Sitting on the ball (for expansion): vertical position in the first stage of labor is defined as any position to avoid being tumbada.Para be be seated use specific balls for parto.La available evidence suggests that if the woman is upright in the first stage of labor have less pain, is less need for epidural analgesia and less disruption in the pattern of fetal heart rate, and shortens the time of the first stage of labor. In addition, the verticality and movement encourage the baby to have as much space as possible in the pelvis.
lateral decubitus (for expansion): The lateral decubitus position is best if the woman has strong contractions and wants to rest.
fours position (for expansion) position fours or four legs is useful when referred pain to the lumbar area. Massage, heat and relieve back lot. Very useful to try to rotate the later presentations.

: continuous support during childbirth is associated with:
-Reduced use of pharmacological analgesia
- Reduction of instrumental deliveries and cesarean sections and spontaneous vaginal deliveries increased.
-Reduced use of pharmacological analgesia
- Reduction of instrumental deliveries and cesarean sections and spontaneous vaginal deliveries increased.
- Women are more satisfied with their birth
water use dilation: The use of hot water dilation induces women to relax, reduce anxiety by stimulating the production of endorphins, improves uterine perfusion, shortens the period of expansion and increases the sensation of pain control and satisfaction.
Massage: The massage involves manipulation of soft tissues of the body and used to relax tense muscles and soothe and calm the mother. The use of massage during labor enhances relaxation and reduces pain by increasing blood flow in the area and oxygenation of tissues.
Vertical Stand (for the ejected):
In the third stage, this position has the following advantages: Decreases
instrumental deliveries decreases the likelihood of episiotomy pain
Decreases Has less abnormal FHR patterns
Increases freedom of movement
help of gravity is
contractions are more intense.
The drawbacks presents:
Source: Federation of Midwives. Increased
perineal tears bleeding
perineal tears bleeding
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