Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Sorority White Dresses
A I love you ...
looked up from the ground waiting to see what he craved, the outstretched hand to give her foot up off the ground, but all I found was the eternal loneliness that always accompanies it. That terrible pain of being always in second place, if not more than one option for the rest of the world.
few days ago decided to let their hair down, marked the line of his eyes put her heels to go out and stomp, until he saw a I love you it was not for her. Then she felt again in the second, that in your whole life has meaning.
but someone cornered, turned to change the other person.
His life has always been so, when he felt happy about something, looked like the other person's left side, in some way or another, but from the side. The "my" so often heard when should say "our", of people who have never known how to value, which was the first person to leave it in second place, a Sunday afternoon when I was seven years, saying that he was going to go with her to play and only went home to tell her that another girl had come and would rather play with her ...
She looked through her window as the other moved away and left it at home ...
Today, with that I love you is not for her behind her back, back all their bad memories, all those who thought forgotten and that he believed would return not to feel ...

few days ago decided to let their hair down, marked the line of his eyes put her heels to go out and stomp, until he saw a I love you it was not for her. Then she felt again in the second, that in your whole life has meaning.
but someone cornered, turned to change the other person.

She looked through her window as the other moved away and left it at home ...
Today, with that I love you is not for her behind her back, back all their bad memories, all those who thought forgotten and that he believed would return not to feel ...
Friday, June 19, 2009
Creative Invitation Ideas Graduation Farewell
By Josefina Trotta
In 2005 I wrote a script for the contest "Miedometrajes" organized by Flehner Films, Claxson and Infinity. The experience was similar to that of writing on demand for a production, the inspiration of the script was guided by genre and topic, length, number of characters and scenery. These limitations have hit me perfectly for my story, I only needed a dark house, two brothers and a screamer. Then I wrote, rewrote, registers, photocopiers, and ordered ring.
Months later I heard from a friend, who had also participated in the contest and he won me anxiety and expectation, which the contest page my name was among the nine winners. The award was the realization the short feature film. For the first time a script of mine was moving from paper to screen and my dream would come true.
My victory was celebrated as a group. So far, my writer friends and I suspected that script contests were games made by and for a select group of friends take the prizes. None of us was neither friend nor son nor known, then I won and that meant that strangers could also maybe ... that miracles exist. And then, this group of skeptics who thought suddenly celebrated like never before and the day after everyone dusted off their notebooks full of ideas impossible willing to keep playing now that it was possible to win.
Días después fuí informada que la productora quería que los guionistas, entre los que se encontraban también directores, participaran del proyecto aportando todo lo que pudiésemos ya que al ser escritores conocíamos la historia mejor que nadie. El guión comenzó a mutar. Durante el proceso de pre-producción viví días de entusiasmo y adrenalina. Luego vino el esperado rodaje y la que muté fui yo. Mutó mi ánimo. Mutó mi cuerpo. Sufrí, me enojé, me arrepentí, juré cambiar de oficio y dedicarme a plantar tomates. Varios meses después y de acuerdo a lo prometido, los nueve mediometrajes fueron estrenados en la televisión por cable. Cuatro años después una U.S. distributor sells DVDs on the market.
I continue to write professionally. Over time I learned that all I felt during the making of short feature film was normal and that sometimes the results are not as imagined. Along with my friends still bet screenwriters any compulsive gambler who knows the game is made for earning some few bets anyway because he can do nothing. And we can do nothing but write. So write and write and write and speculate that while the price of the photocopy does not follow the coins up and overtake us to multiply by three or five our script, banding, Enveloping y. .. Good luck to all.
Months later I heard from a friend, who had also participated in the contest and he won me anxiety and expectation, which the contest page my name was among the nine winners. The award was the realization the short feature film. For the first time a script of mine was moving from paper to screen and my dream would come true.
My victory was celebrated as a group. So far, my writer friends and I suspected that script contests were games made by and for a select group of friends take the prizes. None of us was neither friend nor son nor known, then I won and that meant that strangers could also maybe ... that miracles exist. And then, this group of skeptics who thought suddenly celebrated like never before and the day after everyone dusted off their notebooks full of ideas impossible willing to keep playing now that it was possible to win.
Días después fuí informada que la productora quería que los guionistas, entre los que se encontraban también directores, participaran del proyecto aportando todo lo que pudiésemos ya que al ser escritores conocíamos la historia mejor que nadie. El guión comenzó a mutar. Durante el proceso de pre-producción viví días de entusiasmo y adrenalina. Luego vino el esperado rodaje y la que muté fui yo. Mutó mi ánimo. Mutó mi cuerpo. Sufrí, me enojé, me arrepentí, juré cambiar de oficio y dedicarme a plantar tomates. Varios meses después y de acuerdo a lo prometido, los nueve mediometrajes fueron estrenados en la televisión por cable. Cuatro años después una U.S. distributor sells DVDs on the market.
I continue to write professionally. Over time I learned that all I felt during the making of short feature film was normal and that sometimes the results are not as imagined. Along with my friends still bet screenwriters any compulsive gambler who knows the game is made for earning some few bets anyway because he can do nothing. And we can do nothing but write. So write and write and write and speculate that while the price of the photocopy does not follow the coins up and overtake us to multiply by three or five our script, banding, Enveloping y. .. Good luck to all.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Sms Friend For Your New Born Baby
Awards! Manual
These awards going to get then I have received from * Cris *: http://cris-sentadaenestavida.blogspot.com/ a blog that I recommend you come over to visit. CHALLENGE
The rules are:
1. Grab the book closest to you
2. Open it to page 161
3. Find the fifth full sentence
4. He cites the phrase blog
5. Pass it on to five other blogs
Well, I like * Cris *, the book that I have more about Dawn is also because I'm reading too .... jajjajajaj, but I'll get another sentence different from that of her .
"Everything I had done will be like (my love for the dead girl upstairs, my love for my father, my loyalty to my new flock, love my brothers, the hatred of my enemies, my home, my life, my body off at the same time as myself) clack, clack, clack ... was cut and went flying into space "
The rules are:
1. Answer the questionnaire on your blog
2. Change a question you do not like you invented the other
3. Add a question you created on
4. Pass eight others
1 • A place to relax?
solo somewhere where you can hear the waves but not the beach.
2 • nap "you lie?
Almost never.
3 • Who was the last person you hugged?
Pff I do not remember now ..
4 · Do you like sports?
Yes, but does not practice much anymore.
5 • What is the last thing you bought?
In general, an envelope ... jajajaj, clothes, trousers.
6 • Do you like listening to music when you go to other blogs or turn off the player just open the page.? Soil
turned off to read better.
7 • What is your favorite season?
The fall season is more serene.
8 • Say something about the person who sent you this meme.
That is the best thing that has happened in the last year.
9. If you could have a fully furnished house, free, anywhere in the world, where would you like to be?
Phew, at some other site that, somewhere lost in Argentina and Boca neighborhood or in Patagonia, I would also like some small town in Finland and Vantaa and Espoo.
10 • What is your favorite author?
Like Boris Izaguirre, but the last books I read were the Twilight saga and I also like Stephanie Meyer writes, you know keep up.
11 • How do you take coffee?
With milk and little sugar, cappuccino when possible.
12 • What would you deliver?
In the odd person ... jajajajjaja
13 • What you wanted to be small @?
14 • What book are you reading now?
"Dawn" by Stephenie Meyer (or not)
15 • What is your favorite brand of jeans?
I do not mark as I like to me as I left ...
16 · How many hours you can spend a day sitting at the computer? HAHAHAHAHAHA
, too many for the taste of my mother ...
17 · Would you live your life differently from how you live now? Siii
18 · Would you go to create the blog? Oops looks
me ask this question about a month and a half or so and tell you neither of joke! jajajaj, but today.
19 • What do you think there is after death?
The cemetery? jajajajja, noo think it might be something else, I believe in reincarnation.
20 • What is the color scheme you use most often?
Different variations of brown.
21 · Are you happy?
22 • If you were to reincarnate, what animal would you?
In some strong as a lion, for example.
23 · A dream?
find my site and feel free.
24 • Which literary character would you be?
Well I do not think I have much to think ... Bella Swan! jajajajja
25 • What thing you do, knowing that it is bad, you can not stop doing?
Mmm ... get me where I call?
26 • If you could choose what time to live, What time would you live?
I would have liked to live the 20's, or in the Middle Ages.
27 What causes you fear?
Heights, jacks, porcelain dolls, clowns ...
28. If you could define your life in a song, what would it be?
at this time for missing a Butterfly Effect.
29. How do you see yourself in 5 years? Sure
have 27 years and others prefer not to think about it ... jajajja
30. If you could interview someone famous, "Who would it be and why?
A Kimi Raikkonen, I think it's a personality and would be surprised to discover it.
31. Did you love or someone casting ever exist? Example: Acheron.
If, from 4 months ago by Edward Cullen, but before I had gone with another character in a book, called Sam, but not the same .. hahaha
32. What's under your bed? Surely
dust and lint.
33. What is your favorite song?
Mmm, I can not choose a particular time because it depends on my mood, but I never get tired of listening to Maná, Juanes, Metallica or the Boss.
34. What is the slogan or phrase that defines the way you see life?
Live and let live. Do not do what you do not want.
35. What would you change about your life?
Many things that now I will not tell, because they are many and I do not get the blog ... hahaha
36.Mi added question: If tubieras just one more second in your life what would you do?
Look at my brother.
Here are the conditions: a.
) Hang the award on your blog.
b.) Thank the person who gave you the award.
c.) To grant the award to 7 posts and explain why you give them the prize,
d.) Hang on your blog requirements for the person / s / s it / s to grant the prize of meeting / n. E.
) dedicated the award to someone.
f.) thank all those who visit and follow your blog (we deserve do not you?)
Both awards has given me the Cris * * THANK YOU !!!!!!!
And I also I do like it and I'll give it to 5 people to do half mixture of a prize and another ... jejejej
Lorena: http://confesionesdesdeelagua.blogspot.com/
Astragalus: http://astragalos.blogspot.com/
Negry Warmy: http://nenalmodovar.blogspot.com/
Megg: http://lamoradadelaluna.blogspot.com/
Veronika: http://veronika-life.blogspot.com/

The rules are:
1. Grab the book closest to you
2. Open it to page 161
3. Find the fifth full sentence
4. He cites the phrase blog
5. Pass it on to five other blogs
Well, I like * Cris *, the book that I have more about Dawn is also because I'm reading too .... jajjajajaj, but I'll get another sentence different from that of her .
"Everything I had done will be like (my love for the dead girl upstairs, my love for my father, my loyalty to my new flock, love my brothers, the hatred of my enemies, my home, my life, my body off at the same time as myself) clack, clack, clack ... was cut and went flying into space "
The rules are:
1. Answer the questionnaire on your blog
2. Change a question you do not like you invented the other
3. Add a question you created on
4. Pass eight others
1 • A place to relax?
solo somewhere where you can hear the waves but not the beach.
2 • nap "you lie?
Almost never.
3 • Who was the last person you hugged?
Pff I do not remember now ..
4 · Do you like sports?
Yes, but does not practice much anymore.
5 • What is the last thing you bought?
In general, an envelope ... jajajaj, clothes, trousers.
6 • Do you like listening to music when you go to other blogs or turn off the player just open the page.? Soil
turned off to read better.
7 • What is your favorite season?
The fall season is more serene.
8 • Say something about the person who sent you this meme.
That is the best thing that has happened in the last year.
9. If you could have a fully furnished house, free, anywhere in the world, where would you like to be?
Phew, at some other site that, somewhere lost in Argentina and Boca neighborhood or in Patagonia, I would also like some small town in Finland and Vantaa and Espoo.
10 • What is your favorite author?
Like Boris Izaguirre, but the last books I read were the Twilight saga and I also like Stephanie Meyer writes, you know keep up.
11 • How do you take coffee?
With milk and little sugar, cappuccino when possible.
12 • What would you deliver?
In the odd person ... jajajajjaja
13 • What you wanted to be small @?
14 • What book are you reading now?
"Dawn" by Stephenie Meyer (or not)
15 • What is your favorite brand of jeans?
I do not mark as I like to me as I left ...
16 · How many hours you can spend a day sitting at the computer? HAHAHAHAHAHA
, too many for the taste of my mother ...
17 · Would you live your life differently from how you live now? Siii
18 · Would you go to create the blog? Oops looks
me ask this question about a month and a half or so and tell you neither of joke! jajajaj, but today.
19 • What do you think there is after death?
The cemetery? jajajajja, noo think it might be something else, I believe in reincarnation.
20 • What is the color scheme you use most often?
Different variations of brown.
21 · Are you happy?
22 • If you were to reincarnate, what animal would you?
In some strong as a lion, for example.
23 · A dream?
find my site and feel free.
24 • Which literary character would you be?
Well I do not think I have much to think ... Bella Swan! jajajajja
25 • What thing you do, knowing that it is bad, you can not stop doing?
Mmm ... get me where I call?
26 • If you could choose what time to live, What time would you live?
I would have liked to live the 20's, or in the Middle Ages.
27 What causes you fear?
Heights, jacks, porcelain dolls, clowns ...
28. If you could define your life in a song, what would it be?
at this time for missing a Butterfly Effect.
29. How do you see yourself in 5 years? Sure
have 27 years and others prefer not to think about it ... jajajja
30. If you could interview someone famous, "Who would it be and why?
A Kimi Raikkonen, I think it's a personality and would be surprised to discover it.
31. Did you love or someone casting ever exist? Example: Acheron.
If, from 4 months ago by Edward Cullen, but before I had gone with another character in a book, called Sam, but not the same .. hahaha
32. What's under your bed? Surely
dust and lint.
33. What is your favorite song?
Mmm, I can not choose a particular time because it depends on my mood, but I never get tired of listening to Maná, Juanes, Metallica or the Boss.
34. What is the slogan or phrase that defines the way you see life?
Live and let live. Do not do what you do not want.
35. What would you change about your life?
Many things that now I will not tell, because they are many and I do not get the blog ... hahaha
36.Mi added question: If tubieras just one more second in your life what would you do?
Look at my brother.
Here are the conditions: a.
) Hang the award on your blog.
b.) Thank the person who gave you the award.
c.) To grant the award to 7 posts and explain why you give them the prize,
d.) Hang on your blog requirements for the person / s / s it / s to grant the prize of meeting / n. E.
) dedicated the award to someone.
f.) thank all those who visit and follow your blog (we deserve do not you?)
Both awards has given me the Cris * * THANK YOU !!!!!!!

And I also I do like it and I'll give it to 5 people to do half mixture of a prize and another ... jejejej
Lorena: http://confesionesdesdeelagua.blogspot.com/
Astragalus: http://astragalos.blogspot.com/
Negry Warmy: http://nenalmodovar.blogspot.com/
Megg: http://lamoradadelaluna.blogspot.com/
Veronika: http://veronika-life.blogspot.com/
Monday, June 15, 2009
Csr Bluetooth Radio Driver Win7

Pope Clamente VII, a Medici, has allied with Emperor Charles V, with the intention to reinstate in Florence, the family dynasty was overthrown. Meanwhile, the Florentine gonfalonier has named Miguel Angel Buonarroti one of "The Nine of the Militia", in order to restore the battered city's defenses. But Miguel Angel child has lived in the palace of Lorenzo de Medici, ate at his table, was treated with a son of Lorenzo the Magnificent. Now, many in the "Signoria" distrust of the Master. His old fraternal ties could make him a traitor. Dago therefore is responsible Renegade spy secretly, to follow, to give him away. A new full episode written by Manuel Morini Dago and drawn by the Turkish artist Orero Yildirim. Published in Italy by Eura Editoriale.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Pep Hiv Truvada Stocrin
The American distribution company HAPPY TOGETHER just to market the Trilogy "House of Horror " international name " Miedometrajes " series of horror made especially for cable, produced in 2006 jointly by Flehner Films and Claxson / Canal Infinito.
"Miedometrajes" consists of 9 episodes of 24 minutes each, shot all in the same house on the outskirts of Buenos Aires. The screening of the scripts in the contest and subsequent coordination of rewriting the scripts winners, was in charge of Christian Busquets. Two of the winning scripts, dealing with such diverse inspirations as terror become an urban legend ("La Llorona") and anthropological terror in the style of horror films from the 50 `s (" The Inca Mummy ") were written by Josefina Trotta and Manuel Morini respectively, all from the Writers Bureau staff.
You can see the trailer at this link: www.happytogether.us / filmSlate / HouseOfHorror / trailer.html
Masterbate With Friend
This is me Fought with the world

say I'm
A book with no plot
do not know if I'm coming or going
What I miss in my dreams
say I'm a black and white photo
I have to sleep more
That I can my temper.
say I'm
A normal girl With little quirks that make despair
That we are well
Where is the good and evil
Where is my place

say that I
As a dog without its owner
As a sea boat without
without his body, his soul say I'm
An ocean of ice
I have to laugh more
And a little less silent

not what you think I'm not your Cinderella
I'm not the last part of your
puzzle unassembled I'm not who ideaste
Perhaps you missed
Perhaps the time is not
And this is me
Frightened and determined
An endangered species
As real as life
And this is me
Now comes my time I do not think
give not want to waste time
And this is me
If this is me ....
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Boxed Heart Conversion

I am, I let my chin on my arms resting on the window watching the void in front of mine ...
The only thing I want is to see films and more films, be quiet and let my mind with each scene and forget it all. Cover myself with blankets until the last lock of hair I have and nobody bothers me, I do not speak or look at me.
There is some anger in me from seeing a clarity and happiness I have in front of their noses, and now that is when I miss most after having been face to face life's miracles sometimes grants and has given me another chance.
That anger makes me fight with the world and not want to know about it.
That anger is given by the disappointment of my feelings with the words they say.
That anger is given a damn photo.
That anger is perhaps not such rage, but confusion with the world.
Why do I say that I see something else?
Why I ended up feeling from everyone but my thing?
Why did I end up caring for everyone but me?
'm in the middle of truth and falsehood, good and evil, of white and black, I'm the yin and yang ...
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