Interview News intolerable. Positions
In one of my searches on news related to the field of midwifery (do not know if there really is such a word, but to understand it ...), I have come across this news.
"We are overwhelmed," says one of the midwives of the Birthing Unit of Virgen de las Nieves, where since mid-July, Hospital management has let the service is attended only by three midwives per shift, when the minimum are required 4. "That does not protest to the management has made residents making substitutions, but this is illegal," said one of those affected who prefers not to give nombre.El July 16 sent a letter to the address of the Maternal and Child to hire a more midwives, because most have been formed in the center garbage contracts rejected that offer and have not yet received a reply. "When we have to attend a birthing woman in the room should be at least two midwives, but staff have expansion room so we left unattended," they explain. Monitors records require personalized attention almost fetal movement and can not be performed by a person sola.El delivery volume does not decrease during the summer, as workers of the Virgen de las Nieves in August there is an average of 15 or 16 deliveries per day, so I do not understand this collective plantilla.El reduction of Midwives is not charging overtime, they take away breaks, are forced to work nights without being consulted beforehand and did not appreciate the days complementarias.Para tomorrow night shifts is a minimum. "There will be neither the resident," they say. So if any woman who is about to give birth to go to the Virgen de las Nieves can not possibly be addressed properly. "An epidural anesthesia does not otherwise have the help of a midwife, but being under minimum there shall be none to attend, comentan.Si this situation continues, the group of midwives of the Virgen de las Nieves has announced it is ready to go Judiciary and give a part of the precarious situation in the are because they also consider that the lack of staff leads to "a risk to patients very high."
lamentable.Desde I think a situation a few years there have been warnings of a lack of midwives, and more on these dates you deserve a break, but instead ... to put jobless trash surrogate, are required twice to which I have been working aƱos.No it not logical or normal.
I put this news to support them because they are in their derecho.Y above all, it is no longer just for them, if not for the women who because of this will be met (or rather ill-atendidias) under minimum with the consequences that entails.
Unfortunately not a fact that put YA aislado.Espero solutions to this situation.
Changing the subject: I feel not update often, but lately work with its corresponding fatigue absorbs me, besides I've been two days without internet.
not study for months, but expects to be back soon and do as best they can.
Be happy and fight for what you want.
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