was difficult and I was going to be ugly for a wrinkle when he was older, which made me laugh with a force not think it was such ...
A touch on the arm followed by a little voice made me realize that I was ready, "mami que guapa these" hear say my son Ayrton, look down with cunning face and winked at him and asking if he really believed it, I said of course, the most beautiful mummy in the world, believed it, but he was not impartial. I saw and from the other corner of the room my daughter winked at me sign that his brother was right and my other son, Matti, and my hand was blushing with pleasure at seeing me, would have to believe it and think that was true, was really pretty. It opened the door to another room, which David came out and looked at me with incredulous face was reflected in his face like a neon sign, GOD YOU ARE PRETTY, radiate beauty and light, I definitely believed it, although none of them was fair again ....
was time, I was on the carpet and all the lights were focused on me, thousands of flashbulbs blinded me, David took me by the waist in a gesture that no really blinded me and I would fall headlong into the ground between the tail of the dress, Louboutin high heels fucking and rare flashes would not happen to me, but I stayed there, clinging to him. I did not feel comfortable with everyone watching me, so back to my happy moment in the shower with hot water, so I calm down, calm and made me able to continue with a slight smile on my face was all they needed for their photos that were before me, were happy with my smile, but surely would have been more if I had finally gone headlong into the ground and would have photographed it, sure.
My life at that time was white, I was happy, or at least all that could be, not everything was black as I had passed two years ago, when I was not even sure he was alive, nor was pink, like when everything in my life was Matias perfect when I was at my side, before everything was going to take wind because of pride ..
I thought again he grabbed my hand, David, always by my side, what I wanted, was the person I wanted to want to spend my whole life, but not always that's what you want and in my case wanted different things than they really had ...."
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