One of the series but I always liked is "Charmed", I really like the world of magic, demons and witches, perhaps because Galician Haila so that if any ...
In case anyone has not seen this series, I explain briefly, were three sisters who one day discover they are witches and have to learn to live much as their powers, as demons he must defeat, as between themselves ...
remember one episode of season 2, but remember correctly, in which one sister, Phoebe, had some strange dreams with men, in which she seduced ... shortly after they discover that the men with whom she dreams are found dead. Then realize that Phoebe is linked to a succubus who uses it to kill their victims. And this is where I wanted to take my entry today, succubi, those creatures that can kill its victim to move through the seduction or sex ...
demon is a female form that strikes men over night to steal their succubus semen.El adopts an attractive way, knowing that men are excited by the sight and easily fall at the feet of a sexy girl. Depending on the area geográfica, la leyenda varía y, aunque siempre se trata de mujeres hermosas, cambian algunas de sus características y su forma de hacer el mal: algunas mitologías hablan de demonios masculinos que toman la forma de mujeres muertas para consumir al hombre; otras, de beldades que viajan montadas en burro y poseen vaginas dentadas con las que castrar al hombre que las penetre; otras, de mujeres aladas que, cual mantis religiosas, se comen al hombre vivo durante el acto sexual… También hay cuadros que pintan a los súcubos como seres híbridos, mujeres humanas mezcladas con bestias, que lucen cornamentas, colmillos, cascos de caballo, alas de Cthulhu y otros complementos de pesadilla que acentúan su rara belleza.
His way of working is similar to the incubus (the male demon succubus, another day I will speak of it), but has the advantage that men have less barriers, thinks with his penis and easier to seduce, as almost always, no need to preheat and attacks him directly in an attractive, full of bends and curves. After a night of many erections and ejaculations, mingled with fear and pangs of vertigo, come the tide: a morning of weakness, fatigue and blurred memories and morbid but disturbing. As Professor Manuel Carballo in his frightening book Malignant Syndrome, "unless the remains semen or blood found in the sheets, the victim will remember the experience as a dream. " This at first, then the thing becomes an obsession and, often, still conscious of being under the influence of a succubus, man can not help but shed his seminal energy every night, leaving work, women, children and lovers to indulge in body and soul to the devil at night ... to death.
The succubi attack all kinds of men, but have a preference for the more spiritual, especially artists and religious. There is more to take a look at the classic gothic novel The Monk, written by Matthew Gregory Lewis in 1796, in which a priest in hell just because of a demon disguised in the form of a beautiful woman.

Throughout the history of magic and legends have been several different names as Abrahel succubi, Lilith (pictured left) Rusalka, Florina Vasordiel or Iutzi.
Abrahel is a female demon whose characteristics are associated with those spirits called succubi night. His name began to gain some popularity when the Demonologist Nicholas Remy's discovered in his Demonolatria (1581). Always takes the form of a tall and delicate forms, but can not completely hide his demonic nature.
From what I have read in some books it appears that Abrahel won a pastor called Pierrot in 1581 in a village on the banks of the Moselle. Abrahel gave the pastor in exchange for the life of his son, whom he killed with a poisoned apple. Pierrot realizing his complicity in the issue became desperate. Abrahel again appeared promising the resurrection of the dead if he was worshiped as God. So Pierrot did and worshiped Abrahel with your child again but with a grim portrait. Year the demon left the child's body that fell struck emitting a stench. He was buried in a hidden.

According to Malleus Maleficarum or Hammer of Witches (the guide to the major witch hunts of the Renaissance) succubi not spill the semen of their victims, but rather collect and then use it to pregnant women and create monsters. In other texts of the period specified that succubi, upon receiving the semen inside, develop a penis and become an incubus for later re-inject the same semen on female victims.
This is what I have read about the Succubus, if I can too I will tell the story of the incubator, which is also quite interesting.
As a final thought to say that this gives me some Semaj at Dawn, the fourth and final Twilight book, which tells the story of a vampire who impregnates several women saying that death is an angel, of which engradraciones hybrids are born different, not always good, and always end up in hell ... as is the case of Nahuel or our dear and beloved Nessie! I hope you enjoy!
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