Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Invitation For The 35th Birthday

Libya again: No to war!

hypocrites Is it in Iraq and Afghanistan remain drug trafficking, repression against women, violence, attacks ...? LluĂ­s

cause of peace, winning only where there will always be defeated by reason of unreason each other's acts: the Barbarian wins over barbarism and savagery of the barbaric. "
intellectual precariousness of man continues his historic career, showing more and more intensity in terms of "productivity" technological "arms. What a failure of human celebrities devise those "smart bombs", "laser weapons" or
" geophysical weapon"! Is this the way "democratic" to follow in favor of tolerance, respect and trust between cultures in this century XXI? Unfortunately is still the old and sinister path of human history. But the most outrageous, most indecent insulting, humiliating, broached to human intelligence, is that by which is meant to persuade and convince the citizens that democracy and army are compatible, even the latter is the guarantor. However, there can be no democracy without tolerance or dialogue without respect or education, no freedom without respect for cultural diversity, or brotherhood without observing the sacred expression of identity of peoples, no peace without forgiveness or humanity, or anything without "love life", final cause that should transcend all for the sake of overcoming human conflicts. The fat arms industry is still booming economic benefit, but their weapons only serve to kill, so the world is being driven by criminals who have no love for life.
What happens now in Libya? You can not "impose" western model of democracy under the force of arms.
not we realize that democracies have to be born alone, different, different in every town, every culture ... yet. They emerge from the idiosyncratic. a couple of months ago, Gaddafi was a staunch European ally with which trade agreements were signed and friendship, sold him weapons, he offered tax havens, the state honors offered him wherever he went and had a seat at the European commission of human rights. But, if today, sixty days later, is a draconian, it is thanks to the demonstrations for freedom of the Libyan people (also born in Egypt, Tunisia ...) and not to reports of the "international community" or Western democracies, far from it, have been negotiating with weapons and oil (80% of Libyan oil is consumed in Europe, and Libya it has sold over 800 million in weapons since 2005).
hypocrites Does Iraq and Afghanistan remain drug trafficking, repression against women, violence, attacks ...? So goofy realize the interests of oil and gas from the West! Even the blind see the plot! Why do not resort to dialogue? Why not take other measures to pressure (that is, and many) against the princes? How many countries in the world where people suffer the submission, absolutism, repression, killings by despotic rulers and are ignored by the "Western democracies"? Many! But in them, or there are no commercial interests or their leaders are members of the G-20.
If three quarters of the world lives on less than 2 € per day if more than 1,000 million people go hungry in the world, if each day die of hunger more than 60,000 people, where more than 1,000 million people lack access to drinking water, if people and cultures disappear, if everything is contaminated, if nature is dying, if we are bitter, if everything is modified, exploited, exterminated, not due to the "will" of man, but to the alleged infallibility his pragmatic technocratic and capitalist democracy, to globalization and, above all, the guarantor of all this: the armies. It is the dogma of the system. Why
what man can do what you do not want?


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