The rules are:
1. Grab the book closest to you
2. Open it to page 161
3. Find the fifth full sentence
4. He cites the phrase blog
5. Pass it on to five other blogs
Well, I like * Cris *, the book that I have more about Dawn is also because I'm reading too .... jajjajajaj, but I'll get another sentence different from that of her .
"Everything I had done will be like (my love for the dead girl upstairs, my love for my father, my loyalty to my new flock, love my brothers, the hatred of my enemies, my home, my life, my body off at the same time as myself) clack, clack, clack ... was cut and went flying into space "
The rules are:
1. Answer the questionnaire on your blog
2. Change a question you do not like you invented the other
3. Add a question you created on
4. Pass eight others
1 • A place to relax?
solo somewhere where you can hear the waves but not the beach.
2 • nap "you lie?
Almost never.
3 • Who was the last person you hugged?
Pff I do not remember now ..
4 · Do you like sports?
Yes, but does not practice much anymore.
5 • What is the last thing you bought?
In general, an envelope ... jajajaj, clothes, trousers.
6 • Do you like listening to music when you go to other blogs or turn off the player just open the page.? Soil
turned off to read better.
7 • What is your favorite season?
The fall season is more serene.
8 • Say something about the person who sent you this meme.
That is the best thing that has happened in the last year.
9. If you could have a fully furnished house, free, anywhere in the world, where would you like to be?
Phew, at some other site that, somewhere lost in Argentina and Boca neighborhood or in Patagonia, I would also like some small town in Finland and Vantaa and Espoo.
10 • What is your favorite author?
Like Boris Izaguirre, but the last books I read were the Twilight saga and I also like Stephanie Meyer writes, you know keep up.
11 • How do you take coffee?
With milk and little sugar, cappuccino when possible.
12 • What would you deliver?
In the odd person ... jajajajjaja
13 • What you wanted to be small @?
14 • What book are you reading now?
"Dawn" by Stephenie Meyer (or not)
15 • What is your favorite brand of jeans?
I do not mark as I like to me as I left ...
16 · How many hours you can spend a day sitting at the computer? HAHAHAHAHAHA
, too many for the taste of my mother ...
17 · Would you live your life differently from how you live now? Siii
18 · Would you go to create the blog? Oops looks
me ask this question about a month and a half or so and tell you neither of joke! jajajaj, but today.
19 • What do you think there is after death?
The cemetery? jajajajja, noo think it might be something else, I believe in reincarnation.
20 • What is the color scheme you use most often?
Different variations of brown.
21 · Are you happy?
22 • If you were to reincarnate, what animal would you?
In some strong as a lion, for example.
23 · A dream?
find my site and feel free.
24 • Which literary character would you be?
Well I do not think I have much to think ... Bella Swan! jajajajja
25 • What thing you do, knowing that it is bad, you can not stop doing?
Mmm ... get me where I call?
26 • If you could choose what time to live, What time would you live?
I would have liked to live the 20's, or in the Middle Ages.
27 What causes you fear?
Heights, jacks, porcelain dolls, clowns ...
28. If you could define your life in a song, what would it be?
at this time for missing a Butterfly Effect.
29. How do you see yourself in 5 years? Sure
have 27 years and others prefer not to think about it ... jajajja
30. If you could interview someone famous, "Who would it be and why?
A Kimi Raikkonen, I think it's a personality and would be surprised to discover it.
31. Did you love or someone casting ever exist? Example: Acheron.
If, from 4 months ago by Edward Cullen, but before I had gone with another character in a book, called Sam, but not the same .. hahaha
32. What's under your bed? Surely
dust and lint.
33. What is your favorite song?
Mmm, I can not choose a particular time because it depends on my mood, but I never get tired of listening to ManĂ¡, Juanes, Metallica or the Boss.
34. What is the slogan or phrase that defines the way you see life?
Live and let live. Do not do what you do not want.
35. What would you change about your life?
Many things that now I will not tell, because they are many and I do not get the blog ... hahaha
36.Mi added question: If tubieras just one more second in your life what would you do?
Look at my brother.
Here are the conditions: a.
) Hang the award on your blog.
b.) Thank the person who gave you the award.
c.) To grant the award to 7 posts and explain why you give them the prize,
d.) Hang on your blog requirements for the person / s / s it / s to grant the prize of meeting / n. E.
) dedicated the award to someone.
f.) thank all those who visit and follow your blog (we deserve do not you?)
Both awards has given me the Cris * * THANK YOU !!!!!!!

And I also I do like it and I'll give it to 5 people to do half mixture of a prize and another ... jejejej
Lorena: http://confesionesdesdeelagua.blogspot.com/
Astragalus: http://astragalos.blogspot.com/
Negry Warmy: http://nenalmodovar.blogspot.com/
Megg: http://lamoradadelaluna.blogspot.com/
Veronika: http://veronika-life.blogspot.com/
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