In A Costa da Morte there are several legends of sunken cities, among which we highlight the city of Duio (Finisterre), the Gomorrah, in the estuary of Corcubión, who disappeared while its inhabitants enjoyed a great feast, that of Vilaverde, compared to beach of the same name in Moraime (Muxía) of A Fonte de Ricamonde (Carnot), which states that hides a Roman city, or that of Valverde, in the Laguna de Lock (Laxe).
Of all these legendary cities, the best known is the Duio. Older people still preserves legends that speak of this mysterious city. Some say that their ancestors have heard that in brañas near At the beach Lagosteira, there was a city. One day there was war, there was Jesus Christ and said: "May God turn, we can not." And then the old city have gone underground.

Another legend tells of a cataclysm that engulfed the city altogether, of which only saved the horse from a neighbor called Gures, who wandered through the area a long time, until a day he went into the sea and drowned, being transformed into two boulders known by the name of Bois de Gures Os.
Within these legends include those relating to the forts, as it is rare that Castro has not kept its legend. Most of them allude to their inhabitants, the existence of treasure or certain spells.
Thus, the fort of Borneiro (Cabana), states that the Moors lived there, where they had their city, or even that there is a golden beam that goes from CIDA to Borneiro castro (the latter located in a hill nearby.)
Castro de Frixe (Muxía), the older report that was made by the Moors who lived in the fort and had a tunnel that connected to a source, where the Moors were going to fetch water. It is also said there is a cure buried gold.
Castro de Mourín (Camariñas), it is said that there was a cave with a treasure guarded by a Moor; some time, a man attempted to seize him, and although he could kill the mythical guardian, could not seize the treasure galleries since collapsed.
most beautiful legend connected to the world of the forts is, undoubtedly, that of Buser, referring to Castro's Xansón (Moraime-Muxía). It reads:
"In ancient times there were in the top of a hill fort in the place of Os Castelos, a great fortress belonging to a rich and valiant knight, father of a beautiful girl named Florinda.
In one of his absences forced the owner of the castle the gates came a brave fellow named Buser. Galician troubadour songs was love and war. Entered the fortress, saw Florinda and both enamoraron.Llegó Florinda's father from a distant land and fight, knowing the love affairs of her daughter, drove the young troubadour and Florinda locked in a corner of the fortress. This decision meant that the two men are wanted more, and every night went to Florinda Buser songs from the surrounding buttes.
Knight, enraged, ordered the persecution and killing of Buser. So did the servants. Buser grabbed him and threw him from the top of a cliff to a furna the sea, drowning her forever free voz.Puesta Florinda and learning about the tragic end of Buser, went mad and walked for many days and nights by the seashore calling for her lover.
One night a gentleman servant gave the news that her daughter saw screaming at the top of the Furnas.
- Buser Where are you?
And from the depths of the sea could be heard lyrics trovador.De of a sudden, a giant wave, broken foam, climbed the cliff and wrapped with Florinda, carrying with it the bottom of the Furnas.

The echo the plaintive voice echoed Buser for many years, as fishermen claimed they had been fishing near the furna (cave at the base of a cliff). Even today the place is credited with the power to grant letters of love to everyone who comes to apply .
* Furnas: Cave or cave on a beach.
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