Midwives and gynecologists open a war for attending births
Supongo que muchos ya seréis conocedores de la noticia que salto hace unos días sobre el hospital Materno Infantil de Málaga:
Matronas y ginecólogos abren una guerra por la asistencia a los partos
El Materno Infantil decide que la responsabilidad de los alumbramientos sin complicaciones recaiga en las comadronas.
Ginecólogos y matronas juegan en el mismo equipo, pero no siempre están de acuerdo a la hora de aplicar los criterios que deben prevalecer en un parto. A veces surgen roces y choques de competencias. Esto es lo que ocurre estos días en el Hospital Materno Infantil. La aprobación de una guía para la atención de los partos normal and without complications (eutocic) has triggered a war between specialists in obstetrics and gynecology and midwives. Feelings are running high, as recognized by this newspaper yesterday several sources consulted.
The problem arises because the guide above gives the responsibility of midwives in normal childbirth. That move has angered and upset by gynecologists, who feel that they removed an authority to which they are entitled. The confrontation between the two groups is evident. Thus, in open battle because of the implementation of the document that governs the way in which we must attend natural births, management should intervene Carlos Haya Regional Hospital, which Maternal belongs to try to pacify the situation and find a solution that satisfies both parties.
At present, specialists in obstetrics and gynecology have seen their powers curtailed, and that responsibility rests with an uncomplicated birth midwives directly. Thus, midwives call the doctor just in case during delivery is a complication that requires that labor be manipulated or even have to use her to perform a caesarean section for pregnant women.
discomfort among physicians that the direction of Mother has been given greater powers to the midwives has raised hackles among physicians. Gynecologists argue that the responsibility for normal deliveries must be shared between them and the midwives, but in no way should be taken alone by them. The malaise among physicians is clear, as acknowledged the sources consulted. In that sense, gynecologists have drafted a letter calling for the reconsideration of the situation. Seeking to address the liability is both physicians and midwives. Experts hope the manager and medical director Carlos Haya, Antonio Perez and Jose Antonio Trujillo Rielo, respectively, mediate the conflict and change the Guide has been approved with the approval of the director of the Mother and Child, Peter Garcia Fortea, and the head of obstetrics and gynecology, Alberto Reche. Disagreement with the boss
fact, one of the things that has angered his boss gynecologists has signed the document that gives them responsibility for normal births to midwives. The doctors do not realize that Dr. Reche has given the green light to this action knowing that they were against it, a fact that has created disagreements with his boss to feel unauthorized.
gynecologists see how, with the implementation of that guidance, "the power of midwives at birth without complications is very high", while being aware that midwives can legally assume responsibility in this type of delivery, and who are ready and have specific training for it.
Basically, what underlies it is a confrontation between two sectors that sometimes hold different views at the time of birth attendant. There is a common among midwives committed to achieving a natural birth as possible, avoiding whenever possible the medicalization of it, since they consider what is best for pregnant women.
Gynaecologists trust that takes your request to be stewards of uncomplicated births and that competition is not held only by midwives. Carlos Haya makers face a clash between two groups. To pacify the courage and resolve the problem should negotiate and agree on both positions. Medical sources said the presence of an obstetrician in the delivery room is an element that provides security and reassurance to pregnant women and their families. "What gives a bad image is a full discussion between doctors and midwives childbirth," they said.
good news finally came, at last a little step, but the next day break the following news:
reverses the Maternal and leave normal deliveries gynecologists
amended Hospital the document away to specialists for uncomplicated births.
specialists in obstetrics and gynecology at the Maternal and Child may participate in normal childbirth. Be responsible for such assistance with midwives. Thus, the leadership of Carlos Haya Regional Hospital, which is composed of the Maternal and have intervened to end the malaise among gynecologists after the development of a guide which states that such responsibility rests births in midwifery. The document has caused strong dissatisfaction among the physicians.
Sources consulted by this newspaper said that the Mother has been reversed and left not force the implementation of the guide, which will be reviewed and amended for the purpose of which incorporate the specialists in obstetrics and gynecology are jointly responsible for uncomplicated deliveries. The issue is solved after accounting manager Carlos Haya, Antonio Pérez Rielo, that the above guide can be improved and a meeting held yesterday by the medical director Carlos Haya, José Antonio Trujillo, with gynecologists. Next week there will be another meeting of the working group drafting the document on the support of normal births with the intent to improve it.
Trujillo said after the meeting with the doctors that the hospital's goal is to meet women to calve in the best possible conditions. The medical director Carlos Haya said: "With an interest in integrating the working group that made the guide, in order to make improvements to the document, respect the powers and responsibilities that the law gives each medical professional."
For his part, President of the College of Physicians, Juan José Sánchez Luque, expressed surprise at the fact that gynecologists were kept away from normal births. "It seems unthinkable, because it is a process in which complications and contingencies can arise at any time, so care must be comprehensive. Can not leave gynecologists outside, "he said.
The provincial secretary of the Union of Nursing (SATS), Eugenio Perez, said that 'midwives are trained, and professional competence to be responsible for the eutocic or normal. They are the ones to lead them. "
Ephemeral news, "too good to be true? I do not know ... I do know is that the company is taking away something to the midwives who by law is theirs.
liar I'm not putting my opinion here, because I could go into a lot.
just want support from this insignificant blog to the entire group of midwives, who by the way, I to say they are being well supported by many organizations and people in general.
I have no network to join the network that was created in support, so use this little blog and at least help spread the news.
Please, anyone passing through here, I ask you to put your two cents and enter this address:
Source: Southern Journal .
Monday, April 26, 2010
Friday, April 9, 2010
Rendering Xenon Vs Quad

by Manuel Morini
Sometimes it is difficult to explain the office of one. When someone outside the Communication Sciences asks you what you do and you say that, among other things, you're comic writer, is better than you found it again in your life. As I see you I will strengthen an joyful hand wondering how are your drawings. So that, with patience, you must repeat that you are a writer, not cartoonist, not entirely sure what you have understood.
A new problem arises when I confess that my works are published in Argentina on rare occasions (because so much excitement when it happens). There in your eyes perceive a shadow of doubt, but prefer not comment. His involuntary syllogism is that you're finding a Versero, or worse, a station wagon.
With the work we do in Bureau Screenwriters something similar happens. We discussed a lot about design and web page information to conclude that people should be directed to the media. No matter who gets there by chance understand our services. Mind you, there are other worse.
In an attempt to explain, I go here the news starting with 2010. Two comic book publications Dago in Italy. "The Order of the Golden Dragon", in February and "The hallmark of Orbashá" in March. Go
if I like the new and saves a fitting two in one post.
Still, she published her third album art news. They were published as usual by Eura Editoriale, but by Aurea Editoriale reconfiguration, while maintaining the same schedule of titles and characters. The publisher has changed hands or not. Its new owners are Enzo Marino, chief financial officer, and Sergio Loss, histórtico Managing Editor. People who know.
And as space becomes limited me, I will not review the stories, but if they want to read the review (in Italian) of one of them can do so at:
And not least, the reading public opinion:
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