by Manuel Morini
Sometimes it is difficult to explain the office of one. When someone outside the Communication Sciences asks you what you do and you say that, among other things, you're comic writer, is better than you found it again in your life. As I see you I will strengthen an joyful hand wondering how are your drawings. So that, with patience, you must repeat that you are a writer, not cartoonist, not entirely sure what you have understood.
A new problem arises when I confess that my works are published in Argentina on rare occasions (because so much excitement when it happens). There in your eyes perceive a shadow of doubt, but prefer not comment. His involuntary syllogism is that you're finding a Versero, or worse, a station wagon.
With the work we do in Bureau Screenwriters something similar happens. We discussed a lot about design and web page information to conclude that people should be directed to the media. No matter who gets there by chance understand our services. Mind you, there are other worse.
In an attempt to explain, I go here the news starting with 2010. Two comic book publications Dago in Italy. "The Order of the Golden Dragon", in February and "The hallmark of Orbashá" in March. Go
if I like the new and saves a fitting two in one post.
Still, she published her third album art news. They were published as usual by Eura Editoriale, but by Aurea Editoriale reconfiguration, while maintaining the same schedule of titles and characters. The publisher has changed hands or not. Its new owners are Enzo Marino, chief financial officer, and Sergio Loss, histórtico Managing Editor. People who know.
And as space becomes limited me, I will not review the stories, but if they want to read the review (in Italian) of one of them can do so at:
And not least, the reading public opinion:
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