Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Where Can I Get A Wax Done In Plymouth?

Avanti, Life (s) and work (s) Almafuerte

about a year ago I learned that my documentary project "Avanti, Life (s) and work (s) Almafuerte" was chosen by the Film Institute (INCAA) to represent the Province of Buenos Aires under the National Competition of Telefilm Bicentennial Documentary " The path of heroes 1810-2010 ". It was a great joy but also made my time is turned upside down and could hardly stop by this blog to tell. Here is the link to a press release that came out in La Plata to go internalizing the award.


A bit later in the shooting and some days specified in detail, and pending finish the shoot, I could put together a trailer for a minute to begin spreading the project. Here I give you also the link to pass to him. Please difundanlo.


later write something more telling some details of the shooting. Nicholas


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