By Josefina Trotta
In 2005 I wrote a script for the contest "Miedometrajes" organized by Flehner Films, Claxson and Infinity. The experience was similar to that of writing on demand for a production, the inspiration of the script was guided by genre and topic, length, number of characters and scenery. These limitations have hit me perfectly for my story, I only needed a dark house, two brothers and a screamer. Then I wrote, rewrote, registers, photocopiers, and ordered ring.
Months later I heard from a friend, who had also participated in the contest and he won me anxiety and expectation, which the contest page my name was among the nine winners. The award was the realization the short feature film. For the first time a script of mine was moving from paper to screen and my dream would come true.
My victory was celebrated as a group. So far, my writer friends and I suspected that script contests were games made by and for a select group of friends take the prizes. None of us was neither friend nor son nor known, then I won and that meant that strangers could also maybe ... that miracles exist. And then, this group of skeptics who thought suddenly celebrated like never before and the day after everyone dusted off their notebooks full of ideas impossible willing to keep playing now that it was possible to win.
Días después fuí informada que la productora quería que los guionistas, entre los que se encontraban también directores, participaran del proyecto aportando todo lo que pudiésemos ya que al ser escritores conocíamos la historia mejor que nadie. El guión comenzó a mutar. Durante el proceso de pre-producción viví días de entusiasmo y adrenalina. Luego vino el esperado rodaje y la que muté fui yo. Mutó mi ánimo. Mutó mi cuerpo. Sufrí, me enojé, me arrepentí, juré cambiar de oficio y dedicarme a plantar tomates. Varios meses después y de acuerdo a lo prometido, los nueve mediometrajes fueron estrenados en la televisión por cable. Cuatro años después una U.S. distributor sells DVDs on the market.
I continue to write professionally. Over time I learned that all I felt during the making of short feature film was normal and that sometimes the results are not as imagined. Along with my friends still bet screenwriters any compulsive gambler who knows the game is made for earning some few bets anyway because he can do nothing. And we can do nothing but write. So write and write and write and speculate that while the price of the photocopy does not follow the coins up and overtake us to multiply by three or five our script, banding, Enveloping y. .. Good luck to all.
Months later I heard from a friend, who had also participated in the contest and he won me anxiety and expectation, which the contest page my name was among the nine winners. The award was the realization the short feature film. For the first time a script of mine was moving from paper to screen and my dream would come true.
My victory was celebrated as a group. So far, my writer friends and I suspected that script contests were games made by and for a select group of friends take the prizes. None of us was neither friend nor son nor known, then I won and that meant that strangers could also maybe ... that miracles exist. And then, this group of skeptics who thought suddenly celebrated like never before and the day after everyone dusted off their notebooks full of ideas impossible willing to keep playing now that it was possible to win.
Días después fuí informada que la productora quería que los guionistas, entre los que se encontraban también directores, participaran del proyecto aportando todo lo que pudiésemos ya que al ser escritores conocíamos la historia mejor que nadie. El guión comenzó a mutar. Durante el proceso de pre-producción viví días de entusiasmo y adrenalina. Luego vino el esperado rodaje y la que muté fui yo. Mutó mi ánimo. Mutó mi cuerpo. Sufrí, me enojé, me arrepentí, juré cambiar de oficio y dedicarme a plantar tomates. Varios meses después y de acuerdo a lo prometido, los nueve mediometrajes fueron estrenados en la televisión por cable. Cuatro años después una U.S. distributor sells DVDs on the market.
I continue to write professionally. Over time I learned that all I felt during the making of short feature film was normal and that sometimes the results are not as imagined. Along with my friends still bet screenwriters any compulsive gambler who knows the game is made for earning some few bets anyway because he can do nothing. And we can do nothing but write. So write and write and write and speculate that while the price of the photocopy does not follow the coins up and overtake us to multiply by three or five our script, banding, Enveloping y. .. Good luck to all.
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